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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. 50Hz on the Composite cable looks really really really good on my 40" HD TV (better than my Cube running on Composite and many of you know how good that looks). Almost component quality really, Even Cube games look better. I'ld be happy if it stuck like this for ever. My TV is really good at scaling from bad sources. However 60hz mode on it looks terrible so I have begun to question whether 480p will look as good as 50hz 576i does

  2. Flip, Ive had to recover this thread from the dregs of N-Europe!


    Well you know what, this seems like a cool game. The bunnies are the star of the show and are really funny little creatures. Im only scratching the surface - Ive done two days of it. Its making good fun of the Wiimote so far and Ive really enjoyed the two bouts of Bunnies Can Boogie Ive played, I got more fun outta them two games of it than I have in all my time on Donkey Konga :shock:


    It seems though that even if the bunnies cant close doors... neither can I :mad:

    Aim for the Rabbits, not the doors

  3. I know yhis is the wrong topic but


    "Thing enough surprising, Nintendo Dream also teaches us that there was obviously a dissension with Nintendo of America relating to the lapping machine which lent its voice to Link until now in the last Zelda plays. Nintendo would thus have carried out some tests of voice of various actors, and it is finally Sasanuma Akira (Dearka Elsman in Gundam Seed) which would have been selected for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass"



  4. Sorry master of Pokémon, just going by what i've heard.

    All praise yee master of Pokémon! :indeed:


    EDIT: You know, if i was wrong you don't have to be an enourmas cock about it. Jeeze, even if someone was right about something on Pokémon and you were wrong, you'de still think you know god damn everything on the topic. Arrogance is just plain annoying.

    I apologise, but for the record...I dont think i know everything about it. I do know everything it...and that saddens me so much :( But yeah I do apologise, I guess I was a bit of a cock


    what if the code thing is for the DS's instead of the game itself, you know if you're going to be using your DS instead of the controller? or has it already been clarified that the codes are for each game?




    Seperate friend codes are for Battle Revolution, it isnt the DS game's friend code

  5. The ones I got with Wii Play and seperately are substantially thinner than the one I got with my Wii




    Oh and the wrist straps arent being recalled...that isnt said anywhere...all thats said is that if they break, they'll be replaced for free. That does not mean Recalled

  6. Theres a reason for this guys!

    The Wii doesn't currently have its own online service for games, thus the Wii uses the DS (yes, it requires it) to go online and it uses the friend code from the game/system.


    Hope that clears it up a little.

    Umm...sorry but that is not true at all. It does not require the DS to go online. While they prefer it, you can register teams and go online without it.


    I suggest you actually check your facts before going off on one about stuff which isn't true



  7. Has anyone got all the Golden wolf skills yet? I just did, and it hits you with an unexpected bombshell when you do.


    Just finished Temple 6. There's alot of overworld stuff to do before number 7, which is nice.

    I am unsure if thats accurate though...I know it was the first thing I thought of but I really doubt thats the case

  8. Just watched it. Looks super, though I think they drew that battle out for seven minutes for the camera, I coulda had that won or lost in half the time lol.


    I cant believe this is out so soon after the Wii in Japan.


    I see on that cubed3 site that it says this is a 2player game - surely its up to four? ::shrug:

    It is 4 Player

  9. Ah ok fair enough I love the cities and villages for some reason. I think thats why I like majoras mask and enjoyed exploring in wind waker. Is there a kind of exploration feel to TP? Can you like wander about or is it a bit liniear?

    Heck yes you can. I could spend hours doing just that. In fact I have been...oh its 11pm already? Crap

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