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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. What was you first EVER game?

    My first ever game was Zoids or Cyberdyne Warrior (i remember it as Cyberdyne Commando) for the Commodore64. The first game that ever got me into gaming though was definitely Super Mario All Stars for the SNES. I played that for hours on end, and it even got my brothers started into playing games. Simple, but also difficult at the same time. First handheld/gameboy game was Tetris!
  2. Goldie Lookin Chain

    I saw them when they supported Feeder, and they really know how to get the audience pumped. Bluddy amazing on-stage prescence.
  3. Ten Reasons Why You Don't Need a PlayStation 3

    You definitely wouldn't need a PS3. You'd be a bit dead.
  4. They're gunna taste GREAT!

    It always gets a roffle out of me. The hand gestures..simply amazing. I'm roffling right now thinking about it.
  5. Ten Reasons Why You Don't Need a PlayStation 3

    What about food and water? This point is interesting: Grand Theft Auto IV will be on the Xbox 360. Yes, there will be some exclusive PS3 titles, like Metal Gear Solid 4, but Sony no longer has a "Stranglehold" (pun intended) on top-shelf titles. It's quite true. During the last generation, you were able to purchase a metal gear title on all 3 consoles. Grand Theft Auto and Final Fantasy (Crystal Chronicles) were each available on 2 consoles last generation. I believe that each console needs its fair share of exclusive games, and Microsoft have done well to ensure that the xbox/360 gets theirs.
  6. Congratulations, Blackfox!

    Jesus, they're letting Jordan out on the road?
  7. Post your Fav "Feel good song".

    There's many amazing feel good songs, but this is probably my favourite too.
  8. Nintendo meeting

    I find that extremely bizarre. But, also very impressive. Things have changed a great deal and for the better since Iwata has been around.
  9. Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland

    Did the guys who did Zero Wing translate that?
  10. Ken Kutaragi Interview

    We all see Wii as a different console to its competitors. It appears that Sony are trying to do the same thing. They're passing the PS3 off as a 'computer', therefore seperating it from the competition? And, at the same time, justifying their price tag.
  11. Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland

    I have died and gone to heaven.
  12. Project H.A.M.M.E.R. RPG?

    I don't think we've been given enough details about this game, yet. I certainly can't pass judgement on it right now.
  13. Same here, dude. I'm not really one for photo realistic graphics. I prefer my games to have a 'different' art style. Games like Killer7 and Cel Damage describe the sort of style that really appeals to me. I guess you could say that i prefer unrealism in terms of visuals to photo realism. But, then we get onto the argument of physics and fludity. I think that would be a different argument, imo.
  14. According to the bbc anyway: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5047488.stm What do you guys think? I have heard very little about this film. Can it really be that special?
  15. This should really be in the official 360 thread, dudes.
  16. Want To Stop Global Warming?

    It'll be like the tropics over here soon. Mark my words. Gotta feel for those pirates though.
  17. Pokemon Battle Revolution

    If i'm honest, i don't understand why many of you are unhappy. It's online, which is a massive plus. It will connect with the DS versions of Diamond/Pearl. It also looks quite good graphically, and there have been changes which some of us have wanted for a long time (e.g. pokemon actually hitting each other). So why so sad?
  18. Want To Stop Global Warming?

    The hatemail section of that site gave me a lot of laughs. http://www.venganza.org/email_neg.htm
  19. Want To Stop Global Warming?

    Hahahaha. My friend sent me the link to that site before. Is it the church of the flying spaghetti monster?
  20. PS3 Mercenaries 2 pics

    Have any details of this game been revealed, or has it just been screens so far?
  21. Wii Messenger?

    It looks like Wii's online plans are starting to surface. Would this mean that users would be permanantly 'logged in'? Due to the fact that the machine is always on .
  22. Suggestions

    Hehe. Anyway, spelling and punctuation really isn't a big problem in my eyes on this forum. It's when you get people typing solely in txt speak that things start to become a problem. As long as the poster has intended or made the effort to type a post and make it understandable, then that's fine with me.
  23. Muse - Super Massive Black Hole

    I can't wait for this album. The more i listen to super massive black hole, the more i love it.
  24. Thanks. "Jennifer Aniston was on Letterman last night, in all her hot-pantsed, oiled-legged glory." Lovely
  25. Suggestions

    Heighway was a legend who used to play for Liverpool. Have i got that right?