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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Cheers...of course now the effect has mentally scarred me (I actually lost like nigh on 5 stone in the first 6 months) and I'm ever paranoid about putting it back on :s


    Hahaha! Thats not what I'm saying.


    You tick a lot of boxes.





    ....Wait....I'm straight? Am I? Yeah. Okay cool.

    Hah, na I know thats not what you meant...its just people expect the owner of the world's biggest pokemon site to be fatter and uglier :p

  2. Am I right in saying you lost a lot of weight Serebii?


    I think it was you anyway.....


    Looking good ^_^

    You are indeed


    End of 2004 I was pushing 18 stone


    I'm now 9st 11


    Serebii is a good looking male.

    Shocking isn't it :p

  3. Well this was always going to take a backseat to Banjo for me anyway...but I'll still get good use out of it :)


    Just got this from gameplay...perhaps the UK date?


    First of all some bad news - Little Big Planet has unfortunately been delayed by Sony until Wednesday 5th November. Obviously all orders will be shipped for the new release date.
  4. Well its been 6 months and My Wii Fit Report is as so


    Started on April 25th with a BMI of 23.64 and at 11st 6


    Today; BMI: 20.34 at 9st 11


    Loads of times where the weight stayed level, but I think I did a good job...it has really helped me focus my exercise regime :)

  5. My only issue is with the playlist


    There's too much crap and not enough recent stuff...even video game stuff is neglected on it


    If they had more of those then it'd be a def. buy


    Donkey Konga managed to get the balance right...its a shame this didnt

  6. This game has absolutely no appeal to me. Its nothing but mindless waggle- the very fact you can achieve something by 'hanging the remote from a tree and letting the wind play it' is a complete insult.

    I actually though Casamassina was rather generous in his review.

    This needs to bomb big time.

    Have you played it? Hardly seems fair you can judge a game saying a review was generous or not if you have yet to experience it. If you have experienced it, I apologise.

  7. Yup it was the last one I had to get aswell. It was so annoying as when I switched to the other character while sliding he wouldnt go left! It took me 4 attempts before I finally got it, quit the level and bought the last character and data entries then my 360 got the red lights and died :)

    Ouch, now thats timing lol


    Lego Batman is the first game I got 1000/1000 gamer points on too lol

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