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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Advance Wars sucks :p Anyway, I'm working on trying to be less of a blunt person here. Will try my best to improve
  2. Pilotwings Resort was fun for a while, when just flying around a bit, but got old fast. The 3D on full also made my eyes bleed :p
  3. To be fair, I had meant to write "That's why I didn't post about it on my site.". Not sure why I omitted the last three words. What the intent of the post was, however, was to let people know that as the stream is to be after launch, it wouldn't be a stream of reveals merely of people playing the game. I do apologise if any offence or misunderstandings occurred from my post. It was not my intent to cause ire.
  4. We can answer that. No. This is an idea that Tanabe has been wanting to do with the Metroid franchise for 10 years and now he, with Next Level Games, are doing it.
  5. Well I heard that he confirmed it for 3DS there anyway.
  6. I just think you're looking at it too big. From what the video says, it wasn't the overall Nintendo higher ups the NST developers were clashing with, it was the specific staff that were put in charge of NST.
  7. I think the gaming industry needs to separate itself from "generations". Here we have three consoles...two are mid-range PC specs and the other is weaker but gimmicky. What we need to do is not be generational anymore but either have multiple form factors of different specs or not worry about generations and release when needed. Of course, there are many things both for and especially against this idea, but getting rid of the idea of generations in the industry may be beneficial for it as a whole.
  8. To be fair, it's not the higher ups at Nintendo who are the point of contention. From what I understood, it's the Japanese people they put in charge of NST. We are also only hearing one side of the argument here. There's bound to be more to it.
  9. Indie success is nowhere near as large as general success on the platforms though. Indies are big, but they're not massive.
  10. God, this industry is so obsessed with graphics. It makes me sad.
  11. Well they're both out on 3DS so logically...
  12. He referenced iOS and Android in giving a comparison to the relationship of the upcoming handheld and home console, saying they'd be like brothers. That implies no hybrid, even if he didn't say it outright (which I am pretty sure he has)
  13. I have been trying to find the specific one which references hybrids. I'm certain it exists, but he has mentioned the plan that isn't hybrids numerous times so even with that, why assume it's a hybrid?
  14. Because you'll just say "He never said the words "no hybrid"" despite him describing the different plan :/
  15. Just look at all the investor meetings over the last year. Iwata has said it in every one
  16. Well they're working with DeNA on that now, so I have faith they're actually going to sort it out Na, they've specified that QoL is completely separate to NX and that NX is a dedicated gaming device.
  17. Just had a filling fall out. The same one that has fallen out 3 times the past year. No idea why...all my others are fine. Knew it was going to happen so made an appointment earlier this week, but the earliest they could do is the 13th. Guess I'll have to call again on Monday to try and expedite.
  18. I love rumour season I just don't like when people take rumours as facts which I've been seeing happen a lot over the last few weeks regarding the NX. Not here, but in general around the net If true, it's not that far out of the realms of possibility but I was hoping for a little more grunt to the console. However, Nintendo needs to make sure it's affordable and going for a lot of grunt is a bit against that.
  19. Bandai Namco fighting games always come out in arcades first then get announced for home console release. When this game was first announced, Tsunekazu Ishihara said the game is coming to arcades first, then joked that he shouldn't have said that. The Pokkén Tournament arcade machine is powered by a controller which has a Wii U button configuration and the colours of the buttons match the SNES/N3DS
  20. That's because those series don't sell :p
  21. Yep. Launch day so don't expect much. That's why I didn't post about it.
  22. It's a Bandai Namco game. They add new characters randomly to keep it fresh then add more to the retail version.
  23. This is it for the arcade version at least. It's out in two weeks.
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