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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. E3 2013: http://nintendoeverything.com/miyamoto-zelda-wii-u-progressing-well-thought-about-showing-it-at-e3-2013/ NY Comic-Con 2013 http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=214951
  2. Says whom? Zelda was ready to be shown at E3 last year. Logically, we'll get a decent trailer and it'll be playable on the show floor.
  3. They are going to impress at E3. Mark my words There have been hints all over the place. It will be glorious. Unless they just do a Direct, in which case, even I can't defend them. Image, unfortunately, is everything, like you said.
  4. The gaming industry, at the moment, is incredibly loss leading. Nintendo need these extra avenues so that it doesn't all collapse around them. Look at FY3/2012. 3DS had a price cut. I believe it was at around $70 loss per unit. 3DS took off and sold around 13m at that price in the year. That resulted in horrific losses (that's $840,000,000 lost on the 3DS console alone, and a net loss of around $420m for the company that FY) despite success, and software sales only go so far. Cost of development of software has also drastically gone up This is why microtransactions, paywalls etc. have become a big thing, to try and offset these massive costs that are damaging the industry, yet are necessary for the industry in its current state. If Nintendo were to follow the other consoles with costs etc. and keep their policies, then it would destroy them. These other avenues open up potential profit away from the toxic game industry to help the company thrive, and with the games still as their focus, help support it. If they were to just throw even more money at gaming, it wouldn't necessarily work out well for the company. Nintendo as a company has always done multiple things. Your reaction is exactly what Iwata was talking about, that despite having various avenues of income, people just see it as a pure video game company, which it isn't.
  5. I'm around 5'9 and am of an "ideal" weight according to both my doctor and Wii Fit U :p
  6. For the love of... THEY ARE DOING BOTH. The QoL stuff is not to take over the games. It's to support the company. Stop acting like it's taking away from things, because it's not.
  7. The Gamecube may have been a "failure" in terms of sales, sure, but in terms of money? No, as evidence by the chart I posted. This is the first time that a failure has actually fiscally damaged the company which is causing them to react. Xbox is a brand. Microsoft were shoehorning TV etc. into their games console. Nintendo is a company (which does more than video games), and is working on a new additional avenue which doesn't impact, affect or alter things on their games consoles. You're comparing an overall company to a brand. That's how it's not fair. Also, Nintendo's expansion includes additions to their gaming part, as well as new resources for their QOL and other avenues.
  8. Nintendo has been expanding. They're not diverting resources to it, they're creating resources for it. Also, you're comparing Nintendo, an overall company, to Xbox, a division of an overall company. That's not a fair comparison.
  9. Exactly. So, having other avenues of the company to try and make a profit in addition to that works well. If their next console has horrific losses, it's not as bad on the company. If it does well, as do the other avenues, then the company thrives. This is especially necessary if Nintendo need to "catch-up" to the others, tech wise, since that's very loss-leading, even though the others are using off the shelf parts.
  10. Nintendo have never been ones to follow the way the industry goes. They are ones who try to disrupt the industry's paths. With the Wii U, it didn't work. That's all. People such as you just exaggerate the issue. Iwata's statement here is reactionary because they now know what happens when a console doesn't do well, so they realised they need other avenues to shore the business up in case that happens again.
  11. Well of course it's a reactionary decision. Nobody is debating that.
  12. And that's just Xbox 360, isn't counting the losses from the original Xbox And this, though it lacks FY 2012 & 2013 Those losses are not sustainable and would have killed the business if it wasn't for Microsoft having other divisions. They're still very much in the red, cumulatively speaking.
  13. I went from 18 to 12 in around 6 months during my final year of University. Went up to 15 by the April after I finished, and with the help of Wii Fit, got back down to ~10 by the end of that year. Don't do much other exercise, aside from the aforementioned jogging, plus I walk everywhere possible. That's all.
  14. Well there has to be a reason and I don't think that it's that they "can't be bothered". That idea is ridiculous.
  15. I think it's more of a licensing issue than an emulation issue
  16. Pic of the day. Tether recovery? Yes, you can! And from even longer range than before. Multiple fighters can latch on--who actually grabs hold is determined by the same rules as the standard ledge grab.
  17. Absolutely. Nintendo and Iwata can do it. They need these extra avenues to support gaming. The only reason PS4 and Xbox One are as they are is because MS & Sony have other avenues to "pick up the slack" so to speak for the first few years of the console. If Xbox was released in a company that only focused on games, that company would have been bankrupt and shut down a year after the Xbox 360 came out. The recent and continual expansion of Nintendo is also evidence that they can handle it. Those who say they can't support two consoles are also mistaken, as their output in the last 24 months has been as large, if not larger, across both platforms than it ever has been across their two platforms in any 24 month period of their video game tenure.
  18. Well, this just happened on the EU FB & Twitter
  19. I'm the same as MoogleViper. never actually had an issue with it so just use deodorant. Lynx Excite is my current one.
  20. Just be sure to backup your save in case you want to go back.
  21. Regardless, everyone has a beard now so I'm going to be rebellious and keep being awesome without one :p
  22. Following on that, Wii Fit also helps. I know, you may think this is just me being a fanboy, but if it wasn't for Wii Fit, I'd have put the weight back on. By the end of university, I had got down to 12 stone from 18. Then, I went up to 15 stone because I wasn't doing too much. Wii Fit then came out and since then, I dropped to between 9 and a half and 10 (depends on how much chocolate my parents keep feeding me) and have maintained this weight for 4 years now.
  23. I still maintain that the entire concept of NintendoLand is for local play and online wouldn't fit it well at all. But I digress, that's a discussion for another topic
  24. Come now. Nintendo's online may be missing things like party chat and the ability to transfer accounts yourself, but the actual netcode isn't bad. None of their games ran badly except Brawl. I hate when people exaggerate issues. However, Mario is a precision platformer and latency would kill that. Both 2D and 3D. Platformers are very hard to do online, which is why so few are and the ones that do have major issues.
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