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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. I'm sorry, you're asking if Nintendo has the balls to do something non cartoony when talking about Rayman? Forgive me but who published it, who developed it and notice the other consoles its on?


    And Nintendo doing stuff Non-Cartoony;

    • Metroid Prime
    • Day of Disaster
    • ZELDA: TP
    • Project Hammer


    And so forth

  2. Damn you people :p


    I'm gonna be waking up early and going down town tomorrow morning to ensure I get it :p


    Looking forward to it. Shame the Multiplayer isnt as good as the Cube one, the Cube one is always played when I have mates over, but no matter...as long as its Zany I'm happy :)

  3. Yes Wario Ware, Rayman & Monkey Ball do look a fair bit better than their Cube counterparts.


    Wario Ware is crisper and still manages to keep the Retro feel (I cannot believe you're actually moaning about Wario Ware visuals...do you know how ridiculous that is).


    Rayman being a MiniGame game has good visuals. All the MiniGames are seperately done with great effects and models, specially in the Bunny Hunt games. It's going for a cartoony look...oish. MUMMY...SCOOBY DOO LOOKS LIKE A CARTOON AND NOT LIKE A REALISTIC DOG WITH FUR AND SHARP TEETH. WHY ISNT HE BITING SHAGGY AND GIVING HIM RABIES? WAAAAA


    Same with Monkey Ball. Clearer graphics, more colourful but going for a different Artisitc style that the cube games. The graphics are crisper and a bit cel shaded. Just because you dont like the new style doesnt make it worse than those graphics. Notice the levels tend to be a lot bigger in the Wii game as well.


    Far Cry...I just cannot defend that. Don't think anyone can lol


    They are, and Nintendo actually ENCOURAGES this.

    Sure they are? Source please?

  4. To each their own. Personally I wouldnt care if it had N64 graphics as long as it had fun games. Besides, you're taking it way out of proportion. The visuals are blatantly better than Cube Visuals for th most part. Yes some 3rd Party games are shocking (Far Cry for example) but they're still getting used to the hardware and they did only receive final development systems in June for release 6 months later. Not bad really

  5. I dont see where all the hype for Day of disaster and Hammertime is coming from


    If they werent Nintendo games we all would of dismissed them long ago

    I'm not hyping them, I'm just saying they are New IPs, dunno if they're actually going to be good or anything but Pit Jr. said there are none, I quickly corrected him

  6. Day of Disaster is not even a Nintendo game, its a Monolith game. As for Project Hammer, IF Nintendo is developing it internally, then wow, one game.

    Pretty sure theres another one which I've forgotten but them having a new IP or even 2 known before the launch is a lot more than previous generations. Plus don't forget that it doesnt have to be developed internally for it to be Nintendo;

    F-Zero GX: Amusement Vision

    Yoshi's Island DS: Artoon

    Wario Ware Smooth Moves: Intelligent Systems

    Pokémon Battle Revolution: Genius Sonority

    Starfox Assault: Namco

    Metroid Prime 3: Retro Studios

    Mario Strikers Charged: Next Level Games

    Mario Party 8: Hudson

    and so forth


    They do not have to be developed in house to be New IPs and thats that


    Sounds to me you're just grasping for reasons to bitch and moan

  7. I actually found the music to be really good? So it's not Orchestral? BIG DEAL. A lot of things aren't. You going to go moan at people who make music in GarageBand at not being Orchestral? No. Shut up then. If it was Orchestral, you'ld all be moaning at the problems that having Orchestral music in a game like Zelda would definitely have such as the merging into the Enemy Music


    The music is good, it fits the game and it doesnt sound bad. The music put a smile on my face a lot...it's just epic.

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