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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. They need to make the Shooting levels from the first one into a full game (the second didn't fit right)...Balance Board capabilities with that and you have a Rabbid Time Crisis...just plug the Wiimote into the Zapper and you'll be set :p


    Shame itwont happen

  2. Wow nice one ^_^



    My step-mum said she wants me to get this, and will pay half towards it if she can go on it daily (yay ^_^)


    Buuut, no online stores have it in stock -.-


    Going to my local shopping center wednesday to see if there is any in stock anywhere!

    Thanks, tho it was prolly a miscalculation or something...we'll see if it sticks in a few days


    I got mine from Woolworths, they prolly still have loads

  3. Was just playing online and some guy had a star by his name and was kicking arse, miles ahead of everyone and had like 9,500 points..........HOW?

    I myself was just about to get over 9,000 points


    Then I got Item Fucked several times in several races which pushed me to last and thus I'm now at 8,600

  4. WooHoo, i just got my last Gold Cup. I now have all the Gold cups. Still have two characters to unlock though, and some vehicles too.


    Do you find Mirror to be easier than 150cc?

    God no...the AI is even cheaper then

  5. Hot damn, I'm unfit. I could hardly do one push up, let alone six. :blank:


    Also for the men: is the tree pose 'possible'?




    How long have you been on it for each day? And doing which activities? I'd like to lose a decent amount of weight. :heh:

    Every activity once :) Except ones like the pushups...dont have enough room here to do them


    Tree pose is possible but with leg on the knee not higher up...at least thats with me

  6. Went up against a nintendo staffer yesterday online among other players


    They item raped me to no end. Constantly hit by every item, never able to get my own...hit into lava by items


    Came in 8th






    Made it back in 7 matches though lol. Almost at 8800 points..at the point where I lose points for coming in 2nd :s

  7. Okay, my impressions:



    Online is great

    Some of the new tracks are pretty cool

    Love the stunts

    Love using the wheel

    Ghost Valley 2



    Too many babies

    No Kamek

    The Item Blocks take a fucking decade to re-appear

    The Pow block is the worst/most annoying item from any video game ever

    They picked the worst tracks from the N64 version, except one.

    The AI is a real pain in the ass most of the time. RED SHELL BLUE SHELL LIGHTNING BOLT RED SHELL POW BLOCK RED SHELL...then you slip on a banana peel

    The characters are always in a group and you can never get too far in front - one mistake and you're 12th.

    Rainbow Road....sucks



    I give it a 7.

    Thats odd from one of your negatives...I always manage to get away from the group...

  8. Most reviewers who have said you cant do all the things are referring to stunts. You have to use the D-pad to use it...it's easy though, just a quick flick of the thumb away from the control stick


    I always play with the Cube Controller...rarely miss a stunt and always win...it isn't hard to get to it

  9. wow! The most I've had is around 7400 but I had a terrible string of loses this morning and its down to 6800 now...=/

    I worry about that happening to me, especially since now I lose points if I come in 2nd

  10. I've been downloading the ghost data of the world records for each track and using their tatics. Normally that unlocks them since all the world records smash the expert time trials.

    Still, doing that i'm always slower somehow


    Managed to do them...whys it always the SNES ones that are annoying to do


    Well, just got GCN Waluigi Stadium to do now...wish me luck lol


    And done


    Got me a new Mii outfit :p Now I have got everythin in this game and continue to be awesome online haha...got a ranking of over 8500 now :)

  11. I don't drive with the wheel


    Star by the name...I think thats obtained when you have at least one star ranking on every cup in every mode...I didn't have much trouble doing that...only got less than a star on my first go on the cups twice out of the 32 cups


    Was his name Joe? If so that was me :p

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