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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    But... I downloaded it, got the title screen for the first time (which said Home Beta) then clicked the thing to go online and it just said it failed to download something, so clearly something isn't right with it :/ meh I might download it again when they fix it but quite frankly I'm not gonna waste my time with it atm, besides, I've got Little Big Planet to play.
  2. Blue ray or normal dvds

    Because the "comparison" shots are probably upscaled dvd quality on the bottom pic and deliberately blurred dvd quality on the top pic.
  3. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    What is this shit? there was an icon that appeared after I updated my PS3 that said I could download home, so I do that, let it reserve it's space and now it says it's a beta and just says "There has been a problem downloading content" when I try to connect... If it's a beta that I can't get into then why would it say that I can download it? is there any way of deleting this crap? I natually assumed they'd finally released the glorified Second Life inspired piece of "social software" but if I can't do anything with it then I don't want it. I may leave it if it can just be upgraded to full version once it's properly released, still pretty shit that it lets you download something thats now useless though. *edit* nm, deleted it.
  4. If you haven't got either of these... Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3 Then get 2 but if you allready have 2 then get 3, that's my recommendation, I was playing 3 the other day (because I'm less familiar with it) and it's awesome.
  5. The Music Thread.

    Single of the year? MGMT - Kids Album of the year? Silversun Pickups - Carnavas I had a thought that you could maybe do a Music Warz - Game Music or even... a film themed one and you could call it Music Warz II - Judgement Day, or something... >>
  6. Rock Band

    Well I'm not in any hurry to get them (December was quite an expensive month) but just wanted to know is all.
  7. The Music Thread.

    Indeed, while I quite like Sex on Fire, Use Somebody is better and while I quite like the rest of the album it's still just below par compared to the rest of their albums, but damn, they've still managed to produce yet another decent album despite it's shortcomings.
  8. Post Your Purchases

    £19 (Woolworths... well worth it)
  9. Rock Band

    What I want to know is when the actual RB2 instrument set is out in Europe, I want me one of those new drum kits and pedals lol is the RB2 pedal easier to use than the RB one?
  10. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    In this instance you must first connect your Xbox 360 to your HDTV via a component cable, then insert the xbox disc, the game will update, now you can use it with your VGA cable on your monitor.
  11. MUSIC WARZ! Match 25

    Raaaaaaage! show me your raaaaaaaaage! [/MGS4]
  12. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    This be the cheapest way... http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/3514596/Xbox-Live-4200-Points-Card/Product.html 4200 points card, generally if you buy M$ points through your 360 with your credit card the rate is about £20 = 2000 points so thats £1 per 100 points, but if you take that link I posted, on Play their 4200 points cards are £32.99 so it pays to buy them in bulk, unfortunately they are out of stock atm but thats your best bet, either that or finding two 2100 points cards really cheaply.
  13. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    That seems a tad stupid... surely if you had too many items which then doesn't let you save you would WANT a warning? yet they removed it, odd decision.
  14. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    No idea as I don't own the game either way though it sucks because your only real options are to play it all in one sitting or wait until the devs realise they have screwed up and eventually patch it.
  15. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    Either fudged dlc or poorly placed save / respawn points.
  16. User Image Gallery

    I don't agree, but you don't care, so it doesn't matter still looks fine though for a random pic.
  17. Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection

    I think it's a nice list of achievements as they all sound fun to get rather than just a grind, well maybe a few are a bit grind-tastic but overall they just sound fun.
  18. I'd just like to take this oppourtunity to wish everyone at N-E a very... Merry Christmas! Use this thread to post similar festive messages. : peace:
  19. Hope everyone having a good day, just a quick heads up in case anyone wanted to watch it and forgot or whatever, the New Wallace and Gromit is on now.
  20. N-E Band Aid

    I've got my attempt saved in three different formats (.wav .wma .mp3) just need to know which one to send and where to send it to.
  21. MUSIC WARZ! Match 24

    Yasunori Mitsuda
  22. N-E Band Aid

    If it's audio only then I'll give it a go, tbh I was put off by the video part Idk why >> anyway I'll try out one of those pro programs you listed and see what I come up with. *edit* ok it's done! what format do you want it in and where do you want me to send it to Eevil? Talk to me!
  23. eye of judgement

    Well, you can, if the game is crap then it's crap, the accessory that comes with it just softens the blow if it has other uses seperate from the game.
  24. Zavvi = No More.

    Meh a lot of the stores like this have been asking for it for a while by keeping most prices as high as they can, still it's always sad to see job losses happen but people will buy from wherever is cheapest, simple as.