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About ampharoid

  • Birthday 03/12/1984

Personal Information

  • Location
    Last Known Origin - Tatooine
  • Interests
    Gaming, Films, Reading, Music, CCG
  • Occupation
    Office Monkey


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, Dreamcast, Master System, Mega Drive, Playstation
  • Favourite Game?
    Too hard to choose just one!!!
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    See above :\
  • Gender

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  1. He left five days later. :(

  2. I would consider the relationship over whoever it was. Its not right to act suggestive in any sense when in a relationship. I'd hate it if my gal did that and wouldn't want to be with someone who just thought it was dancing and totally innocent On a tangent... whats the view on suggestive texting to ex boyfriends or the like?
  3. I remember doing the mortal kombat cheat when I was a kid Awesome and amazingly difficult to do But so worth it when you get there
  4. Yo Sean 26 Residing currently in Leicestershire Started Biology degree at Derby but really didn't like it Now working for Insurance Co. shoving paper around and dealing with arseholes Likes Star Wars, Aliens and Guy Ritchie films Still plays with lego for fun Has awesome lady - Jess - fun bags FTW Likes his women like he likes his gravy - Hot, thick and full of flavour Has an unhealthy mind Loves pasta and pizza Can scare people usually with randomness and 'the stare' Oh and I LOVE complaining :p Thats probably already too much information for you to handle....
  5. On my delayed return to the forum, I have just subjected myself to a few of these comedy rainbow episodes I find myself nearly laughing alot of the time but due to the awkwardness mainly. Personally I feel alot of your 'work' would probably work better in a situation comedy. The awkwardness would be workable within a characters 'depth'. The reactions would therefore allow more amusement. I did love the earlier scare claire moments and the inappropriate ways of greeting people. Awesome Sketch Ideas. maybe a scare claire montage would work next:grin: As said previously... This is awesome and well described The satire is the thing that makes this soo good. Loving the smug grin and great acting skills It didn't fit cos the french may say it like that but then it doesn't sound like 'wee' or 'Wii' I found myself skipping through the long sketches cos they bore after 30 seconds You need short sharp sketches with quick skip to the next one Hope feedback helps, fresh pair of eyes and all that :awesome:
  6. See, you're trying to leave BUT IT JUST WON'T HAPPEN FOR YOU



  7. After spending more time on the forum I still feel it was better before the 'change' Is the forum having some sort of midlife crisis where it goes and buys a sports car or having some menopausal crying fits The new threads started just seem utter tripe or are threads that could/would have been started regardless. All in all, I miss having my 'subscribed' threads. PLEASE bring them back What post? Don't know what you're talking about. This is awesome and so true
  8. : peace: Errrrr No The thing that bought me back was the man from virgin giving me broadband again I was back and and posting regardless of the change. Honestly it has slightly put me off posting in the other threads if anything.
  9. Yo I've not really been able to access t'internet lately but joined a while back It seems I have returned to a messy forum All jumbled topics with no real purpose I LIKE PURPOSE!!! My dislike for the new set up is that I liked it how it was and personally when I joined I found it great. One of my previous posts even stated that I was happy to be part of such an awesome 'incestuous' family. I joined initially for helped on Wii games but soon found myself wanting to chat about inane issues in the HWYD thread and look at your crazy but pointless photos in UIG. How else am I to see who I'm chatting to?!? So true, I wouldn't have stayed if it weren't for the General chit chat. I'd have taken the advice and truly fucked off for good. NO!!!! I'd feel more initimidated. There is far too much to go through and you don't find out anything about the other people on the forum. Plus my PC is slow and doesn't like 'tabs'. It will take days to go through, instead of just clicking 3/4 main threads and getting what I want to read. PLUS! To be brutely honest I don't honestly have anything seriously exciting in my life that deems a thread devoted to it. But I would like to vent frustrations at late buses, car breakdowns, microwaves blowing up and the such like. I would love to tell you all about my (not very interesting) but slightly funny shopping experience, the twat down the pub last night and the nice meal I had out last week. But none of it warrants its own thread, So it doesn't get said. Then I don't post and I drift off before I've even become a well known face in these parts and no one remembers me. however you define it it doesn't matter as long as people are able to use the boards in their own way. Some people only want to discuss Nintendo and some, myself included, would like to know about peoples weekends and the small group that 'interact with on a more regular basis' are the core members of the forum. Without them, the forum wouldn't be as successful as it is. Smaller forums would kill for post counts and the number of active members that this site has. Those core members are also the ones that welcomed me in with open arms and made me want to contribute more to the forum. I agree mostly SIMPLES!!!!! New topics = good 2000000 new topics to read Anyways I have shown my thoughts (as a newish member) *prepares for the backlash*
  10. irrumation For the sound of the syllables and the memories it gives :wink:
  11. Too true Go with this thought. Seriously its dangerous waters Only trained players and the cold hearted can handle it fully Nice bruising, I give it 6/10 There is a better bruise?!? I wanna see!!! Nothing better than a good dose of bodily damage :wink: Anyways had a jam packed weekend with the missus huge lols at missus spilling curry - aptly naming it the spice(y) rack went bowling for mates birthday - came last out of 7 peeps. I even lost to a cocky fucking 12 year old and watching dvds galore - hellboy 1&2, alien trilogy, mad max and couple of batman films Good Times! Pr0 plan for tomorrow - alton towers IF get car back from MOT early enough (fingers crossed)
  12. OK I trust you :wtf:WTF?!? So now I shouldn't trust you? Are you a Jim or a Bob at all? Now I'm confused I don't know who to believe anymore! Anyways.... Good times ahead for you! Switch conversations to my day Not so pr0 today work had some supervisor going round assessing personal performance Can't be bothered with the arse licking that goes on. But came home to nice meal cooked (lasagne) and went for few bevvies to relax :indeed:
  13. Whos got the Head? Stage 1 or stage 2... glad to know I'm not a basic. I have yet to encounter said 'Coolness' but if they are as there name suggests I am sure I shall find them most pleasing I got so many new friends Now who to violate first?!?
  14. They must be amazing people to be compared to My day has been awesome Spent whole day chillin with me lady watched films:hehe:, got a litle frisky;), ate pizza:grin:, went to pub:indeed: came home:zzz: Good times! Good times!
  15. there seems to be a real family atmosphere here. i've been welcomed in by the incestuous arms. fanks! i think i might enjoy it here.
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