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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Ah! Thanks for telling me that, i would never of known!


    I am right in saying you can carry on your game after you've completed the final boss, right?



    I've got 109 stars now lol. I love this game to bits but I think I played it too fast :(

  2. 22 STARS and so much more to do! It literally gets better the more you play it!


    Theres no-way i'm taking on the final boss till i've collected all 120 stars.


    This has to last me forever! : peace:

    A lot of the stars arent available until you've beaten the final boss

  3. Some parts of it I've recently been doing on it have made me go "How the fuck is that supposed to work". Especially when it gives you ludicrous time constraints lol. But I managed to vanquish them eventually and I love it when things get challenging :)

  4. Got 86 stars now :s The rest of them are not main stars so I got some good hunting ahead of me :) Should take a while


    But there was one "OMG WOW" moment I had beforehand, something I dont recall seeing mentioned anywhere before which I wont mention here...well I will in Spoiler Tags


    The flying power-up. It's done so well, unlike the Wing Cap in 64 which had you controlling it like the plane, this is complete and utter free flying. Then theres the pressing A while flying to completely stop so you can re-aim and choose where you go from there


    Absolutely fantastic. Thats one power-up I wasn't expecting. I could spend hours just flying around the hub.


  5. Well... err... Hmm...


    Yeah i'd still take the game over doing my girlfriend :p


    Its that good, this game is just... astounding fun. Its supprising me even now, nothing in this genre will ever beat this game. Nothing.

    Thats what concerns me. How is Nintendo gonna top it?

  6. I really agree. I really want to put it down so I can make it last, but it's so hard.

    I completely agree


    So how are you guys doing it. Getting enough stars to get to the next dome or getting all the stars you can and then moving on?

  7. I found that hilarious. How can they moan about the awkwardness of two handed controls...seriously. Conventional controllers are more uncomfortable as you have to have your hands (yes both of them) close together in certain positions whereas with the wii you can place them wherever the hell you want. When I was playing TP, I just had my hands relaxed on my legs and played. Most comfortable game playing ever

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