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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. If the other one you mean is Paper Mario then I am right there with you :D

    It is. *High five*


    This looks quite good already and I'm it will be an amazing game.

    I'm it will be an amazing game too.

  2. Further info: Apparently it's more inspired by Dwarf Fortress, and done in a Minecraft/Infiniminer style.

    So instead of just being a Minecraft clone, it's a Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft clone! That's... not better.


    At least the person making it is honest about not having any original ideas, but I still can't take DwarfFortressMinecraft seriously. :blank:

  3. Wouldn't a straight Grindr just be filled with 90% horny straight guys? They might as well just use regular Grindr! :blank:


    I've tried OkCupid, but it's simply not big enough in Denmark to be really viable. I guess I'd need to sign up to a Danish dating site, but they all seem to require payment.

    Or do the long-distance thing. There was a whole Seinfeld episode about how great it is to date a woman you don't have to spend any time with.


    I'm just after booting up Grindr. Turns out someone is after banning me!

    Apparently it was due to "inappropriate behavior, language and/or conduct" What?! :hmm:

    That's what happens when you don't put out! :nono:

  4. How it is possible that the 10-year-old Missile was able to talk to you all the way in the past of 10 years ago. I still don't quite understand 'Missile's own story' which he tells you about in the end.

    Here's how I remember it: Missile died and then he talked to Sissel, but failed to get him to help him save Kamila. After that, he somehow managed to make his way to the submarine and used Sissel's body to travel back in time ten years (but obviously he couldn't change anything because of his limited powers). After that, I think he just waited around for ten years until he got a second chance to talk to Sissel.


  5. Well, not all of them who've been interested are old men. There's been others, I swear!

    Haha, sure there has. :p


    I might brave the sea of old men at some point when I'm feeling more emotionally stable. Right now I don't think I could deal with being rejected/rejecting someone. I'd end up in a committed long-term relationship with the first person who messaged me!

  6. Coolness needs to get laid. :blank:


    As for you though I'd recommend that you try it :) There are some generally awesome people too. People who you'd probably never meet under 'normal' circumstances.

    I imagine that it's much easier to start chatting as it's less awkward plus you feel a little more open too and not afraid to talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.


    That's just my experience/2 cents.

    "The only people who have ever shown interest in me on online dating sites are old men. You should totally try it, though!" :heh:


    My old guild leader in WoW tried to buy an item off someone in the marketplace, but accidently messaged the person beneath. They got talking after their coincidental communication and became good friends, and eventually started the guild together. The guild was running for quite some time, 5 or 6 months when the leader abruptly handed the guild over to someone else due to "family issues" and being too busy to run it. Having been good friends with the guy, I message him to make sure everything is alright. It is - he's just moving to Iceland to move in with the other player - who is now his girlfriend.


    It's been a couple of months and they're getting on really well together which just goes to show that anything is possible! :D

    That's a nice story. :smile:


    I know a Turkish girl who met her Swedish boyfriend through WoW. I knew there was a reason that game is so popular!

  7. I knew a couple who met each other on a forum. Eventually she moved to Australia to be with him. Last I heard, they were still living happily ever after.


    And it's funny you should post this thread now, as I was just talking about online dating with a friend the other day. Apparently he's met a girl on a dating site and now he thinks I should try it out too.


    Just today I've been approached by about 7/8 people who are all I'n their fourties/late thirties. aRGH!!!!

    The easiest way to meet someone online is to either a) be a reasonably attractive woman, or b) be into older men.

  8. Skipping the first Mass Effect ruins the most emotional part in Mass Effect 2 - the part where you find the destroyed Mako. Goodnight, sweet prince. :sad:


    That said, I'd like to see it go away all together. I mean, you are on an important mission for God's sake.


  9. Scanning planets sucked, but at least on subsequent plays, you start with bonus resources. I was fortunate enough to play the game after my brother had already finished it, so I didn't have to do too much planet scanning. I can't believe they traded the Mako for this. :blank:


    I'm not sure if your gender and karma carry over if you replay the game with the same character (at the very least, I don't think karma does), but it's not recommended, anyway. Enemies scale to your level, but you're not going to have any good weapons/equipment, making the game much harder at the beginning. Unless you're going for the achievement/trophy for reaching level 30, you may as well just start over with a new character.

  10. What I could really go for is some Grim Fandango 2!

    Oh, God, no. Let's not soil the first game with a sequel. :blank:


    I vote for 999. It's awesome. Much more interesting that what I've played of Hotel Dusk. Plus you're clearly interested in playing it.


    Or, if by some miracle you haven't played them, the Telltale Monkey Island episodes were really good.

  11. I'm out. Modern Warfare 2 was horrible and I have no interest in multiplayer. :blank:


    Edit: Man, this was an unproductive post. I'm so over countdowns and teaser trailers and announcements of announcements of games that will sell millions of copies anyway, though. And the Kotakus and IGNs of the world just keep lapping it up.

  12. Eh, Nintendo's doing fine. If they still haven't gone out of business after all of the bad decisions they've made through the years, we're never getting rid of them.


    But don't worry. Having sex on a motorbike gets rid of headaches.*

    That's a lie. It only cures ice-cream headaches. :blank:


    You should watch Community, by the way. It's quickly become my favorite NBC comedy. :smile:

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