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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. Fair enough, but I don't think the pointer would work nearly as well as a mouse. Not to mention the lack of buttons. I think the pointer could really work for games like Pikmin, but in the case of games like StarCraft, you'd end up with a really watered-down experience on the Wii.

  2. Never quite seen an RTS on a NINTENDO system.

    Not many anyway.

    To be fair, you don't see a lot of RTS games on consoles, period. ;)



    Also, I haven't played it, but The Conduit looks really, really bad. Certainly not a series I'd want as my headlining FPS if I were Nintendo, anyway.

  3. No one Lives Forever 2??

    It's the first game, but the character is in both games (Magnus Armstrong, hence why I said he had an awesome name), so close enough. :grin:



    That just leaves the last game, which clearly no one here has played. :sad:



    To sum up:


    016: *Puts on German hat* Nein, you will get no hints for this screenshot.

    016: Nein. Nein. Get it?

    016: I'm really disappointed that no one's been able to get this one, but seeing as how this game - which was recently translated and released in the US - is unlikely to ever be released in PAL territories, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.


    Also, it's a visual novel and the girl in the screenshot is one of the main characters.

  4. Come on guys, tell that right (or left hand for the devil spawn few) hand:


    "You've put up with me through thick and thin! Through raids and monsters! Through Mario* and Zelda**! Through girls in magazines to girls on those websites! I love you!"


    Everyone has someone to be thankful for!


    *Enter game character as appropriate

    **See above

    I don't need one special day to show my hand that I love it. It already knows because I tell it every day. :blank:

  5. I really enjoyed Mirror's Edge. It wasn't perfect, but I would have loved to have seen a sequel that fixed the first game's flaws. Though it's not really surprising that there won't be a one, considering how badly the first game sold. :sad:


    DICE is going to be stuck making Battlefield games forever now.

  6. When I broke up with my ex last year I too thought I made the biggest mistake in my life. We got back together and 3 weeks later I broke up again ergo I was the jerk...well, I deserved it.

    It's funny how you posted a How I Met Your Mother video, because this reminds me of when Ted broke up with a girl on her birthday, and then got back together with her a couple of years later only to break up with her on her birthday again. :heh:

  7. 19. Garfield: The Search for Pookie


    I don't know how could any of us find out that one without the full screenshot. Where did you get that screenshot?

    I may have taken it myself. :heh:


    But yes, you're correct.



    Final (?) hints:


    016: I'm really disappointed that no one's been able to get this one, but seeing as how this game - which was recently translated and released in the US - is unlikely to ever be released in PAL territories, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

    022: This is an FPS from a developer that mainly makes FPS games. These days they're mostly supposed to be scary (assuming you find little girls and hobos scary), but this game is the complete opposite of their current ones.

  8. I'd rather have a smaller, better designed world. Just Cause 2 is the worst sandbox game I've played.

    I second this (not the Just Cause 2 part, as I've only played the demo). I don't see how a world as big as the one in Just Cause 2 would really add anything to GTA. I thought the world in San Andreas was already pushing it (the whole desert area didn't do much for me) and I just used cabs to get around in GTA IV, anyway.


    It's not the size that matters - it's what you do with it. ;)

  9. Is 14 Anachronox?

    Yes. Yes, it is. I was wondering when someone was going to get it, seeing as how Wikipedia only has about eight games listed as using the Quake II engine. :smile:



    Some more hints:


    016: Nein. Nein. Get it?

    017: This game was so bad that the developer was kicked off the series.

    019: Think one of the most popular and well-known comic strips.

    020: This will probably give it away, but 'four' is part of the title.

    022: The developer has sadly moved on to making gray horror games.

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