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Posts posted by Fanelia

  1. i am just saying it's new to metroid games not that they are new to the industry.


    Gamespot believe the game is too similiar. We are saying that there are many many differences. Those being another few reasons.


    even so, these are still changes in presentation, and won't affect the way a game feels or plays. the only change i read about is the use of your starship and the controls, offcourse, and those are adequatly praised.


    i guess my point being that the "low" score isn't that low at all and doesn't have a wii-hating taste to it. this is a great game, and the score says "great". so they have issues with some aspects, it's still an opinion, not a universal benchmark.


    on a side note, i hate these gamespot assholes; how do they come to imagine that their fat ugly mugs are anywhere near as important as footage when reviewing any game. seriously. is someone waiting for those vile fastfood mauls to appear every now and then and speak? it's vanity, and terribly misplaced at that. i mean, for fuck sake, he even waggles his fucking head from left to right the entire time, looking at the camera in some bizzar angle. so maybe his neck can't support the weight and he was populair in the circus, that's no reason to feature yourself in a video of a nintendo game.

    and the other asshole who reviewed zelda was defected too. he seemed thoroughly unhappy for some reason. lack of vitamins perhaps. small penis is more likely though.


    i dig the chick from gametrailers. she's hot. yeah. she smiles at me. makes me all nervous.

  2. Yep and multiple planets,more cinematics and actual voice acting.


    so what? voice acting, multiple environments (or planets, however they take form) and cinematics have been around for quite some time. just because nintendo decides they want it in a game doesn't mean they are pioneers... these things could have been in metroid prime 1 and it still wouldn't have been a "great leap forward". it's a standard for the genre for years, so don't get too excited when not everybody is impressed. i mean, these things were already rule rather than exception on the ps1, some hundred years ago.


    you don't see 360 fanboys going "oh look, we have voiceacting in halo 3!".


    and what's with the "we made the game more easy for casual gamers" bullcrap. i thought metroid was for the hardcore gamers. when i play a game that nintendo deams worthy of hardcore label i want to get my dick sucked, and not concider my gramms who might have trouble finding her way trough some impossible maze. that maze is my fucking problem.

  3. i'm not sure what, but some food that makes your shit expand vastly in amount, liquid and smell like a thousand deaths. when one dies, one shits. always. the whole motivation being that nobody executes me without getting their hands dirty.


    that will be me, laughing my ass off from the afterlife, whilst some copper is mopping my shit together in a corner. great.

  4. read somewhere that in the us version of re4 you don't have difficulty settings. any truth to that? i don't understand why. i suppose medium difficulty would be the standard. but medium really is rather easy. and easy really is a piss. there is also an amateur option on the non-us ps2 versions, even more easy than easy. that doesn't make any fucking sense. how easy can this game get. in my opinion pro is the standard. only pro does the series survival horror roots justice. the rest is a james bond flick; grab a gun and kill everything in sight. on pro you will be dodging like a nancy. and concidering leon's haircut that's a given. great fucking game.


    so i was just playing seperate ways, some golden watch falls into a heap of shit and the bitch in the red dress refuses to pick it up. how about that. finally a video game character with balls, and... you know... it's a girl. she could have been hotter though. i don't know, she seems a bit stretched. i'm fine with the smaller tits, as i have been enduring small tits my entire fucking life, but her ass could use some more volume.


    so this is what it should have been;



    but for some reason the in-game model is nowhere like that. and what's with the broad shoulders? isn't an oldskool tommy machinegun and a massive bodycount masculine enough?

  5. if you could walk and shoot at the same time this game would be worthless. you can't strafe for the same reason. the game lays out a certain pattern in wich you can act to progress. and the entire game is build around this certain pattern. like on a chessboard, it would be much more easy if your pawn could jump five squares forward. but it just isn't that kind of game.

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