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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. How the hell are those flips and massive jumps done o,o
  2. Go back and play Mario World again. I love that game to death but the vast majority of the levels were left to right with no backtracking for keyholes or secret endings
  3. Just noticed Nintendo posted a notice on the eShop about this
  4. Replay those games and you'll see that these levels do stack up there with those ones, if they're not better
  5. I don't think so as those services are not based in Germany
  6. As did my SNES Classic Controller. It's awesome. Feels just like my SNES controllers
  7. Good idea in theory but it's not financially or logistically viable
  8. People complain when they retread out stuff. People complain when they do new stuff. It's impossible to win in the days of the internet
  9. I agree that they need to sort it out, but it will be very tricky to do
  10. The other companies aren't based in Germany. Nintendo is and has been since long before this law came into effect. All because they're based in Germany, they have to abide by the law in all their transactions, including international ones.
  11. It's tricky though. As I said on Eurogamer (to which I was negatived and the idiots there just went on about Nintendo not doing stuff right), as NOE is based in Germany, they have to follow German laws. MS and Apple don't run their Europe bases in Germany so they don't have to, but Nintendo do. They made Germany the European HQ before this law occured and moving would be incredibly costly and detrimenal to their business; Nintendo aren't exactly doing brilliantly in Europe. As much as it sucks, it's how business works. They're subject to the laws in the country in which it is based and that's how it is
  12. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-12-10-nintendo-explains-crazy-wii-u-eshop-restrictions
  13. Nope, 1080p About 15 hours but that was doing like no sidequests
  14. Finished the main story of this the other day, loved it. Didn't notice any slowdown or anything that people were complaining about The amount of postgame content is incredible, guess it's because we get all the DLC straight out. The Harley Quinn stuff for example, pretty extensive addition
  15. Funny you should mention that http://doctorwhotv.co.uk/ian-mckellen-voicing-the-snowmen-42820.htm
  16. It's something I've heard places other than here too so it's quite possible.
  17. The publisher dropped out in Europe which is why it didn't come at launch. While people are making the characters in the PC one, they won't interact like they do in the Wii U one, nor look as good
  18. It isn't their fault though. Due to the eShop being based in Germany, they have the German laws to follow
  19. Just tap the R button, don't linger...just tap while tilting slightly...it'll help
  20. Got another big spoiler, from the same friend who I will destroy...but figured I'll let you guys get spoiled
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