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About starscream316

  • Birthday 01/22/2004

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  1. I have to say that I an loving this game!! I keep getting a strong James Cameron vibe whilst playing...and not just from Aliens, some of the music is kind of Terminator like..
  2. Sorry about that...I got too carried away... Yeah, in the first, Travis was the rookie looking up to these weird and wonderful assassins or heroes if you will...but in the second he is the legend, the No More Hero and the assassins are below him...which I'm fine with... I probably am overreacting, but I feel this game was made by a Suda wannabe rather than Suda himself maybe to do with the fact he didn't direct it...
  3. I got a bit carried away...but I am really disappointed with NMH 2!! It has not delivered anything worth while for me!! Its cool that your enjoying this one more. I think the biggest problem with the game is that there is a lack of breaking up the gameplay. In the first you had the sprinklers, the 2-d Glastonberry game, and the part with the bike in Destroy stadium. This one is just constant fighting, with nothing Suda like added on top to make this a Grasshopper game. For example before fighting one of the assassins your in a supermarket. Why didn't he make a section where you ride a shopping trolley whilst attacking all the enemies? This is what I expect from such a genius, not more fighting... Also the bike section was just a waste of time. There were no enemies! I think the main problem with the game, is that the gameplay lacks Suda's charm. You can still see its a Suda51 game, ie turning into a tiger and the mech etc, but in the end it feels shallow and normal. I think Suda should stay away from sequels in the future, and that's saying a lot, as Travis is like my favourite character ever!!
  4. So disappointed with this waste of time. NMH 1 is possibly my favorite game ever, but number 2 is just disgusting. The gameplay is rubbish, the cutscenes are less interesting, and generally the game is just pathetic. The 8 bit minigames are fun, but as they are not part of the main game, what's the point? Its like they made the ranking battles and sugar coated the rest with gimmicks. What is the point in getting rid of the open world? The crappy map system should be for the easy mode. I played for like 3 hours and none of the bosses lasted for longer than 5 mins. There seems to be barely any strategy to beating these assassins. Dr... for example, I just ran over to him, sliced for ages and then did the same untill he died. Why is really weak game parading as a sequel to a true masterpiece!? I have no fault with the presentation, the story seems really cool. The music is pretty good, but lacking the charm of the first games music. Something is missing from the game, something which made the last one transcend criticism and genre. By trying to make a more streamlined game, they have lost part of their soul in the process. Grasshopper should change there motto to 'Punx died, and we killed it with NMH2' With the first one, I didn't want it to end. I'm trying to finish this one as soon as possible, so I can wash the bad taste out of my mouth. I love Suda, but there truly are no more heroes left in the games industry...
  5. Definately, there was a lot of things that kind of seemed kind of that it needed more. To put it another way, no one wanted it to end. Also, like Terminator 2, Aliens and The Abyss, I'm sure Cameron will have a director's cut. ANyway, hurry up and watch it!!
  6. It needed more than three hours! The start of the film, could have gone on for 7 hours, it was so immersive and beautiful. Honestly, I can't wait to watch the directors cut, as the film needs more!
  7. Avatar. Go see it. Possibly the most viusually stunning world ever created. The characters were great, but the whole eco-system and atmosphere was just unlike anything you've ever seen before. James Cameron, again pushing technology to its limit.
  8. Does anyone know when the demo is out for this on PS3? I can't wait!!!
  9. Escape from LA. This film can be watched 50 times a week and will never get old, absolute genius.
  10. Big Man Japan...I bought this film as it looked B-Movie like, but it turned out to be one of the best Japanese films ever. Funny as HELL and a lot deeper than expected. WATCH IT!!!
  11. DAMN!!!! Thanks, but then again, it is possibly the best game ever created, so playing it again will only be a pleasure! Except beating Rank 1 again...THIS GAME WAS AWESOME!!!!!!
  12. I've just beaten Rank 1, which took me all day, and I feel so drained...but anyway, stupidly, I watched the ending, then it asked me to save and returned me to the start of the game, so deos that mean I have to go through the whole game again, just to do the real ending?
  13. Awesome news!!! Could this be one of the first DSi games? Anyway, my friend is going to die when he hears this, as he is a huge Okami fan, and chose a PSP over DS!!!!
  14. 'Paris, Texas' Amazingly beautifull movie that was really depressing to me. I started slow, had an awesome atmosphere, and then destoyed your expectations at the ending. Pure awesomeness, 10/10
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