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Posts posted by S.C.G

  1. I was fortunate enough to pick up both Shenmue and Shenmue 2 for the Dc both boxed and complete, second hand but in excellent condition for £10. :smile:


    I was prety happy that day but not as happy as when I managed to get a complete copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga from the same place for £4. ^^


    Crazy Taxi 2 for £5 I got there as well, I'm glad I got them when I could though cos nowadays that shop doesn't even bother stocking anything other than PS2 / Ps1 / Xbox games as it's just a general second hand shop really that mainly sells furniture and stuff.


    Still it just goes to show that if your looking for old games it pays to look in the more unlikely places sometimes. :)

  2. Ok so June 6th, it's bad "if" it's true and they aren't using the time to add any new content but "if" it's true, it's a date at least that we can get annoyed about, shout " **** you NOE!", realise how far away it is, begrudgingly accept it and start counting down the long, slow agonisingly painful days until it's release.


    Or we could all learn Japanese, import another Wii from said country and then discover that we can't get even an import copy of the game as it's selling out faster than a third party publisher with a new film to game license. :heh:


    Meh... *starts counting down the hypothetical number of days* >>'

  3. Heh, you got the OST too? That song in the back ground and prologue and 'We Shall Never Surrender' are awesome songs.


    Completed it earlier, but I was hoping to see why Nero and Dante looked similiar and abit about Neros background.


    Either way I want another game with Nero, he's damn cool.


    Agreed to all of the above :heh: also this game is so much fun, it's really refreshing to have a modern game that has as much replay value as an age old classic, I'm halfway through Son of Sparda mode now and I'm still enjoying it a hell of a lot. :smile:

  4. I've got one, they seem to retail for around £50 used and £70 new online, that £30 price was probably Curry's / PC world trying to shift old stock.


    Anyways I have a space 20GB HDD it was from my old 360, it's in the same state it was when your first turn the machine on afaik as I got an Elite and used the transfer kit to move all my data from 20Gb - 120gb.


    I'm unsure how much it would cost to post so I would say if you want it then you can have it for £38 1st class delivery or £40 special delivery.


    Let me know if your interested.

  5. Mine was on 30% earlier. I went out, came back tuned the 360 back on (I turned on the download while off option) and it was on 1%. I think I'll leave the 360 on until it's done.


    Last time I checked mine was on 15% so yeah, should be done in about a week. >>'




    24% now... >>'

  6. Can you use your own music on RezHD? I.e will the environments be in time with the music you use, or is it a set soundtrack?


    Set soundtrack, you could play music in the background but it won't affect the gameplay afaik, still the set soundtrack itself is awesome though, works really well with the game. :smile:

  7. When will we be able to get today's Xbox Originals?


    The news thing tells us we can get them, but the Originals page has the new ones (Pirates, Ninja Gaiden Black and Black) faded out with the message "Coming Soon: 11/02/2008"


    I saw that too, damn false advertising >< I wanted to get Ninja Gaiden Black too. :hmm:


    Oh well I'll get it later or tomorrow I guess, if it's available by then...


    sidenote: do all Xbox originals (downloadable ones) have full widescreen support?

  8. I managed to aquire one for around the princely sum of £3.00 on eBay a year or two back, was quite pleased at the time, I knew it was worth more than that at the time but it seems it's since gone up in value even more since. :smile:


    Just taken it off my bookshelf to look at it, it's in excellent condition apart from there are a few indentations on the front cover (only visible at certain angle under the light) where the previous owner has used it as a bookrest to make notes i.e you can see indentations of writing but not actual pen marks on it.


    Other than that, fantastic condition all the way through, an excellent guide too, easilly one of the most comprehensive ones I've seen for the game, nice artwork too. :wink:


    Edit - found this...




    An auction on eBay atm for a US copy of the game AND the strategy guide, reasonably priced too, for now...






    Just the guide, Buy it now auction, based in US, ships worldwide, comes to around £20 or less including postage, seems to be the best option on there atm, anyways hope this helps. : peace:

  9. *shrugs* each to their own, I can't say whether it's "better than any Zelda" having not played SOTC but I must admit that if I were to buy a PS3 (which I most likely will eventually) then Ico 3 would be the type of game that I may buy, along with Ico and Sotc, just to see of course... :wink:

  10. LOL just watched that clip and Imo with the exception of Geoff Keighly, they are all ill-informed idiots who are too obsessed with their own double standards that they will never be able to enjoy a single videogame, let alone *shock* actually find out that they can actually be FUN to play... :blank:

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