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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. From a comment like that, he knew what he would say about the movie before he even saw it. And the movie isn't about special effects, it's about the visual treat + Cameron's basic plots.
  2. Just a question. Have you been taught about the 12 principles of animation?
  3. I hear what you're saying. But, again.. from experience. I did the exact same thing. I kicked everyones ass. But I was too naive to realize that collectively we were all shit. I was pretty much the least shit. My final year project, I animated 4 bipeds and a quadruped. It came out shit, but I still got top marks for it. It certainly didn't get me anywhere. With animation, and this is imperative, you start out small and then big. No one goes into the industry for the first time animating characters unless they are either a. Talented as fuck, or b. worked their nuts or ovaries off to get the job.
  4. Becoming the best in terms of animations takes years. Not weeks. It's her choice really but bleh. Unless you can animate as well as animators in the industry, no one cares. At least with something very simple, you have more time to work with the golden rules of animation.
  5. Do something simple. When John Lasseter had limits, he animated a pair of Luxo Lamps. That's two joints for each lamp.
  6. Seriously, this is what I mean. In the industry, rigging alone takes a minimum of 4 weeks. That's only in the movie industry. Well depends what you rig. If you HAVE to do it, seriously, go for something really simple. Hell do a pencil, and animate that, give it life. Work with your limitations. Don't do something so complex, because you won't learn anything.
  7. First of all, no offence but attempting to rig a character is beyond your capacity at the moment. Second of all, a bumper car does not need to be rigged, unless you have specific animatable parts on it.
  8. Group related work at a university when there is no experienced authoritarian to lead the group can only lead to disaster, or at best, really bad work. I speak from experience.. concentrate on your own work, and not what other people are doing.
  9. This is not how critiques work, friend. Seek another pass time hobby, is my advice. You will find nothing here.
  10. You have made 2 mistakes: - Assuming I haven't played or got the game. - Assuming I haven't played both the 360 and PS3 version. I have done both, and I am a big fan of the genre. You are the one who originally bought up God of War. God of War isn't focused on Combat like DMC, NJ and Bayonetta are. The combat in God of War is simplified and concentrates more on the overall adventure or exploration if you will. Since we are currently talking about the combat of the game, and because combat is the sole focus of Bayonetta, this is where comparisons break apart. Between the two, there simply isn't any comparison. The combat is more flexible, more deeper and more varied than God of War in every single way. And no. I don't see a problem with the camera. In Ninja Gaiden.. the camera almost acted along side the enemies making it even more difficult to dispatch them. I really don't see where you're getting camera issues from.. And regarding the reviews, and there have been two high profile ones. Famitsu and Edge. Famitsu gave the 360 version a 40/40 and the PS3 version a 38. Edge tested the 360 version of the game. Because I have played both, and have seen the differences, I can say the differences in my eyes are unacceptable. For me.. I don't really care, it's an easy decision for me to make, because I have both consoles to choose from.
  11. I prefer my explanations to be clear and concise as opposed to.. "but itz shit lol", etc.
  12. So play easy automatic and stop whining. You can control the camera in Bayonetta. It's called "right analog stick"
  13. It's actually a mix of Jazz Fusion and Gothic Orchestral music. Also the singer of the main battle theme (Theme of Bayonetta), is Belgian. So it's far from a "j-pop" song. Still fair enough if you don't like it ;p There are not 151 "songs". Name me a similar camera with a better camera.. unless you're referring to the clock tower level, which is quite chaotic. First off. There is no need to "learn" combos. There are two main attack buttons.. punch and kick, you press them in different orders and different rhythms and you do different attacks. Easy to learn, difficult to master. Of course, if your motor still isn't oiled enough for something that basic, there is still the Easy Automatic mode. Y button is essentially the win button. I see no call for further complaints. This game is hands down, and factually the best action game out there. Again.. what is wrong with the camera? Furthermore, the PS3 version has atrocious framerate. It runs at an average of under 30 fps compared to the 360's constant 55+fps. For a game of this type, it is unacceptable. This is not Platinum game's fault, nor is it sony's because I am sure the PS3 is more than capable of handling the game. It is the fault of Sega's porting team. You may prefer the God of War series with it's big brauny muscular lead and it's ripping heads of shoulders, but the game is less focused on combat than Bayonetta, and the combat itself has been simplified to reach a broader audience. The combat in God of War is childsplay next to Bayonetta's. It's fine if you don't like the visual aesthetics of the game, or the genre of which the game belongs to. It's all subjective in that regards. But in terms of how great and brilliant the game is in regards to what the game is out to achieve.. it is untouchable. And this is why the game has been getting praise.
  14. Ah, that's interesting. Someone else said it sold 150,000. A few days ago. According to a certain site, ending with a Z.. or multiple Zs. Well I guess they were close. If being wrong by more than 50% is close that is.
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