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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That may actually work, but it'd also insult those people who thought it, causing them to vow never to buy a Nintendo console again
  2. Wii U Virtual Console launch with: Super Mario World, Excitebike, Mario’s Super Picross, F-Zero, Ice Climber, Donkey Kong Jr and Punch-Out!! Pac Man, Super Metroid, Mega Man, Street Fighter and Super Mario Bros. series will be available soon on the Wii U Virtual Console.
  3. Because EA wasn't responsible for that either... Yes, Nintendo aren't helping matters, but it's ignorant to state it is all their fault.
  4. Partly, yes. However, many third parties chose not to support it before sales turned to crap, hell before the console even came out. Western developers and publishers just seem to care about the most power and they develop for that
  5. Because Iwata is solely responsible for the business decisions of other companies
  6. People said the same about the 3DS two years ago. Now it's faring much better. Yes, the Wii U has issues, but with marketing and software, it'll turn around to be a moderately successful console. It's not going to be the best selling thing of all time, no sir. However, it will be profitable, and it will continue
  7. It's not "No E3"
  8. On this forum, yes, every post is considered. However, look at my forum, or NeoGAF. When forums get huge, unfortunately not every post is considered or worthwhile
  9. They have said they are doing so and it's due for release in the summer
  10. It still can be the greatest E3 ever Look at last year. Fantastic start. The E3 Direct was amazing, the whole internet was abuzz with positivity towards Nintendo. Main conference on the Tuesday. Started off well, but died (so say most people) 3DS conference on the Wednesday. Just dire and had a guy with zero stage presence present it This way, everything we get is modelled on the first. Hell, we never get disappointed with Directs
  11. One press, one investor etc. That way, sales figures and stuff like that are in one while game reveals etc are in the other
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nintendo-over-130035733.html It begins Especially with this bit NOA press release because of this See...not bad at all
  13. Well Nintendo are doing several press/retailer-only presentations at E3, so I wouldn't say they'd get nothing
  14. I'd never defend this decision. However, I am defending that people are assuming this means Nintendo isn't showing anything and have no presence at E3 when they have clearly said they will have press events there, while the information to the consumer away from E3 will be done via the tried and true Nintendo Directs. Essentially: Same shit, different presentation. It's just how people view it that screws it up
  15. Fun fact Microsoft and Sony both have revealed their consoles at a conference away from E3. They get praise. Nintendo does stuff differently...it's Nintendo
  16. That's GAF today :p
  17. Yeah, but Nintendo ARE having press events there. They're just not oversized PR bullshit Seriously, E3 conferences have turned ridiculous so I can maybe see why. They try to get trendy celebrities on to promote their products these days, especially if you're Microsoft
  18. I liked the NintendoLand demo :p I feel people were too harsh about last year's conference
  19. Nonsense. GAF are ignoring that Nintendo are still there with press events etc. I'm more concerned about the fallout, as you can see on GAF. It'd have been better to have it, the ND and more though. It's still a bad idea, but it's not a destruction of the company like some there are doing
  20. To be fair, logically there is reason. Their E3 presentation last year was upstaged by the vastly superior E3 Direct two days before. They are also still going to be there with press events and everything so they'll have a definite presence at E3, so a lot of people are over-reacting Here they can focus their time better. No pointless on screen performances, no shoehorning in third party games into their personal presentation. Here they can focus on their games how they want, without the constraints of being live. I'm not happy about this, I think it may be the worst idea since the Vitality Sensor, but they aren't ignoring E3 altogether like many are believing At least this means we won't have Americans bloody applauding at everything. "Hi *applause*" "This is a game *applause*" "I have herpes *applause*"
  21. Bad idea. This is a BAD idea. This is the worst idea I've seen from Nintendo. By all means, do the Directs as well, but by dismissing the E3 conference, they're making themselves seem insignificant to the general media and stupid people around the internet. Even EA and Ubisoft do press conferences
  22. Oh crap, I forgot about that lol. 3DS boosts, everything else level
  23. Reggie was Chief Operating Officer and President. He answered to someone, now former CEO of NOA Tatsumi Kimishima, who then answered to Iwata. They're now cutting out the middleman and having Iwata answer to himself
  24. A friend has got me a full set, including the secret one! I'm enjoying this game, but it certainly isn't forgiving lol
  25. Yeah. There's postgame levels which require you to complete Challenges and collect Pokémon to unlock. Not an easy task
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