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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. 5 hours ago, Sheikah said:

    So I started playing the remake of the first Ratchet and Clank (the one they recently upgraded to 60 FPS for PS5). Honestly I don't think this series is for me. Everything about the game that I played in the first hour or so just felt so unremarkable. The combat is easy and imprecise, the plot and tone childish (like a Saturday morning cartoon), and the levels look cluttered (with obscene amounts of drops). I can imagine children would like this game but it felt to me like a complete load of nothing, the sort of game you'd play and forget in no time.

    The remake is one of the worst (non-spin-off) games in the series, to be fair.

    Which was basically what I told Julius a few weeks ago when I said that he should play the PS3 games instead, but then you felt the need to correct me and tell him that no, he'd be better off playing the remake actually - even though you apparently hadn't even played it yourself? :confused:

  2. 6 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    "It is a first person and third person game, like our other ones. We like that style of gameplay. First person for us is still our prime way of playing"

    So it will give you the option to play both? I always thought all Bethesda Softworks games were first person.

    There's been a third-person option in all of their RPGs since Morrowind. I found the third-person mode kind of poor in the games I've played (which is just the Fallouts, to be fair), but a lot of people don't seem to mind them, so maybe I'm just expecting too much.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, darksnowman said:

    To break things up before  @Vileplume2000 scores an uncoveted (?) quadruple post, some books that I had recommended to me in recent months that I followed through and read are The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell, The House on the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune, The Institue by Stephen King and of course the Ask Iwata book.

    All worth a read if you ever come to the end of your reading list.

    Man, The House in The Cerulean Sea was way too twee for me. If you want a better novel (in my opinion) about a middle-aged homosexual where nothing major happens, then I recommend Less by Andrew Sean Greer.

    • Thanks 1
  4. For years I intended to play through the Elder Scrolls series, but I kept putting it off because of my obsessive need to start from the first game - and I didn't really feel like playing Arena or Daggerfall (plus the length of the games didn't help).

    And then I played Fallout 4 for like 80 hours and I disliked it so much that it completely cured me of my interest in The Elder Scrolls. At least something good came out of it!

    • Thanks 1
  5. I saw a lot people complain about Persona 5 when it was released, saying that the plot and pacing were much better in Persona 4, and I remember thinking, "these people have not played Persona 4 recently." :p

    Great game, though, even if I think it'd be a bit hard to go back after all of the quality of life improvements in Persona 5.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Julius said:

    Maybe? But having not played a Ratchet & Clank game before, I'd rather start with the most recent in this instance mainly as a crash course entry into the series more than anything else.

    I think it'll probably give me a better idea of modern Insomniac's take on R&C, plus it'll be much faster than going through all of the (earlier) games - because if I did plan to go back to games earlier than the 2016 one, knowing me, that's me playing through all of the games from the start :p

    Not to say that I won't go back to them at some point, but yeah, it's just to get familiar with it more than anything. I don't mind some of the story/nods going over my head, and hearing that the PS3 games might be better just makes it more likely that I'll go back to them at some point :D

    I did a full playthrough of the series before the remake was released. It took me a full month, so you'd be getting a bit of a late start... hmm, but you could shave off some time by skipping some of the lesser spinoffs. :idea:

    If you're considering going back at some point anyway, you may as well just skip the remake for now. The story isn't canon (also it's garbage) and the gameplay will feel fresher in Rift Apart if it's your first game. But hey, you do you. I just really like the PS3 games and think they're underrated. :p


    4 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

    No I'm pretty sure it's a remake of the first one.

    Jeez, another one? How many times are they going to remake the first game!?

  7. 2 hours ago, Julius said:

    Three and a half weeks away and I've yet to play the 2016 game...guess that's what I'm playing next :laughing:

    Isn't this supposed to be a sequel to the PS3 games? Surely you'd be better off playing those instead if you haven't already.

    Plus they're much better games, in my opinion...

  8. 38 minutes ago, Aperson said:

    I do think this game does have the slow beginning problem that also plagues the likes of Twilight Princess, Kingdom Hearts II and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But the story certainly seems to be picking up the pace and I'm intruiged to see where it goes... the thing is though I've now heard that you need to collect all the weapons in order to see all the endings so I'm having to farm for money to buy the weapons at the shops that I don't have yet. They're pretty expensive now!

    You could just YouTube the endings, since nothing changes except the ending cutscene after your second playthrough. :p

    I've played Nier twice and I can barely remember anything of the story. To be honest, Yoko Taro's stories only ever half make sense to me. That might be one of the reasons why I wasn't as taken with Nier: Automata as everyone else seemed to be.

  9. JpeFRJf.jpg

    I beat the game last night. I was seriously considering going for the secret ending, but apparently, because I didn't do enough runs, I'd have to replay the second half of the game before I could even begin working towards it. It already seemed like too much work before that... I can't be bothered right now. Maybe later.

    It was a really fun game, though.

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  10. I replayed Red Dead Redemption for the first time since release in the lead-up to the sequel. It wasn't as good as I remembered it, although I still had a decent time with it. The samey missions really started to bug me after a while and the story really drags during the second act, but the atmosphere is great. I still need to play Red Dead Redemption 2, but I feel like there's no way it won't get some sort of next-generation upgrade, so buying it at this point would probably be stupid.

    One thing that really impressed me when I replayed the game was how they'd done motion capture for all of the sidequests. Even if it's just two characters standing around talking to each other, it feels so much more natural than the usual head-bobbing and arm-waving that you usually get from NPCs in sidequests.


    5 hours ago, Julius said:

    I haven't, I'm guessing that would be Red Dead Revolver? I think I've seen it a few times before while going through the PS Store sales, but it never clicked for some reason or another until just now :laughing: I hadn't really heard too much about it, but you've put it on my radar now so... 

    *adds to wishlist* :D

    Man, I absolutely hated Red Dead Revolver. It's the complete polar opposite of Red Dead Redemption. Bad atmosphere, bad writing, extremely video gamey. There's also a huge difficulty spike near the end. Absolute garbage. I'd only play it if you're interested in the genesis of the series. I wouldn't play it just because you like the sequel.

    That's my two cents, anyway. :p

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, bob said:

    I think i'm done with trying to get the platinum for this. I think i'm at 75 enemies taken down with the remote mine now, and still no trophy popped up. Seems little point in grinding all the other ones if that one isn't coming, and to be honest, i'm kind of glad for the excuse not to!

    This was how I felt when I played Persona 5 Strikers recently. There's one trophy that requires ~15 hours of grinding, and because I wasn't willing to do that, it meant I might as well not bother with the other annoying-but-not-15-hours-of-grinding-annoying trophies, since I wasn't getting the platinum anyway. It was weirdly freeing.

    Maybe I should just play games on non-PlayStation platforms from now on.

    Anyway, I liked Spider-Man: Miles Morales despite a couple of annoying trophies. It was a good effort by famed Xbox developer Insomniac Games. :smile:

    • Haha 1
  12. 8 hours ago, bob said:

    I've been picking away at the requirements for getting the platinum, and I'm wondering if i'll bother. Some of the trophies seem a bit grindey compared to the first

    Except for having to replay the entire game (ugh), I didn't think anything in this game was a as bad as having to stop ~200 random crimes in the first game.

    As for getting a x100 combo, apparently the combo counter doesn't reset if you get hit when you play on easy, so that sounds like an easy way to get it. You could also just save an enemy with a melee weapon for last and punch-dodge-punch-dodge until you get it.

  13. 16 hours ago, Tales said:

    The trophies are bit annoying now, way to many button presses to check on them. I'm sure it will be improved though.

    This is super annoying and makes me not want to check my trophies.

    Well, that and the fact that I hate the new trophy list layout. Four whole trophies on screen at once? You spoil us, Sony.


    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Julius said:

    First Platinum get of 2021! Looking through my others, this was probably the most challenging one I've got my virtual hands on so far.

    I didn't like Sound Shapes at all, but it did give me three platinum trophies thanks to crossplay, and I did like that.

    • Haha 1
  15. 14 hours ago, Will said:

    Unfortunately my lack of hair is meaning I’m starting to burn the top of my head whenever we go in the pool. Decided to splurge a bit and buy my favourite cap from last years F1.

    This is like buying a horse because your car won't start.

    Just buy some hair!

  16. 3 hours ago, Julius said:

    I've just checked and this is nearly half of my current trophy count (1348). Holy cow. Just checked and I've soared by a lot of my friends in terms of trophy levels who have been on PlayStation Network since early on in the PS3's life.

    Which makes it abundantly clear I don't have anyone on here on PSN :blank:

    You should add Hero-of-Time to keep you humble.

    • Haha 3
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