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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. I think those sections of Sunshine are undoubtedly the inspiration for Galaxy. Like the toy galaxy, it isn't even set in space - it's set in a kids bedroom. Yet it still has all the gravitatinal, planetary effects. Think theres at least one other which does the same, in the atmosphere of a planet but still the attributes of being in space. Doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game, but no complaints.


    Speaking of complaints, I have discovered one thing I don't like about this game. Those bloody trash destroying minigames. So pointless, takes like 10 attempts to do it and gets me completely fed up.

    Yeah I got annoyed with that. Especially on the Dreadnought level. Tho it did take me a while to realise, you probably know...

    aim the bombs for the yellow coin areas :p


  2. ...I hate you all, I ended up taking like 18 lives to do it :(


    Three more to go. Two comets which haven't appeared for me yet (one of which is that Dreadnoughts level) plus one more hungry star dude.


    Also, I've heard that theres something post 120 too? I don't want it spoiled, but is it worth it?

    Very much so. It almost doubles the length of the game and you get a whole new level after doing that as well

  3. Just unlocked the final event...its a good 'un. They're all good one you gwet a hang of it...even triple jump, I've started to ace that. Its a well fun game but I can see its appeal wearing out for me once I do all the Circuits as the only thing left to unlock would be the emblems and like achievments on the 360....thats just pointless and as most of the top top scores online are blatantly hacked, its hard to want to try and beat them.


    I can see it being a good multiplayer thing though


    High Jump and Pole Vaulting is awesome btw! I have become the king of it :p

  4. I'm not looking to the purple challenges some of them sound solid, I'm only on 40 stars at the moment but off Sunday and missus is away so going to divide my time between this and GH3 and Theme Park DS.

    I like them, its just the timed ones, espcially the toy land one that annoy me. God that ones pissed me off to no end.

  5. You tried archery yet? Thats supposed to be one of the very best events in the entire game...


    Oh and the most important question of all, does your proper Mii name display in the game when you start and finish events?


    Screenshots released indicated that you could only have names of players within the character roster...

    When I played with my Mii in a Single Event it did have my name, however I havent tried the Circuits with my Mii yet so it may be different

  6. Check out the gametrailers review they explain abit about the controls and they say the table tennis is like Wii Play.

    Sorta like Wii Play but not...more like Rockstar's Table Tennis


    Bah, a lot of the time when you lose like a point in the table ten nis...it is because the controls or the computer itself has cheated you...thats the one bad thing about this game

  7. I don't like that Nintendo has started to include sonic. It feels like a crap attempt to get more sales. I don't mind that he's in brawl... mainly because you can smack him :P


    Hopefully no more games with them both in, in my opinion.

    I sorta agree. Sonic doesnt really belong in Mario games. Ya get that feeling in M&S, especially when playing the Dream Events

  8. Got it, its actually quite fun, but annoyingly hard at times...maybe its just cos I'm stressed today, was finding Mario Galaxy harder than usual earlier too


    I need more sleep :( thats whats been causing me to stress...havent been sleeping well


    Bit disappointed it didnt come with any Stars tho

  9. I didn't mean to sound so angry, I wasnt really, mildly annoyed, but written word has a stange way of changing tone :)


    Anyways, how is 21 hours for little over half way through the game undervalue. That's what you said wasn't it, 20 hours for 61 starts?!!? But theres 120 stars, or 121 stars. How is that bad? Thats amazing. What other games have you been playing that has better value than that in a single player experience?!?!

    Technically theres


    242 Stars


  10. Damn what's the point of even finding the stars if you use a guide for them, strips all the fun out of it.

    Well I was having trouble finding 3 bunnies in the 2 minute time limit as I could never find the last one...thus I looked and found out where it was. This was after many many many many many tries

  11. IGN has a good walkthrough I just discovered.

    Its incomplete and rubbish. I was having trouble with one star, looked and they didnt have it. Gamespot on the other hand did and it helped me


    On some secret stars they say theres the spin platform but they neglect to mention the Hungry Luma that you need to feed to get that platform

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