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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Had to spend a lot of money for site stuff lately, and I may as well go with the best quality stuff
  2. Just received this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0082J1YCE/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Works a treat too
  3. I can't say either way, I honestly do not know
  4. There's a grapple gun, a colour gun,
  5. Don't worry, the large load times aren't really common
  6. Go to GAF and various other places across the internet. Many are saying it. We're at the point where publishers are requesting that characters get guns on the boxarts even if they don't use a gun in the game. Guns and shooters sell. Disappointment sure, not happy, probably. However it'd not be a failure because it makes money.
  7. Exactly. Nintendo did with the 3DS price cut (which has now turned around, and was majorly responsible for their losses in the second half of 2011), and they're at a slight loss with the Wii U, I believe they now break even/profit if the attach-rate is like 2 for every console, which it currently is, so it's all good. But that's my point. Everyone complaining wants Nintendo to do a massively powerful console and that just isn't financially logical. Nintendo are a business, and basically people are wanting them to collapse in order to please fanboys. Yes, the Wii U isn't setting things on fire, or even making much of a spark at the moment, but once Nintendo starts releasing their stuff, it will. Sure, a Gamecube level in sales is possible, maybe probable, but when every single unit is at a profit, that is not a failure in any sense of the word and people need to learn that and accept it. Hell, I've spent 32 hours since Wednesday playing Lego City: Undercover and 9 hours playing Luigi's Mansion 2. I'm happy with things as they are :p
  8. Apology accepted :p
  9. It was in a Chotto Nintendo Direct, Ashley. Japan doesn't do April Fools :p
  10. There were Nintendo Directs in the weeks I specified
  11. http://www.serebii.net/dreamradar
  12. Cruel prank. I had my hopes up for a second
  13. Fun fact, UNIT's existence is pretty much because of The Great Intelligence taking over with a Yeti in the underground, something that The Doctor may have put in place in the Christmas episode, despite it happening to the second Doctor
  14. No reprint as far as I know
  15. Coming from today's Chotto Direct This AR app is completely free and there are special AR cards that can work with it, which come with prepaid point cards Developed by the team behind Galaxy & 3D Land Starts with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Goomba, Koopa and Bowser cards, with more to come at a later date for 1,000 to 3,000 yen as they also give eShop credit. You can then take photos with them and watch as they interact. Put Mario & Goomba together, and Mario will jump on it Seems like a fun little app
  16. http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=199346 Seems like Mark Rein is backpedalling a little
  17. Yay, I can't wait to get Shoe. That link at the bottom makes me said
  18. I was surprised the Wii didn't have a sequel to it, to be honest
  19. Still more innovative than the others
  20. Nintendo has always been seen like this. It's annoying, considering they're the ones who tend to innovate the most. People think more power equals greater games. While that sometimes is the case, it's not how gaming should be
  21. To be fair, he's now backtracked saying that it would run on the Wii U, but the developers would have to port it themselves
  22. I really liked the ep. It was a bit nice to go back to modern day shenanigans, a bit like the Tennant years. Though the last few seasons have been great, they've gone away from modern day episodes, presumably because they were over done but this and The Power of Three so far this season were great
  23. At least two Serebii.net (well Pokémon Smash but I'll have it seconds after)
  24. So, we're getting new Pokémon next week Who's pumped
  25. Yes, and then that console would have no selling point and would just be a weaker console which would get even less support
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