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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I think we should start sharing battle videos. You can save certain battles, specifically multiplayer and Subway battles to your Vs Recorder and then upload them in a Pokemon Centre for everyone to see. Here's one where I battled one of my friends 94-50102-25338
  2. It's just getting ridiculous, especially as it didn't come today. I'm getting incredibly pissed off considering I spent a decent amount of cash on these tickets for me and my friends. There are two delivery possibilities left, and I'm getting increasingly concerned that they aren't going to arrive
  3. Royal Mail is fucking taking the piss Expecting some tickets for a night out on Saturday night, they were dealt with this weekend and sent first class. Not only are they not here yet, but the post has been coming past 5 the last week. It's getting ridiculous
  4. Exactly my point, which is why we're going out without him on Sat :p Going to a night here, We Are Your Friends. I've been trying to get them to go for the last six months, but my other friend Ozzy is also annoyed at the fact that nothing ever happens anymore and so he made sure we're going to this one too
  5. We're getting there, but my friends were hesitant to do things without the whole group
  6. Ctrl Click or middle mouse button click :p
  7. Mine is rather on the other end of yours. As I'm self employed, I don't have an excessively large group of friends so rely on the half a dozen or so close friends. Unfortunately, the lynchpin of the group always is "tired" so never wants to do anything. Meet up like once a week usually, but sometimes not even that. It's very rarely doing anything outside of going to their house.
  8. http://www.serebii.net/games/evs.shtml A good thing now is that EVs are recalculated after every battle, not every level so you can now re-EV train level 100s
  9. Serebii


    I will. Getting it this weekend for a night out
  10. I bloody hate AJAX :p
  11. Serebii


    Thanks guys, everyone barring one person says it'd suit me so I think I'll go with it. Bit nervous though as it's a big change for me lol
  12. Serebii


    Well thankfully I don't go out too often so upkeep isn't that much of an issue
  13. Serebii


    Bringing this thread out of mothballs because I need help. Getting my hair cut Friday for a big night out on Saturday. You may have seen photos of me; I want a bit of a change so have been thinking about getting something like this; Would this actually suit me? If not then I'm thinking of going more for something like this but it isn't much of a change; Help me Obi Wan Kenobi...you're my only hope.
  14. Which means we'll probably get our games before the console
  15. 16/03/2011 Your credit/ debit card has been authorised and your order is now being released for packing. I checked back and this happened with my DSi too. Whoops :p
  16. That'd make sense. I guess I worry I wont get my shiny 3DS on time lol
  17. 16/03/2011 Your order is held for credit checking. WTF, I've never had this with GAME before...used this same credit card with Pokemon Black so what the hell is happening
  18. They've gone back in now that levels have reduced
  19. The fact is, the public is scared of nuclear. Most of it is due to media sensationalisation. There are countless safeguards to protect meltdowns, especially after Chernobyl. However, as mentioned earlier, the only reason Fukushima's is screwing up is becuase it withstood a 8.9 earthquake and then, just 15 minutes later, got hit by a 10 metre high tidal wave. After all that, it has cooling issues, which unfortunately are escalating. However, if the worst happens, it's going to be nowhere near as cataclysmic as people think. Fukushima may be a bit radioactive for a while, and some may be dispersed by the wind across some larger areas but it wont be deadly
  20. The problem is, the media is completely sensationalising the issues with the power plant. All the time it's been explosion this, radiation that but they ignore the fact that it survived a huge earthquake and it's only fucking up due to the tsunami. They ignore the fact that it's a low yield plant and that a fallout would be nothing like Chernobyl. It's just getting out of hand. The media is scaremongering. Nuclear power IS safe. However, it, like everything else, fucks up when it has a 10 metre high tidal wave hit it.
  21. What's the amount of time necessary before things can become funny?
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