Exactly. Nintendo did with the 3DS price cut (which has now turned around, and was majorly responsible for their losses in the second half of 2011), and they're at a slight loss with the Wii U, I believe they now break even/profit if the attach-rate is like 2 for every console, which it currently is, so it's all good.
But that's my point. Everyone complaining wants Nintendo to do a massively powerful console and that just isn't financially logical. Nintendo are a business, and basically people are wanting them to collapse in order to please fanboys.
Yes, the Wii U isn't setting things on fire, or even making much of a spark at the moment, but once Nintendo starts releasing their stuff, it will.
Sure, a Gamecube level in sales is possible, maybe probable, but when every single unit is at a profit, that is not a failure in any sense of the word and people need to learn that and accept it.
Hell, I've spent 32 hours since Wednesday playing Lego City: Undercover and 9 hours playing Luigi's Mansion 2. I'm happy with things as they are :p