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Everything posted by tie.nano

  1. I'm now inside the Alien ship, in Crysis. The story up to that part has been amazing. It really is a fantastic game. I bought Call Of Duty 4 last week, and got Gears Of War and Crysis this week. It's hard trying to find time to play them all. In fact, I haven't even played Gears Of War yet, Lol.
  2. Would someone mind pm'ing me the brief plot-outline that's on the back of the case, please?
  3. Thanks. Did you see my update?
  4. Thanks. Thank you. Done. Done. So you prefer the shade of purple that Gameplay is currently using for their site? And can you be more specific to which sections of text you think could be changed in size? I've widened the content. Thank you. Update:
  5. Thank you. They'll be less purple when I'm finished with it, Lol.
  6. I've never heard about that before. It seems perfect for people that are looking to start designing signatures, because it gives the user an idea of where not to position certain components. But for the more advanced user (which I would class yourself as), you should explore out of that grid, but always stick to a level of fluidity - making everything flow and pin-pointing a central focus point (A light source is good for making a focal point.)
  7. That's good. I'm glad you're taking into account what I've said, and learning from it. Don't rely on a 'system' to determine certain aspects of signature design. Use your own judgement - your own creative mind...
  8. I decided to design a new template for Gameplay's website...just for practice and to improve my skills. Here's what I've done so far: Comments are welcome. Edit: Update:
  9. For crying out loud. Because you find out that you'll be battling one of the main enemy characters in the game, and that a well known area within the Zelda Franchise...is funnily enough, a "dungeon", from reading what someone else has said on an open forum, you have to piss and moan about it, because you haven't reached those parts of the story yet. ...my god. Grow up.
  10. Mines: 3184 1408 9241 8003
  11. Got mines. Cya's later, Lol.
  12. Well I decided to nip into town. I got Red Steel and Wii Play (Goddamn the Wii Remote is SMALL!!!!) from my local Woolworths ( I never ordered my games with Argos - Amazon instead, but I wouldn't have received them until next Thursday). They had quite a few copies of nearly all of the launch games -I was surprised. I think they only had 1 Wii Play left...because there was just one display box when I had got there. They also had a couple of the classic controllers. ...Anyway. Now I just need to wait on my Wii being delivered. :|
  13. I've ordered mines from Argos. I got that automated call yesterday. It said that it should be delivered on Friday (today)... I. Hate. Waiting.
  14. Did you install the Futura Medium (File name: FUTURAM.TFF) font?
  15. You need this: WinRAR
  16. Could you please upload your image to a different image hoster (example: Imageshack) -Photobucket has shrunk it. If it's not working because it doesn't detect the file as " .uis". You should make sure that you're opening the right file. The file should be in a '.wba' format. It should take a simple double-click on your mouse to add it to your WindowBlinds program (aswell as it's directory on your harddrive), and then applying it from within WindowBlinds itself. It's all I can think of. If you're still facing problems though, you might want to consider checking out: Click ? If you do decide to download it, look at post #4 for details on how to run it. It's much more simpler than WindowBlinds. But It's your choice.
  17. You're welcome ^ If any of you guys that were waiting for the Visual Style / msstyle port of my skins. You can currently download the White version by going here: Click
  18. You'll need to either: Download this: UXTheme Multi-Patcher 4.0 Once you've downloaded it. It's just a simple matter of applying the patch to your system. And don't worry, it's 100% secure. Plus if you don't -some how- llike it, then you can un-patch your system by running the patch again. Then all you need to do is double click on the "Windows Visual Style File" (Which is called "Wii"), found within the RAR file that I've uploaded to DeviantART (the one you downloaded). Or. Download a free trial of StyleXP. Install the program. Then you just need to open the same file (the Windows Visual Style File), and apply the style to your system. If you're still having some bother. Just give me a shout (or in other words: PM me.)
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