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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. In defense of gameplay, they do have many orders to go through and I'm guessing they send those e-mails when they start picking. I am also assuming they ordered and got enough stuff for the bundles for the people who ordered the Wii but any extras outside of it i.e. people who bought wiimotes/nunchucks outside of their bundle will be on a first come first served

  2. I got that bloody e-mail too. :mad:


    Nah, I don't think that's how they'd do it, not the impression I get from the confirmation e-mail they sent out anyway:


    So I guess they would just send any unavailable items on to you at a later stage.


    I am starting to wonder about the whole first-come, first-served basis though. I mean I ordered mine the second they went up, me thinks they might be working in reverse order instead! :shakehead

    Well tomorrow when I'm at Uni before work, I'll try and get onto their Customer Services and see whats going on regarding that and hopefully report back here (Hopefully I wont need to as we'll all be jumping that its been dispatched)

  3. At last someone was honest about Wii Play.

    Junky piece o' crap.


    I dont get this attitude, Lots of people say one thing. Someone says another and boom "At last someone is being honest". IT MAKES NO SENSE


    Zelda gets prestine reviews everywhere. Gamespot give it 88%. Someone says "At last, someone tells the truth"



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