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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Isn't that the exact quote from the website you rubbished earlier?

    No. The source I rubbished said "If the game is not listed on the schedule up until the end of Q2 it is currently not due out until after that time." which is much more vague, inaccurate and rubbish


    Something else to look at, the brawl character rosta leaked, http://www.nintendrone.blog.com/2368798/ I call fake. However, if it does turn out to be real how does everyone feel about it?

    I can confirm to you that that is completely and utterly fake. While it may have characters that are in. It does have some which aren't and lacks many which are


    So much for being confident in your sources Serebii.

    I am confident in my sources. The date stuff didnt come from my sources as most of mine are in NOA not NOE. The date stuff came from logic

  2. The Wii remotes rumble facility doesn't strike me as powerful, though that could be because of a lack of rumble in the nunchuk. When I remember watching FF9 FMVs on the PS2 I remember fierce shaking of the controller! Anyone feel different?

    That was back in the time of "Look, we have rumble...lets use it pointlessly loads". Nowadays its "We have rumble. Lets subtlely use it to give the player the optimum immersion in the game"

  3. Kotaku is as big as GoNintendo and Joystiq, maybe even bigger.

    I believe he was referring to the site Kotaku got it from; Videogamers.com


    Honestly you guys are being too optimistic with the whole "uninformed spokesman" thing. I can't think of any prominent examples where a game hasn't been on a Nintendo release list for a few quarters and then suddenly appeared quite early in them. When they think it will PROBABLY be but dont know for sure they do things like they did for Mario Kart and put "Q2", not knowing totally sure but thinking it will be. If they leave a game totally out that usually means "no".

    Sorry but I use logic rather than cynicalism

  4. I think it might have to be done actually. If people keep believing it then it must be done then we'll take evidence you said and from this topic. It should calm people down.

    Well don't make it a definately wont be delayed story, it just has to be put forward that this so called definitive statement of it being delayed to Q3 is false and based upon shady evidence

  5. Chances are they're saving the release date update for the Dojo or for the next Europe Event (Thats in Jan isn't it? my memory fails me regarding events)


    In fact, the whole point of the Dojo is so everyhwere gets the data at the same time and so the release dates really cant be that far apart else they would have planned it differently...but thats just my opinion

  6. This is the sort of Video Game Journalism that pisses me off...the scare mongering and such. Fuck inflated Review Scores and advertisers controlling reviewers. It's the purposefully feeding false information to try and either get hits or destroy the communities


    GO FORTH AND SPREAD THE WORD. Save me from this damned damage control. I get enough of it in the Pokemon Community...don't make me save the gaming community on my own :p

  7. You know...when I get a new Wii I think I'll get a US one...


    Edit: Although, it's extremely likely that the spokesperson is wrong.

    Don't. I'm confident it will get a March release. April at the latest. IT WILL NOT SLIP


    The Release List is incomplete. There is 1 Q2 listing...it wont be after Q2 GUARANTEED. The latest it will be out is the start of May and thats at a stretch. Them saying that if the games not on the list it wont be out til after Q2 is stupid and I bet fabricated. That videogames site may have edited it or fabricated it just to cause a scare tactic that will earn them hits.


    Trust me my friends


    You're forgetting that the financial year starts in March. "Q3" isn't until September.

    Thats not how the Release Schedule is done. Q1 is Jan-March Q2 is April-June


    You know...when I get a new Wii I think I'll get a US one...


    Edit: Although, it's extremely likely that the spokesperson is wrong.

    Of course they're wrong. With that statement they are claiming only one game will come out on the Wii & DS in Q2 from any publisher and that would be Mario Kart.

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