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Posts posted by Fanelia

  1. hell yeah! i always listen to andrea bocelli when i'm playing diablo 2. it's been quite some time though. obviously the music in diablo 2 sucks ass. there is no specific reason for the andrea thing, guess i just picked him out the first time and stuck with it...


    as for the rest, most games i play(ed) offer decent music and if the game is actually good the music becomes inseparable, so why listing to anything else? and even then, it is often impossible to turn off music on a game without turning of the sound effects. so you either play mute with music of your own choosing, or you play at volume and you get a mixed bag of shit.

  2. dreamcast wasn't that bad. that being said, the segasshole is right; obviously the wii will be nintendo's last console. right? that has been a fact for over ten years now. right?


    so what else is new?


    so guess what, my girl had a birthday last week and her ds lite made a different noise on boot. awesome! sega who?

  3. so here's the problem with the zapper; the wiimote ain't accurate. depending on the position of your wiibar, above your tv or underneath, the cursor will be slightly higher or lower than where you are actually aiming. so this don't make a difference if you are just swinging the thing around, but when attached to the zapper you might want to bring the zapper close to your head and aim closely. the wiimote offers more of a relative position than an exact one. try that shit out, take the wiimote put it against your friggin' head and aim in a straight line.


    does anyone follow?

  4. so for how long has this game been in production? how about seven fucking years in tibet? i remember in 2000, techdemo's of the gamecube showing of many mario's running around on a large gravitational ball, much like the mario galaxy principle. i also remember shigsy stating that galaxy has been far longer in production than sunshine. how about that. how is this game ever not going to rock the shit out of our wii's.

  5. I think Yoshi, with having a fat plumber or two on his back, his posture is getting worse. So he has the shoes to help balance his weight because he's leaning more. Yoshi used to stand upright you know.


    yoshi is a girl dino. right? i always figgured that, with the tail and tongue and all... then again, all dino's have tails and tongues. that's what the woman-mistery is all about.


    @comparison pics:


    well, his ears are smaller; i'm guessing that's pretext for less responsive wii-controls. the fucking game ain't out yet and it's already a letdown.

  6. shadowman on nintendo 64. anybody else? didn't think so. that game was fucking awfull. i had to mute my tv to remain sain when i played this fucking game. and all for the simple fact that the sound produced by firing your special soulblasting gun or whatever was designed to implode your real life brain or something. seriously, it was the must disgusting irritation sound i ever heard. that's nice and all, maybe as a onetime feature, only problem is that you have to shoot the thing like a billion times to get to the end of the game. that means you need a billion brains lying around in your house to survive that shit. or you can mute your tv. whatever suits your fancy.

  7. I can imagine this being one of the finest games ever made, implementing the wii-controls perfectly, getting the best ratings and being loved by all the fans, and yet it will sell for shit. how the fuck does that happen? how did this happen with prime 1 and 2? probably because most wii-owners today are either over 90 years old or under ten years old, or, you know, just female. or maybe they don't give a fuck about epic first person adventure. when asked why they don't have the game they will state "what the fuck is metroid? i only play the tennis and bowling thing".


    my point being that the wii-demographics aren't too favorable for this kind of game. remember shigsy saying about tp "i don't think many gamers are interested anymore in a game like this". what kind of an asshole attitude is that? seven fucking years i waited for that tablescratch.

    if this game doesn't score nintendo really doesn't have much reason for a sequel. instead it will release "metroid: train your parasite infested brain". a game for people with tumors. there are probably more of those than hardcore nintendo fans. plus the game will only cost 1 percent of prime. crunch the fucking numbers.

  8. what's up with the fucking cake-layerd platform in the middle of lake hylia and the drag queen asshole with his giant canon. talk about polluting the view. I loved the natural feel of lake hylia in OoT. lake hylia in TP is a complete fuck of a horror because of these monsters! and for what? some treasure chest if you manage to float there with a chicken. woopty-fucking-doo. seriously. some asshole sat at nintendo hq during a zelda designersmeeting or whatever, the entire lake was designed and approved and then that motherless dickhead put up his yellow little hand and said "hey, let's put a gigantic platform in the middle of the lake to completely fuck up the aestethics and bust a couple of million balls of all fans". and what's worse is that all the other ones said "hey, that might just be a good idea!". i can't believe this shit. and why can't I jump of the bridge into the lake? that's all I would ever want to do if anything in the entire game. jump of the bridge, real-time, no loading crap. just jump and dive in. even if it kills me on the spot, even if all my rupees and items and what not get scatterd around the entire map and i have to collect them all back, even if tingle then came to kidnap my fairy-ass and made me listen to his confetti-speeches for three fucking hours, i would still want to jump of that fucking bridge. remember OoT? jumping of that bridge? that felt great. the first time i jumped, i thought i was going to die right there. but i didn't! i just landed in the water, and there was some beef to milk, a crate to bust, and a chick to dig. that's great! that's zelda!


    I understand why it technically wasn't possible to jump of, because the wii couldn't keep all that information of that much data in memory or what not. so here's my answer to that; bullcrap. find a way. i'm still talking to nintendo right? work the magic. get some 500 euro add-on package out there that provides extra ram. like for the n64. i bought that red piece of crap. then, on the zelda-cover it should read "warning, assholes. if you want to jump of some bridge into some lake in this game, you need 500 fucking euro and buy some expansion pack". and then i would buy that and have a great bridge-jumping experience.


    also there should be a special version of tp, both for wii and gamecube, that is published specially for people who have problems with drag queens, platforms and giant canons blocking there much-treasured view.


    to sum this rant all up; no canons operated by drag queens, no giant ballbreaking platforms that pollute my view, more happy bridge-jumping, more chicks to dig, and a cow that gets me some milk if i play my flute.


    i have some more issues with TP that i would like to adress later.

  9. Here's a suggestion from someone who visits the site (not the forum though) a few times a day.


    remove the banner with the soundproducing smileys or what not. seriously. "hey," and "helloooo" and "oh my god" and "no waaay" everytime i change frames or tabs on safari or what not the smileys make some fucking noise. It vexes me. Not to the point that I would concider staying away from the site, but I do tend to curse at the fuckers. as proven right now.


    Or at least have some giant red button next to the banner that says "click here, and shut these fucking smileys the fuck up! forever! cookie based silence!"


    smileys should be asci or non-existent. this sound-thing is a negative evolution. so what's next, some asshole types a smiley on the north pole and there's snowflakes on my keyboard.


    oh, and there's something else. why are reviews on games always released some months after the game comes out? so now there's this preview on resident evil 4 on the site. but the game is already out. so i'm guessing the review is written whenever the fuck.


    thanks for listening.

  10. I had a katana, still do. Used to swing it around the house, some way of therapy, don't ask. But then ... I cut myself. Quite seriously I might add. Now it's more or likely a forgotten and distant object down the basement.


    Repressed memories of a shamefull day when I thought I was Kenshin.


    edit: yet, if I should ever encounter the sword of Guts from the manga Berserk, I shan't doubt a second on it's purchase.


    Guts with his sword;



    Guts his ho'



    I would now like to state something with the words "length", "importance" and "kinky chick", but I'll just leave it to your imaginations.

  11. Oh yeah, the entire map of the Ocarina of Time Water Temple on my chest. And a line that points out the route that must be followed. In case I ever forget, again...


    Seriously, me girl thinks a Nintendo neon-light in the livingroom is already far too nerdy. Games, period, are too nerdy for her... If I map the water temple on my chest, or have "Nintendo" written on the sole of my left foot, she will go, I don't know,... mental or something.

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