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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Well as you can see from my sig, im not exactly awesome with "digital art" All my art has only ever been done on paper until now :/
  2. Wacom bamboo £54.97 This book £23.74
  3. I smoke too. I'm one of those people that only really smokes socially or due to mass boredom. I don't smoke near any non smokers, in my parents house, or in public places (well thats more than obvious now its illegal) I dont really care about the ban, its a bit of a nuisance working on a hospital site where staff have to hide themselves like a leper whilst smoking. (whereas patients get nothing said for smoking at the front door of the health centre) I know its bad for my health and all that shit, but to be honest my health is so far down the shitter i might as well add to it, and it makes me feel better.
  4. My work colleague got electrolysis done and it didn't work.
  5. I forsee an estimated loss of 2 pints of blood =P
  6. Whoever invented cost benefit analysis tables needs to be shot. >_>
  7. On your shoulder? I really want to get that one done myself ^^
  8. Well some people i know have said they don't think its painful at all.. How can stabbing a needle into your skin NOT be painful.. :/ Will be awesome after all the needles and healing is done with tho ^^ What design you getting?
  9. haha i do talk shite sometimes XD I suppose it is kinda scratchy in a way. The outline hurts the most, then its plain sailing from there. It takes forever to do the blocks of colour/black as well.. =(
  10. Well heres the nearest thing i can think of how to explain it. If you've ever had to get a blood test or get an injection. Its that initial sharp pain when the needle goes through your skin, over and over. And the ink goes everywhere so the tattooist usually has tissue to hand to wipe it off. Which means he is rubbing at what is basically an open wound with a rough tissue (i think it was the like of kitchen roll he used with my skin) It bleeds like a bitch. The wound also has an odd burning sensation when its all over, and depending where you get it, you may get bruising (I did with the one on the inside of my arm)
  11. No you need to change money to pain =P Anyone who says tattoos aren't at least a bit sore/uncomfortable is lying.
  12. I personally like the first one, its pretty groovy. ^^ Although it would take ages to tattoo something that size.
  13. Yay for the blue hair gang! domstercool, that shade is utterly fantastic.
  14. I would attempt to drag my server down the stairs XD Failing that mobile phone and teh monies ^^
  15. Thank god for surge protection or i would be minus two computers and not a very happy camper. In other news I still have to do the assignments i put off this time last week. Bah. ^^
  16. Hahaha That is exactly what i mean ^^ Blue hair is win. I fancy going back to blue again once i've got bored with the pink.
  17. Absolutely nothing. To be fair it was orange with shockingly white roots, due to the fact the red hair dye had grown out a fair bit. Btw to anyone who is reading this with shock horror, my hair has yet to fall out ^^
  18. My hair was blue when i was 20 =P shame on you, you aint old XD
  19. my hair went orange after bleaching a (what must have been permanent) red hair dye. took about 3 bleaching sessions before it finally came out completely.
  20. Thats a very good point. ^^ I think i'm just biased towards awesome neon hair. One of my friends did his hair blue, over dark blonde hair, and it looked absolutely awful after a few washes. >_> I did have orange hair once, although it was NOT intentional >_<
  21. Well. You can either bleach it white, then add the colour (thats how i do mine - it lasts a lot longer.) or you can just put the dye over your hair. I would suggest trying the colour on its own, as it can be difficult for a first go. But bearing in mind it washes out quickly. I used pink dye on my dirty fair hair first time round, it was a lot darker than given colour and washed out within 3/4 weeks to a dull pink/brown colour. This website has the hair dye i would go for usually. You can also get lariche directions on ebay for a good bit cheaper. And get a friend to help if you have long hair ^^ edit: heres an example...Cherry bomb from the above website: To this:
  22. I am completely geek-white coloured skin, due to my immense computer time and the fact im not allowed to get a lot of exposure to the sun. ^^ Light colours tend to suit me far more =) I really fancy a glossy black/purple colour, but i know it would absolutely drain the little colour there is from my face and make me look like an utter goth. =( Thanks for the nice comments too!
  23. I understand Villans point. But after watching subs, i just cannot bear the dubs. Is it difficult to get a hold of up to date episodes which are dubbed? I mean naruto and bleach are subbed in a matter of maybe 12 hours from release, but i imagine it takes longer to dub them?
  24. My day has been good. Got new glasses...the ones i had were getting loose and annoying. Scored me £270 quid tho =(
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