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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Obviously I'd like you to get what you want, but a small part of me would love to see the fallout if it was announced no Party Chat
  2. I genuinely don't remember any other Paper Mario game I've played being this funny and well written. I do wish they'd let you kill more enemies in the field though and not drag you into a battle every five seconds. That's my only issue with an otherwise fantastic game
  3. Having waited two years for it people can wait another 12 hours and get it delivered to them? I understand the hype of a midnight launch but I don't think it's worth the risk where Game are concerned.
  4. This is probably a stupid question but what language is the presentation going to be in? English would make sense but if it's being held in Tokyo with a mostly Japanese audience wouldn't that be weird? Would they do Japanese with subtitles?
  5. Personally I see it as the opposite. I'll be playing Zelda and Mario primarily at home with the added benefit of playing on the train every so often. I don't think labels matter really. It's a hybrid, different people will play it in different ways, that's the point.
  6. Was obvious it would be but nice to get confirmation (ish). I still don't think the IR sensor is for pointing. The touchscreen is probably just an optional method of menu navigation in the UI/games and the accelerometer/gyroscope will be used for text input like on PS4.
  7. Potentially something like 10pm USA time, 2am UK time, 10am Japan time ?
  8. You said "They're no longer interested in this generational competition, they were defeated in that, so they'll just do their own thing." as if because they were defeated in one generation they'll move to doing their own thing because of it. My point is they did their own thing with the Wii (cheap, motion based console in standard definition) and the Wii U (one gen behind in terms of power, two screen gaming), and therefore started a long time ago. It's not a recent thing just because the Wii U didn't sell.
  9. PS3 84 million, 360 84 million, Wii 102 million. It doesn't matter, I don't want this to devolve into an argument, my point is they abandoned the traditional generation cycle a long time ago, not just when they were "defeated" in this current gen.
  10. They weren't defeated in the Wii era when they did their own thing.
  11. So one solitary generation where the most powerful console has won proves that people don't want a weak cheap console, as opposed to pretty much every other generation where the weakest console has won. Great logic there Wild theory, but maybe a console's appeal has nothing to do with power, but the other factors that surround it.
  12. Two months to get hyped for games? It takes me about a 3 minute trailer to get hyped for games, then more hype would be added on top when I realise the realise date is just a couple of months away. Worked for Fallout 4.
  13. Not always. The Gameboy was the weakest and therefore had the best battery life and so won that gen. The Wii was the weakest and therefore cheapest and had a clever gimmick that took the world by storm. The 3DS is weaker than the Vita and games are easier to develop for them as a result. End result, the Vita barely gets any AAA games and the 3DS gets loads. Other times power had nothing to do with that console winning a gen. The PS2 was the weakest of that gen but it had a DVD player at a time when that was the big new thing and so sold a ton. So it's not always a case of a console winning a gen "in spite" of being weakest.
  14. In terms of power it's between a Wii U and a PS4, which says home console to me. Yes the ad showed off it's portable aspects, but it also showed it off as a home console just as much. Nintendo themselves have called it a home console that you can take anywhere, which tbf sounds a lot cooler than a handheld with an HDMI out.
  15. I think better people talking about it now when the release is 5 months away than a year ago when everyone would have forgotten about it and/or lost interest by the time it releases.
  16. Got the third big paint star last night. This game just gets better and better. The Sacred Woods was a real highlight, ditto the dancing Koopas during the pop star's appearance. The part at the end of the hotel sequence after you deliver the Thing, lovely.
  17. I'm not massive bothered if this thing is £250, £300 or £350, if it's going to last four plus years what's an extra £50 here or there in the space of four years, but I do worry they won't be able to sell enough if it's too expensive. Kimishima recently said they won't be selling it at a loss, but are listening to what consumers expect from the price. I suspect it'll be something like $280/£280.
  18. Maybe Nintendo just want to talk about their own software plans for the system first before they let others do the same. I think that kind of makes sense, even if it is frustrating.
  19. I don't buy it either. It might be an IR port but I don't think it'll be used as a pointer. The Wii U and 3DS had IR ports but they were barely used. The PS4 controller uses motion as a pointer doesn't it? I find it works surprisingly well when typing on the keyboard, maybe even just as fast as using buttons.
  20. I didn't even realise the PS4 had an intro screen??
  21. I just figured the screen popped out the top so you had something to grab to remove it
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