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Posts posted by WackerJr

  1. 9 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    This is the next game on Switch's Game Trials feature.

    "First hit's free".

    Brilliant!  I’ve been too stingy to pay the £4 so far for this (that plus I’m still a long way from catching up on my backlog!), but I will definitely check this out during the trial period!

  2. It seemed common sense not to release this at the same time. I know Sega’s advertising has made some questionable decisions over the years, but it should never have been released that week, regardless of whether it was Nintendo or Sega that picked the date first.  

  3. Thanks all.  6 dungeons in now and no deaths (not bragging as I did play a lot of the DX version, and Crazy Tracey’s potion has been reapplied on occasion!).  It’s mainly to know whether it’s worth reloading should I die in the latter stages.  From the consensus I’ll persevere to finish death-less, but good to know that if I hadn’t already up to this point then I wouldn’t have worried.  Cheers!

  4. Glad to hear someone else enjoying this game.  Link’s Awakening DX was my first GameBoy Color game (the first handheld game I ever owned), having bought the console to play this game alone, and I was not disappointed.

    I’ve finally gotten around to playing the Switch version, having put it off due to how close to the original I heard it was, and so offering very little actually new.  I’m entering my 6th dungeon right now, and I agree with what’s been said in this thread, it plays it a little to safe and close to the original.  The frame rate really does stutter in a lot of areas.  I’m thankfully not too bothered by the drops and it hasn’t affected my enjoyment though.

    I’ve been a little disappointed in the dungeon maker, but I’m not sure what I was expecting.  Part of the joy of Zelda dungeons is in solving its various puzzles and the mystery of what’s coming next.  With the dungeon maker you use rooms you’ve already solved or explored, and there’s no mystery because you’ve designed it yourself.

    Overall though, I still love the game.  The world design and how everything ties together and the new items/abilities allow you access to new areas is great.  All while keeping the world small enough so that you’re never too far away from the next area, or if you fancy exploring then you won’t have to wander around for hours.

    Ok, onto the next dungeon.  Spoiler-free question for those who have completed it - is it still worth finishing it without dying? 

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  5. Spoiler

    I was worried you’d spend most of the time watching them sit around talking, but the challenges during the day add some interesting twists.

    Most of them seem so fickle though!  One person is deliberately asked to rank the others, or put themselves in the hypothetical order, with no rewards, and some of them are getting upset with them.  It doesn’t matter people!

    The ‘all it needs is one vote’ is a clever way to put everyone on edge mind.  I wonder how long it’ll take the millionaire to tell everyone. He’s just dying to broadcast it, at which point someone’s going to get annoyed and vote him out I expect.

    Thanks. I’m three episodes into The Trust and it’s an interesting concept.


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  6. Like most responses, I personally would love it but it won’t be the deciding factor for me.

    I still have a backlog of Switch games.  I’ve had this issue on other consoles, but when I couldn’t play them on the system I had out they tend to get pushed the back and in most cases I’ve been too lazy to break out the old console to play it.  The portability of Switch may help, as I still occasionally play 3DS / DS games as it’s little effort to simply pick up that console.

  7. Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll is brutally hard in later levels!  I don’t remember it being that tough, even with the rewind feature.

    Although saying that, I don’t remember getting that far in the first place so I doubt I ever saw those levels before…

    • Like 1

  8. I love the news is that they’ve delayed something they haven’t even announced yet.  I also think it’s a great cop out for a leaker to say something had been delayed when they’re proven to be wrong…

    Ok so that’s me being cynical as I appreciate Jeff does seem to have a lot of reputable contacts (‘reputable’ meaning they’ll tell him secrets so that term seems a bit contradictory to me!), so it’s possible this has all happened.

  9. I can’t see them pulling out of the console race like this, so I expect that to be all hype.  My prediction is like many others, to announce they’ll be publishing some games on other platforms.  Possibly a revision to their current hardware, and an update to GamePass.

    Whatever the case, this is probably the most interest there’s been in an Xbox podcast!

  10. Oh I haven’t started the 2nd Aussie one yet, but I certainly will!

    Despite my frustrations over some of the actions of UK contestants in the final episodes, it made for great television! 😁

    • Like 1

  11. 4 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

    I’m more inclined to think he was asked to resign. 

    Yep it’s Rumble time. Unfortunately it looks like the winner is going to be easy to pick. For the women’s rumble the last graphic they had only actually showed four named entrants. So I’m guessing it’ll be one of those. I’m hoping Bayley. The men’s seems a bit more open but I’m thinking it may be between two. I wouldn’t actually be surprised if they do a draw, with it being WM 40 and they have had big main events at these ones. If not I’d love to see Gunther win this year. 

    I LOVE the Rumble, even if it’s let me down on too many occasions.  I think Bayley is a strong guess.  I can’t see anyone else winning it (Becky Lynch & Bianca seem too obvious) unless Sasha Banks / Mercedes Mone makes a surprise return!  I’d love to see Mickie James enter again and get a decent showing.

    I agree about the Men’s.  There aren’t a lot of contenders, but those they have are difficult to pick from.  CM Punk seems a strong bet, but would they trust him to headline Wrestlemania when he hasn’t yet had a televised match since returning?  Cody again is almost too obvious at this point.  Drew is doing some fantastic character work, but he & Cody have both lost in their title matches.  Gunther’s had one of the strongest bookings in WWE.  After his recent good promo with Seth, is that WWE fooling us?  Finally, could we see The Rock enter? He doesn’t need the Rumble to earn his shot though…. Tough to call, but that’s exciting!  I’m guessing CM Punk but can’t wait to see this.

    Oh, and really hoping Kofi nails his spot this year!

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  12. The Netflix deal is huge!  I agree with eyes on what happens to the WWE Network.  I like it for the latest PLEs and access to some of the older ones.  It’ll be interesting to see how Netflix handle them, whether they’re all saved or time-limited, whether they have access to any older stuff, etc.

    Rock vs Roman has been hyped as a theoretical for so long now, with Roman claiming to be ‘Head of the Table’ for so long and the most important member of the family.  I’m excited if this finally happens, but after being out of the ring for so long I’m not sure how good the actual match would be.  Roman’s style of match suits The Rock (slow and story-lead), but we’ll see.  Of course, WWE could be baiting us all as it’s done so often in the past (take Survivor Series a couple years ago dedicated to celebrating The Rock, except there ended up being no appearance by the man himself…).

  13. Sorry to join this with only one week left of the current series, we started watching it late, but at least it meant we could binge most of it!

    I’m enjoying this again, with enough slight changes from the other series to make it feel different.

    That funeral trial was dark! 😂

    I’m interested to see whether the latest traitor does cause some trouble.  I thought the traitors would be a shoe-in at this stage, as the faithful have spotted the signs of the traitors (eg., why was Harry not murdered when he was the obvious choice, earlier on when Paul survived when it was between him and Meg in the dungeon), but they’ve been so sporadic with their guesses that they don’t seem to have faith in each others’ suspicions!  Ross hinting at the end that he wants revenge could spice up the finale!


  14. 5 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    Doesn't matter.  The original version is already out there and TPC already have the files to comb through.  The game would've already been sold with copyright infringing assets.

    If they find that the model data matches, Pocket Pair are fucked, and will only be extra fucked if they attempt to remove the models now; because then it becomes obvious that they removed it because they knew they'd get caught.  We already have the legal precedent for this, and it's what won Nintendo the Unfair Competition claim in the Nintendo VS Enterbrain case.

    That’s interesting to know.  I was assuming they’d get destroyed by Nintendo’s lawyers taking them to town, but would then release all all-new version of the same game but with more original characters and succeed based on the hype that this original obtained.  Whereas actually now this has given me hope that they’ll just get royally smacked and the game completely removed (at least as much as it can be now there are so many copies out in the wild).

  15. I agree with the majority it seems.  I prefer physical media still, although I’ve seen the positives to digital downloads over the past few years more and more.  The subscription services still have so many potential flaws & issues for the future that it’s still a worry now dominantly they’re being used.

    Watching the speedrunning community tackle older games at Awesome Games Done Quick this week have reminded me that Other things subscription services would spoil the opportunity for games to be enjoyed in alternate ways in the future.  Many of these games have to be played on their native consoles, often on cart but of course can be played using the digital version on the host console.  Removing games from being played in the future removes these opportunities.

    Sorry, back to Sea of Stars discussion!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  16. On 01/01/2024 at 8:28 AM, S.C.G said:


    Site News: Happy New Year!

    - - - - -

    Yep, it's the time of year again...

    This years post is a little different, but it's a celebration of life, and a reminder to just enjoy the moment.

    And there's some game related stuff in there too, plus it explains a bit of what has been going on with the site.

    Anyway, all the best, here's to 2024 and living in the moment, whatever that means for you, be it playing games or just enjoying life. :peace:

    (and if you have any fond memories to share, about old games/stores, and/or involving family or people you know or knew... please do, if you like)

    Nice article & appreciation to those who impact your life (as well as keeping this site afloat).  A quick Google search has told me the story of the Faceless Monkey and I’m sorry to hear about that, and pleased to hear that his family have reopened, and hope it continues.  It looks like a great place with fun events and I wish there could’ve been a place like that up the road in Devon growing up (or nearby to me nowadays).

    Here’s to all those who keep our love for gaming thriving, and to you, Josh & the rest of the forum members for 2024!

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  17. Spoiler


    Ok, so I’d forgotten the other game I completed last year before Tears of the Kingdom started taking up all of my gaming time!

    Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time (PS4)

    I was leant this by my sister-in-law so felt the need to play it, despite my less-than-stellar experience with the Crash Trilogy.  Thankfully they did a great job of updating the gameplay and addressing many of the issues with the original titles, while still feeling like a Crash game.

    Better highlighting where you’re going to land, having the camera pan out a little further for those levels you run towards the camera, and forgoing the lives system (as you’ll still die a lot!) all make a dramatic difference!

    There’s more variety with more characters (even if I didn’t know some of them, having been introduced post-Crash 3) and gameplay styles and it looks lovely.

    There are bonuses for doing well in levels (dying few times, collecting apples, finding secret gems) although you can complete the game without getting them.  These felt fairly rewarding until coming across some levels where I was never going to complete them dying so few times without investing a heavy amount of time to learn those levels.  Then finding out that for full completion I’d need to do this for every level TWICE that wasn’t for me.  I feel quite satisfied to have beaten the final boss and I’ve no urge to play through it again.

    Happy to have played it and feel Crash has improved, and I feel quite content to give this back to my sister-in-law.


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