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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I agree. I'm getting this over GTA though...this is on the Wii U, and my 360 is being retired for new games after I'm done with the AC3 DLC. GTA V just doesn't seem that compelling for me.
  2. Well, in trailers advertising it, they have to go that angle if they want it to sell, as guns and violence sell. It's mandated by publishers. It's the same reason a gun is the focus on the boxart, and not his phone, which is the core part of gameplay
  3. It's a sandbox game, somewhat like GTA but less "lol let's kill people" and more "what can I use to impede people/hack about people"
  4. Plus the fact that it was a poor port, with no DLC and compressed to hell videos
  5. Just came to post this. It's likely to be the lineup for the next week or two
  6. It's almost as if they have to redo the stuff for the Wii U. It doesn't matter if it's on another console or not, the architecture isn't the same
  7. They won't. They've said their E3 focus is on North America, and that Japan and Europe will get the stuff through Nintendo Directs so it's all good
  8. They could but you can't have it both ways. You can't want an onslaught of like 20 VC titles a week, and for them to have their development teams all on full focus for Wii U software for the end of the year
  9. Other companies don't strive for perfection. There are always emulation issues and so forth, and many games aren't even released because they can't get it working to a sufficient quality on the emulator they put on the console
  10. Super Metroid will be in 3 weeks Really though, they need to recode every emulator for every game, which is why releases are staggered again
  11. Games that we previously owned and then upgrade, we only get the upgrade fee as the value for the points, right?
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a one to two hour direct, or there will be a direct each day in the 4 days running up to E3 opening
  13. Two Wii U VC games this week according to the press release Pac-Man (Namco Bandai, NES VC) - €4.99/£3.49 Pac-Man needs no introduction; it's one of the most popular video games ever made! Move Pac-Man through the mazes, avoiding ghosts and eating all the Pac-Dots. Beware though; each of the ghosts behave differently! When Pac-Man chomps a Power Pellet, he becomes invincible, and is able to eat the blue ghosts. The more ghosts Pac-Man eats in a row, the higher the score. Don't forget to eat the bonus fruit, too! Mega Man (CAPCOM, NES VC) - €4.99/£3.49 Mega Man's original adventure blasts onto Nintendo eShop! The series became famous for its challenging mix of platforming and shoot 'em up action, and here you can see how it all began. As a super-robot created by the genius Dr. Light, it's up to Mega Man to traverse ten unique stages and beat the devious Robot Masters designed by evil Dr. Wily. Beating each boss allows Mega Man to use its trademark weapon, giving you an advantage in other stages - a technique still used in the series today.
  14. No discussion again? What's wrong with you guys Thought it was a decent enough ep.
  15. No, but I have a faulty keyboard -_- It keeps missing out keystrokes, and if I don't proof read things, that shit happens -_-
  16. For some games, sure. However, Super Mario World for a fiver? bargain
  17. I only had one issue with it, difficulty wise. Against one of the bosses, I just kept getting destroyed. As such, I switched to Companion mode and farmed missions to get reviver seeds. Mind you, I didn't bother with the 99 floor dungeons. Nuts to that
  18. They need to redevelop the emulators so manpower is required and an ultra low price would require a considerable amount of sales to recoup those costs Suddenly remembered my sister's friend borrowed my GBA Super Mario World...I don't actually have it on anything other than the SNES. Download!
  19. No they won't be. The game is done with DLC and DLC such as that violates Nintendo's DLC policies
  20. It's a good enough game. Has a classic Pokémon Mystery Dungeon story, and the standard gameplay, upgraded a bit for the 3DS. The visuals manage to keep the Dungeon style However, it lacks all the Pokémon, only having 144 which makes it a bit repetitive, especially since it has infinite dungeons in the Magnagate feature. The demo is live on the eShop now though
  21. Well, I got all 649 Pokémon today. Well, that's a lie as I've been getting them all week, but I got the 649th today Great game, a bit shallow but it has difficulty that ranges from ridiculously easy to ridiculously difficult. It then trolled me
  22. It's not just Nintendo's that has been "dull". Microsoft and Sony's have been dire the last 4 or so years If I hear "through the magic of Kinect" one more time... Nothing against Kinect, but my god
  23. These people don't get the difference between emulation and remakes/enhanced ports
  24. Actually seeing people moaning about the Wii U VC because they don't have online added, or achievements, and that the games aren't worth buying as they're easily available on an emulator
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