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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. It wont be DLC, but I agree about events. Though hackers won't be able to get into the game day one. Nobody has broken encryption yet
  2. Do note that if you get Art Academy Sketchpad, you'll get a discount off the full game when it's released
  3. My concern is them possibly not giving us over 100 new Pokémon in favour of giving say 60 new ones and a buttload of Mega Evolutions
  4. To be fair, the EVO thing wasn't exactly Nintendo being stupid. The organisers of EVO spoke to a couple of people in Nintendo about it and they said it sounded good, but the organisers never took it to the legal department because they were afraid of being told no. Then, one person in the legal department spotted that they were doing it and told them to stop. It's the organisers fault for not doing things properly, not Nintendo
  5. That may not work. It'll probably be like Giratina's Griseous Orb in that the item cannot be removed
  6. Double attacks are a misinterpretation going around. Think like the move Double Hit, Double-slap etc. The move will hit twice, but as it'll need to hold the Kangaskhanite, it won't have anything like Choice items attached. You also can only have one Mega Evolution on your team
  7. Look who has Mega Evolved and come out to play
  8. Have I told you that I hate you recently? :p
  9. I am restraining myself from downloading the demo...
  10. Hence why you shouldn't pawn off the game
  11. There's a tradition that there is always an Electric-type rodent which looks similar to Pikachu introduced in each generation Generation 1 - Pikachu: Electric-type Generation 2 - Pichu: Electric-type (actually related to Pikachu) Generation 3 - Plusle/Minun: Electric-type Generation 4 - Pachirisu: Electric-type Generation 5 - Emolga: Electric/Flying-type Generation 6 - Dedenne: Electric/Fairy-type Each runs different sets with different abilities and have varying stats, so they aren't the same
  12. That's a distinct possibility
  13. But what about the DLC?
  14. Why's it a shame? It was software that was developed, using manpower and thus costing the company. It's only logical that they make some money on it
  15. We know how it'll go "Japan's is awesome" "Look, America is gold again" "Yay, Europe is like Japan's"
  16. They have been working on the game since 2010 Models for the first 649 Pokémon, and all their forms, already existed in Pokédex 3D Pro, too, so it wasn't too much extra work
  17. Basically, they're evolutions for the Pokémon, but because that gives them extra power, it's completely temporary and optional
  18. Best get the game before January
  19. Only Blaziken's Mega Stone, the Blazikenite, is unavailable in standard gameplay
  20. Director's edition of the trailer
  21. That's after they edited it
  22. We do not use that word :p
  23. Indeed. The start is like Peach has been kidnapped and put in a rape dungeon by Luigi
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