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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. I'd be up for it depending on the time
  2. Anyone still place this? I've really got into squads but would be much more fun without randoms and with voice chat
  3. For a very rare occurrence I'm available to race this Thursday.
  4. Is this linked to Go in any way
  5. I need 3 new friends for the latest challenge, anyone got mates they gave give their codes. I'm a generous gift giver
  6. Yep discovered this shortly after
  7. When I select co-op and then online, nothing happens?! Am I missing something
  8. I keep evolving Evee's at night but yet to get an Umbreon. I've already used the renaming trick once. Am i missing something?
  9. Ill add you now
  10. Great games tonight chaps
  11. Count me in, although I've only just started the game so have nothing of value to trade with🤔
  12. Only just realised there's a button on the Pokeball!!!
  13. I have the Pokeball. How do I get Mew?
  14. That's crazy, I thought I was missing something!!! So the Pokeball is pretty pointless right?
  15. How do you control this with the Pokeball. All the on screen prompts say press b or y but the Pokeball doesn't have these. Somehow ended up in a menu and couldn't get out of it.
  16. Looking forward to seeing how the link between this and Go works. This is going to sell bucket loads. Add on Smash and Switch is going to shift some holiday season units.
  17. Damn straight. Day 1
  18. Feels like something that will change down the line with an update
  19. Pokemon Go was my 1st Pokemon game so I'm not at all clued up. I was going to get the Eevee version, but is the Pikachu version definitely better?
  20. Give us Mr Do/E and I'll be happy as a pig in shit
  21. Pokemon Go has such a huge install base that Nintendo only need a very small percentage of these to either buy Let's Go or a Switch to make big numbers. They can't really fail with this game.
  22. Can you select cross platform or same platform or is it automatic
  23. I've walked 20km with Feebas but nothing has happened? What do I need to do to Evolve it?
  24. Taxi for Esesquil
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