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Everything posted by Chainclaw

  1. Too true It was the whole point of Paper Mario, that it was a funny, unique RPG. I never played the one on the N64, but I adored The Thousand Year Door and loved spending time in that world, finishing off as much as I could, it was just so much fun to play I wasn't in any rush to complete it I remember even loving the music on the "load a saved game" screen so much I'd let it play for ages while I assembled all the munchies for a huge gaming session on it!! Have you played the N64 version? What's it like in comparison to TTYD? Worth a purchase?
  2. 2010? If we're talking about the 3DS (and since we're already well into the second half of 2010) then I assume you mean you think there'll be a drought towards the end of 2011 ...? For the 3DS? I don't think there will. Not all games mentioned will be launch games so we'll have plenty to look forward to all year long with the 3DS. As for the possibility of 10 launch games, no I don't expect them all to appeal to me but I'm confident there'll be a couple (and that's the amount I'll buy with the machine) for me, and everyone has different tastes and I know Nintendo have to appeal to everyone, and I'm happy with that. If you did indeed mean 2010 then that's a shame, as I personally feel there's plenty to enjoy for all tastes coming over the next few months.
  3. Yes. These are after all videogames. It didn't matter to me that it was trying to have a similar kind of plot etc (they could've done that in any other Mario game like Mario&Luigi for example) the game just wasn't Paper Mario. I'll actually wait for the reviews in nGamer now, a mag I trust, to see if they've kept away from that game and made a proper PM game.
  4. I'm so glad to see the stage back again for fights, as I'm hoping for a proper return to a proper Paper Mario game. I absolutely adored the GCN one, lost myself in it completely and it was just hilarious! But the Super Paper Mario game I never really liked. It was like Diet Paper Mario. The 2D-3D-2D effect was cool but the game itself just wasn't a proper PM game. This time though it looks like I'll be purchasing this one as soon as it's released! Can't wait! As for the sticker thing, I'm sure Nintendo have that sorted. It'll probably just float down to the 3D landscape, like you're playing inside a big cardboard box and are placing the sticker on the floor. Or it could be as simple as it won't change from previous games. The stickers themselves could be like those hologram stickers you used to get as kids, so they're still flat stickers but their content is 3D. Can. Not. Wait.
  5. With the quality of games seemingly so good, I'd be happy with 10 to choose between!
  6. From what I recall of E3 they made it very clear that this was a new feature so I'd say it's not going to end up like anything on the Wii. They were quite specific about that, that you'd have content when, for example, you woke up in the morning (after your own sleep mode ) ready to use, if you decide to use those services of course.
  7. I dunno... My friends and I find the Wii extremely easy to use online and am addicted to Mario Kart online. Can't wait for what they've planned with the 3DS Depends what each individual game does in its tag mode. They have said that some games will automatically download content for you in the 3DS. And at E3 I remember them saying that, talking about the 3DS system itself rather than individual games, you could wake up some mornings and find fresh new content just waiting for you to use. Sounds good to me!
  8. It's not going to be an extra 100euros, as stated here it sounds like at the very most it'll be is around the same price as the Wii was originally, the £180 mark. I feel that's completely justified given what this little machine can do. Saying that, given how much of a leap forward this is compared to the very original DS I wouldn't mind paying £200 to be honest You're right as well to point out the backwards compatible bit, it's very reasuring, I think we all assumed it was going to be built in, it is Nintendo after all, not Sony. But yeah it's nice to see it in writing! As well as the great idea of being able to multitask, having the wireless button on the console is a relief! I'm so fed up of loading a game on the DSi and then having to come out of it and go through menus just to turn wireless comms on or off. And that Mii software in that video is just... spectacular!! That's amazing tech! Can't wait to finally have Mii's that look like the people I so desperately try to make
  9. The games they're showing are the "release window" titles, which means they're due out within the first 6 months (or is it 12?) of the system retailing.
  10. Have to say the more I see that video the more I like the fact the analogue slider is grey on the black version. Maybe a lighter blue one on the blue 3DS would be better for that version? However, the grey and black two-tone is a thing of absolute beauty, and the shade of the blue one is lovely. Never know, the grey slider on the blue might grow on me too...
  11. You mean transferring your downloaded wares from your DSi? That's been included. And if you mean can you transfer it if you buy another 3DS, they've said you can if you're replacing your system. They won't let you transfer it from one system to another if you're wanting to give something you've bought to friends though, I can't see that working in a business model, but I'd say there'll be the gift option like the Wii Shop.
  12. If I know Nintendo they'll have taken this into consideration as far as working on their battery life goes.
  13. You don't have to have a specific game inserted either. So say you have 4 (random number just) games that all have a tag mode in them, and the first time you're playing them you activate it, that info will be stored in the 3DS. This means, when you're walking about your 3DS can send and receive data from all 4 of those games, even if you don't have any of them actually in the system. They detailed this at E3 I think. I'm really looking forward to this system as it gets around that problem of not running into anyone with the same game plugged in, a problem that the original DS had. When you think of the amount of DS's there are about (I see them being used everywhere!), and the fact that the 3DS could end up being just as - but probably more - popular, this new feature could rock!
  14. Holy mother of god!! That looks immense! I'm not usually one for 1-on-1 beat 'em ups but that could very well convert me!! I am so pumped for this system! Really, Feb/March can't come soon enough! Those games are, for the most part, looking awesome, and then when we get a hold of them we have to remember we'll be seeing them in proper non-glasses 3D! Okay, need to calm down.... And for the first time since the GC I'm actually hyped for an Anuimal Crossing game! That says something!
  15. Here, here! Me too!
  16. What the hell happened there?! Where did my picture go??? And who the hell wrote that thing instead? Seriously, I had a picture and it posted fine a few hours ago! It was linked to a picture online! Gonna save it at TinyPic and try again... gimme a min... Okay, back to edit this post and repost this picture, which for me was a defining moment of my childhood and a classic moment of TV history
  17. And to think I used to fancy Sporty Spice... what was I thinking?! I loved the way Doctor Who's Dalek episode this year, set during WWII based a quick scene on this iconic image, brilliant! Great moment in history (a personal one obviously ):
  18. Several years ago (early 2000's) I decided to go out for Halloween dressed as Michael Knight, and this was the result!: A very much exaggerated wig was the only thing I actually bought, far too big for Knight's perm but I thought it added something The rest is a red shirt of my brother-in-law's, open half way down obviously, a big cowboy belt thing and big chunky boots (which you can't really make out) courtesy of my other bro-in-law, my sister's jeans(!!) because they had to be skin-tight (that bloomin' zipper confused the hell out of me after a few pints though - why does it have to be the other way around for women?!), a pair of old 80's sunglasses belonging to my mum that she still had lying around, and the leather jacket belonged to a mate's younger brother - he was about to give it to a charity shop so I borrowed it first, rolled up the sleeves and the back to make it look a bit too small (was the fashion of Michael Knight!) and stuck it inside with masking tape. Was actually very successful, although I did get a bit tired of the amount of people trying to talk into my watch and spilling my pints
  19. Or so much to ask for for Chrimbo! My girlfriend and family are asking me what I'd like. I'd never ask for something that will defo be over £150, but I'd trade in my DSi, get the trade-in money put on a gift card and give it to them to go towards it! All thought out, see? I think my fish will have to wait until the new year for a new stand for their tank if this comes out in November... but hey it's not as if they can see the stand anyway! Or maybe they'll have such huge stocks piled up so as not to have the same shortages as the Wii... either way, I'll be trading in that DSi and pre-ordering asap! Means I can't play Bowser's Inside Story but I'll just borrow the other half's DS Lite
  20. Also remember that the Wii launched worldwide within 3 weeks, all before Christmas! It'd be great to see it outsell Kinect by a mile, which I'm positive it would do! Although, if they do release it here before Christmas they CAN'T use Jedward to advertise it! That would ruin its chances. I'm not joking there, I really do feel that their use will hurt Nintendo this Christmas, and if the 3DS is advertised with them it'll hurt its sales unless they back it up with loads of advertising that just shows the machine off and doesn't include them. Or, perhaps the fact that they're headlining Nintendo's Christmas adverts is a sign a new machine's not coming out until 2011....?
  21. Hahaha! Now if only it was based on her role in Lake Placid!!
  22. Do you cycle to work at Channel 4?
  23. I can understand why they'd not show it to those trying to access it from outside the UK.... but some of us are in the UK and we still can't see it! wtf!
  24. Don't get me wrong, it's a funny film, 3 out of 5 stars, but it copied too many ideas from the original, as if they'd used up all their ideas already. But despite that it was still good and I still enjoyed it and own it now on DVD. The toaster scene is a classic, and Venkman's laundry rule is something men have lived by ever since!
  25. Women who smoke while pregnant!!! :mad:
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