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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. I just beat this 100% over the weekend ( 360 version ) and I thought it was great. I have played all of the Lego games and I think I enjoyed this one the most. I liked how it was an original story and the levels were a blast to play. I also found that certain levels on Star Wars and Indiana Jones were tedious and drawn out while on this they seemed the perfect length.

    I totally agree...although the mini kit which had you needing to get through six gates while going down a slope near the end of the level annoyed me greatly since to retry it you have to start the level over again

  2. Oh so if your child is going around, trashing the place, breaking things and being generally unruly, and they wont listen to you saying for them to go to their room or that <INSERTITEMHERE> is off limits to them for X days/weeks/months, then you wouldnt physically grab them, possibly smack them once and just sort them out? Please. Don't try taking the moral high-ground here

  3. Neither of them are assault, oddly enough.


    I love the way people who support the battery of children use the term "disciplining", it almost sounds acceptable. There are ways of disciplining kids without hitting them. If hitting them is all you can think of, then you shouldn't have kids...




    Touching someone without their prior permission is assault. Doing so with any significant force is battery.

    In my eyes, smacking is a last resort...if they continue to play up despite what you do then you give them a smack. Of course other disciplining techniques come first...what do you take us for? Vikings?

  4. It's still an assault (hitting someone with the intention of hurting them is most definitely battery), and being traditional doesn't make it acceptable. A parent shouldn't need to hit a child, if they've brought them up properly.

    At the age that a child is logically smackable (I'm thinking 4 to 10ish), they arent brought up fully yet and they're doing these things to test the boundaries

  5. I went for yes. I got smacked as a kid and it done me good, shows kids can't get away with everything, what's a light telling off and sent to a room gonna do anyway.

    "Whoa no, your room is full of toys. Go to the...garage!"



    That just sprung to mind :p

  6. Alternative to smacking...electro shock.


    They haven't banned that yet have they? It'll get the kid knowing that whatt they did is not acceptable. I was smacked when I was unruly as a younger child...now I'm a very good adult, would never do anything wrong unless I fully believe that what I'm doing is right.

  7. Further to my previous post, my Wii was sent to Nintendo for a repair. It came back, silent as a mouse, in 8 days (would have been 7, if Parcel Force took their finger out of their arses).

    Its a launch machine and no charge was made.

    Just about to send mine in as it's been having issues reading brawl among others (brawl most) and I'm glad to hear they're that good :)

  8. Isn't that kind of the point? oO

    Yeah but I do like to take my time to explore...on the levels where you get the checkpoint and the guy right at the start and then the whole level is a way back to it and you have to get everything then and get through it in a few minutes...its just annoying

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