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Posts posted by Fanelia

  1. the music in the prime series always reflects the surroundings greatly. when working with classical instruments it would be much more fitting in trying to reflect on the current mood, like in re4, and many parts of tp. remember the scene where midna gets sick, and there's an orchestrated piano soundtrack. that's all mood and none surrounding. it had a very strong effect.


    a prime orchestrated soundtrack wouldn't be futuristic offcourse... the music would be entirely different. so there's no need in trying to imagine how an orchestra would pull it off.

  2. maybe so, but that's not the case with the zelda music wich would sound hundred times better orchestrated (note: i'm only saying "would sound better", nothing else) . i'm really hoping you agree with this.


    as for "music designed for midi sounds better as midi" that's a defected logic. the instrument musn't be the goal. you set a goal, and then you gather the instruments. meaning, you don't say "we will make music for midi today" and then go "ah that sounds best with midi!". you should want to make the best music possible, and then you concider what tools would be appropriate for it.


    obviously retro, and nintendo, decided that midi would be sufficient for their music, but with all do respect, that decision as any other design-decision may be criticised, as done in the reviews. there's nothing wrong about that.

  3. oh come on. hook up some decent headphone onto your system and tell me midi sounds nearly as good as orchestrated. the difference in quality is defined. i couldn't care less, i still think OoT sounds superb, but we're talking about a qualitative difference, not a difference in subjective perception.


    the music itself has nothing to do with it.


    i can imagine buying my old piano tutor a cd of bruckner or bach in midi-format. holy shit. he would kill me. i don't think these things even exist. it's a mortal sin.

    i can also imagine some gamers having the same approach to their in-game music. to each his own.

  4. I thought Metroid Prime and Windwaker had great music, hence if they're Midi, I don't care. It's what it sounds like, not how it's made.


    the same music would sound much better if it were orchestrated. that's a fact. but like hellfire says, midi offers all sorts of advantage, or from another point of view, it's too hard to pull the same advantages out of orchestrated music.

  5. i second that, id assume most of woman voters will go with her and the casual people will probably go for a name they recognise.


    the fact of the matter is that women hardly ever vote for other women. ofcourse there are exceptions, motivated votes and such, but basically a woman doesn't vote for another woman if she is just picking one out. it's quite disturbing, but women are competitive to the bone.


    people who don't recognize clinton's obvious assets might do good reading half a word about her. she's actually quite formidable.

  6. personally i wasn't aware there is such a thing as a "nintendo gamer". i think we are all different people with different ideas and convictions, and yes, we all play nintendo games. but does playing nintendo games make me a "nintendo gamer"? i don't think so. it simply makes me a gamer who plays nintendo. even if i only play nintendo games, i wouldn't concider myself being a "nintendo gamer". i will simply be a gamer who only plays nintendo. it's a choice, i decided to play those games, not the other way around.

    making claims, about how a certain group of people perceives games, on the sole base of their console of choice is nonsensical.


    there is no correlation whatsoever between the maturity of our minds and the controller in our hands.


    unless by "nintendo gamer" you mean "those who think nintendo is the best". but then stating that "those who think nintendo is the best" are arrogant is almost pleonastic, as the defenition of arrogance reads "revealing an exaggerated sense of ones importance"; the defined nintendo gamers obviously identify with nintendo, and stating that nintendo is the best developer means that they are the best gamers, not in technical terms but in a "chosen people" kind of way. the nintendo importance is thereby the gamers importance as well. this is often proven when nintendo gamers go mental when nintendo earns heaps of cash yet ignore the fact that they are being robbed blindly on things like vc-games or flawed hardware designs (gba, ds).


    am i still making sense? if not, nighty night.


    i love nintendo by the way. i'm serious. true genuine love. all warm.

  7. the speaker isn't that bad when you play wiisports or wiiplay or any other game that involves low-dynamic and simple sounds. but the speaker really sucks balls when it comes to quality. but it's fun to hear a tennisball hit the racket!


    @mcj: it's the same :)

  8. What how does it make pro mode quite easy?


    Well as i'm sure everyone knows now (and I apoligise if you didn't) the special 2 suits include Ashely in a suit of armor, and the bad guys can't carry her away. So on very difficult areas where you have to defend yourself and Ashely, you now only have to worry about yourself. You can even use her as a defence of sorts.


    i knew about the armor, but i never played with special 2 because i didn't think she would look sexy in it. and to be frank, i need her to look sexy if i'm going to blow some hundreds of heads off. keep the balance, if you know what i mean. so i didn't know about that ability, but there's no need to apologise. i often get in trouble for having a weak for the ladies. :)

    running around with ashley never bothered me though. she's always behind me when she follows, and if she's not she kindly ducks when i start shooting in her direction. i think capcom did a great job making sure she's never a drag. and just when you do get a bit bored with her she gets kidnapped or something, leaving you alone for some qualitytime. i guess she often reminded me of kim bauer, being a kidnapped hot blond and all that.

  9. also this; http://www.wii.tv/2007/09/02/wiitv-metroid-prime-3-video-review/#comments


    a review by wii-tv, that some here might call "hating the wii", concidering it has the same issues with the game as gamspot (the feeling you have played it all before), and a few new as well (being the midi-quality music and the lack of use of the wiimote speaker).


    i don't know what to think anymore. guess i'll just buy the game and figure it out myself.

  10. so imagine someone old get's hit by a bus. are they just going to say 'ah yes, this man was quite old, no wonder he died on this here street". or is someone going to raise the issue of the bus driving over his head? can you imagine his family will be interested in how he died?


    the same with some other old person of 100 years old who dies in his sleep. people will still want to know why he died, perhaps his heart gave out. but they will take comfort because these issues are quite normal at that age. doesn't mean nobody cares about them.


    what are we still talking about anyway?

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