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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. I've played this game for about 3 hours today. I like it, just because I can swing the remote to swing. I don't see what the major fuss about textures and stuff is, it seems very similar to me to all the other spiderman games, they didn't have that much textures 'n stuff either. Doesn't bother me really


    Although the one problem I have is that I'm already 28% complete :hmm: Going to be such a short game. Thank god for 14 day return policy.

    To be fair, it says you're 10% complete after the tutorial. Its still a relatively big game

  2. I'm actually enjoying this game now I'm into it. Although I dont see myself coming back to it as much as with Spiderman2. You cant pick up enemies, go up to the tallest building, jump and boot them off in this game :(

  3. tbh it seems like alot of you got this game assured it wud be good and as a result were willing to take the risk of buying it without reading a good review... seems like ur defending this game in a desperate manour now the reality has turned out, that its pretty crap and u prolli have wasted 40 pounds of hard earned cash...

    Na...it isn't hard earned


    Despite the pop-in and the textures, I'm having fun with the game, it does feel a bit gimped but its still sorta fun

  4. My issue with the controls is because my brain is still set on the Cube controls from the second one. I always hold Z torun and so when in battle, instead of holding L to run like in the gamecube game, the left index finger presses and holds z and I fly off the building

  5. Does this mean that places will have 3 GAME stores (1 former EB Games, 1 former GameStation, 1 GAME) now?


    Edit: OK, not for now....it may happen eventually, though

    We would have had that. They closed down the old eb one a few months back but now, lord knows what they'll do

  6. Gotta admit, I'm having thoughts about cancelling my pre-order of this. I understand and feel exactly what IGN UK is saying...its just too basic 6 months into the Wii's life

  7. I loved Spiderman 2 so I'm looking into this one, however what I liked about Spiderman2 was just laying back, relaxing...swinging everywhere, grabbing a person, swinging to the top of a sky scraper and kicking him off...but I can't really do that whil relaxing if I have to use the wiimote/nunchuck whenever I wanna swing...may invest in the PS3 version

  8. Is there anything other than missions in this game?


    Although I want a game like this, the multiplayer, or lack thereof, makes me a bit weary about this and I wanna know if there are any modes such as Endurance where you're pitted against god knows what


    Or is it just mission

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