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Everything posted by Siro

  1. Siro

    Hello all

    lmao, poor eddie, no go to that corner and about how not to out yourself :P lol
  2. Happy 21 birthday dude, hope u have a blast, and hope you enjoyed ur party last night was a blast
  3. Siro

    Hello all

    Yeah, I knew dazz is an alien anyway so I thought it'd be a good idea to spill the beans as it were lol.
  4. I've heard that the game of throne book is actully quite acurrect to the series shown so far and yeah HBO did a brlilliant adaption to the series. Episode 10 ended with an awsome gliff hanger,
  5. I did a few times, one when I was around 10, I got offered a 'lift' by a stranger outside my own house, I ran in and told my mum to call the police.. Bitch got away though... Another was a few months ago I whitness a old guy get knocked down by some douchebag so i straight away got my mobile out and called the police and ambulance.
  6. I love this series, when I first watched it, i werent sure about it, but i'm glad i gave it ago, I really recommend it to everyone whos in to folklore and general fantasy medievil type programs, I might even consider buying the books, fuck it I will get the books next week
  7. Siro

    Hello all

    Siro is back, from his long captivity in outworld... Hi guys, ok that sounded much cooler in my head then it did reading it but meh. lol.
  8. Siro

    Heavy Rain

    I got my game today for £7 hehe, I traded in two games i didnt bother with Its well worth it, I'd of probably paid full.
  9. Siro

    My work

    Thanks emasher for your imput i'll see what I can do in the futore with them, I must say however the only images that aren't really mine is the earth, and the actural dragons of the others, the fire and tornado's etc are mine believe it or not, the posters for the mags was when I did one of the first units of the course, which were very basic then. Would it help if I mentioned That when I did my review of each piece I gave links to the orginal images?
  10. Siro

    Heavy Rain

    I hate all those that got the game eryle !!! lol.
  11. Siro

    Heavy Rain

    That might of been the 4 day event thing they did. Often though once the game is out the reviwers will give out a lot of spoilers asuming you've played the game, Kinda stupid since a review is suppose to give you the ability to decide if its worh buying or not and not give any kind of spoiler or small amounts atleast.
  12. Siro

    My work

    Oh, erm I thought I already stated that when I said it was course work but thanks for the tip.
  13. Siro

    Hello all

    it was a joke, and yeah I know :P I have been a fan of star trek for nearly 15 years I don't really have that many multiplayer games, erm Alien vs predator, and Cull of duty - Modern warfare 1 and tekan.
  14. Siro

    My work

    The posters I designed was for an asignment to advertise various stuff people wanted, which was why I chose to do games, I didn't need to make much images because of that very reason. The dragon image you posted I got lazy and just decided to copy and paste already made images and I guess it got the point across as well for the element I was doing, the only other thing that wasn't mine was the actual dragons of the other images, the wind and fire, water designs was mine I just used a stock image of the dragons and then did what I had to do, my teacher accapted that and passed them, (note his very heavy on copyright policy)
  15. Siro

    My work

    Hey I was just wondering if some people could give me some feedback on the work i've done throughout my course I did a few years ago. heres the link http://jareth123.deviantart.com/gallery/
  16. Siro

    Hello all

    There you go corrected Thanks all for the wonderful welcomes
  17. Siro

    Hello all

    Yeah, my spelling sucks :P lol sorry
  18. Is there any news on an english version for that?
  19. Anyone else here seen Death Note and Blood plus? I have to say they are one of the best animes i've ever seen
  20. lmao i love it
  21. Siro

    Hello all

    Na i'm vulcan
  22. Siro

    Hello all

    Can I have some vanilla ? and dazz I think we all know your from mars, you shouldn't deny it, be proud of your heritage
  23. Siro

    Hello all

    oh his mixed raced too, although I could be wrong, he could be alien? lol..
  24. Siro

    Hello all

    Yeah but your the only person i know in real life thats strange and weird :P lol.
  25. Siro

    Hello all

    theres strange people? I thought that dudedazz was the only strange person around
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