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Posts posted by S.C.G

  1. Whether you sell it either now or closer to / after Xmas your almost guarenteed to get around £200 (or more) for it regardless.


    Also, Uma Thurman? nice : peace: I hope the cash you get from the sale brings you both some extra happiness. :smile:

  2. Stuck! >< Norfair, I can go back up to Brinstar but there is a bit where I fell down to get to Norfair that i can't get back up... there is an energy refil station at the bottom of it and it's in Brinstar if that helps, it's also not wall jumpable, not enough to get out.


    If I cantinue into Norfair I get to a place surround with green bubble walls which either leads to a spiked pit which you need either the ice beam or grapple beam to cross or another jump which again I can't cross... :hmm:


    Any help / tips aprpeciated, *sigh* I recall getting a lot further than this without becoming stuck the last time I played it. ><

  3. Don't say people have bad taste just because they don't like your favourite game.


    Downloaded the original when it came and I didn't like it. All the rooms was very similar and exploring was more annoying and frustrating than fun.

    So how is Super Metroid compared to the original and Prime?


    Super Metroid is by far better than the original, as for comparing it with Prime? my answer is simple...


    Super Metroid = Best 2D Metroid game

    Metroid Prime = Best 3D Metroid game


    While they are both stunning games IMO there isn't any point in saying one is better than the other because due to the different perspectives which offer different brands of gameplay even if they are based on the same concept, they are incomparable.

  4. Thats fine, I can keep it until the end of the month for you if you want? and yes, they are £99 new on Game.co.uk, the DS Lite that I am selling is also new though, I have only switched it on once to test for dead pixels, and I can confirm that it has none, as far as I know Game don't check their units for dead pixels and are awkward about it if you try to return them. :hmm: (from my experience at least)


    Also mine is priced at £95 which will include first class recorded delivery, that should reach you quicker than Game. :smile:


    So let me know if you still want it and I will keep it for you until you get paid, also let me know if the price needs any further negotiation or if you have any further questions. ^^

  5. Bumping this thread cos, it's finally here! :D


    Also, "stuck" already, except not really stuck as I'm sure I know how to do it but tactics don't seem to be working, that bit near the start of Brinstar where you have to run along a collapsing floor while those barriers stop your progress at certain intervals, I thought you had to run across holding either L or R to make it? apperently not though, I can't remember if you need a certain upgrade or not as this bit always hinders my progress.


    Anyways, any hints / tips?

  6. Hmm quite possibly, is it complete? i.e contains everything apart from the box? does it come with an adaptor or can it run off batteries? if it can be used on a UK voltage easilly I would like one game to test it with, presuming it's the auction I think it is, it comes with 2 games... which one were you going to keep?


    Hmm a lot of questions I know but we may still have a deal. :smile:

  7. How much do you want for it? also I have a brand new DS Lite which I may be willing to trade, I will have to research how much they are going for on eBay at as a comparison but let me know how much your looking for. :smile:


    *Edit* just checked the last unboxed one went for less than £50 with a game... that was recent too so i guess it could be the one that you got from there :laughing: if so then I'd only be willing to offer around the same amount maybe a little more.


    If it is boxed however then thats a different matter. :wink:

  8. Norton picked up on a generic dialler during it's scans, the location of the affected file...


    [btwebcontrol.dll] inside of [_____] inside of [c:\program files\online services\btyahoo\hppre05.msi]


    the actual affected file is hppre05.msi from what I can see the dialler is attached to that file which is a setup file of some sort and seemingly not in use, however I use that particular provider (BT Yahoo) so my question is this...


    Is it ok to just delete the file in it's entirity?

  9. Ok so Norton is officially pissing me off now, it used to work fine but ever since it told me that there was a new version available and I downloaded it, it hasn't been the same, not the same features and it allowed stuff to get in which it wouldn't have before, for instance I now have an unknown dialler apperently attached to a file in program files which it tells me it can't get rid of... :blank: great, tell me theres a problem and then say you can't do anything about it >< Thanks Norton...


    So yeah, I'm fed up with it now and I'd like to get either an all in one Firewall / antivirus program etc or a combination of two seperate programs that are both free (fed of of paying for crap software) and that are reliable, oh and if they can get rid of that dialler that Norton allowed that would be awesome too, Thanks. :smile:

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