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Posts posted by sumo73

  1. I've just read about this and it's a shock even more to know that he recently got married as well. 34 is young as well. R.I.P.


    Before coming to N-Europe a few years ago, I used to listen to Giant Bombcast a lot and before that I used to visit Gamespot. I left Gamespot shortly after Jeff Gerstmann and others made a stand and I respected them for having the balls to set up a new site like Giant Bomb which felt more real than Gamespot was at the time. I'll remember Ryan for his quality of reviews and sense of humour/humor, something which is sadly lacking on other sites.

  2. I watched a documentary recently on NHK (Japanese TV) which I had seen before which talked about women over 40 having children and the problems that could be linked with it. Also I remember the stories from women who couldn't have children (after many IVF sessions) and the pain and stress they had because of it.


    I wonder how as a society we value and respect people who don't have children or who have children later in life? I know, we look down on them and that isn't a society I want to be part of.


    A few years ago I remember reading about J-pop star 'Kumi Koda' who said women should have children before they are 35 because after that age they have “rotten” fluid in their wombs. While it's great that Kumi had her first child before reaching 30 and was unmarried at the time (this is no longer something of real shame) this doesn't mean that people after that age can't have children. It also proves that some people in the media have no idea about life and should just stick to singing or whatever talent they have.

  3. Just before I got to 30, I wanted in my 30's to work hard, get married, have kids and keep that marriage strong....but life didn't turn out like that and 10 years on I feel differently to what I thought my life would be like now. Things change and while it's nice to set in your mind "I want to get married and have kids before I'm 25/30/35..." life doesn't always work out as you want it to be.


    My younger brother got married and then divorced (his wife cheated on him) but married again and has two children with his second wife, my younger sister got married, had a child but now is in the process of getting a divorce although she has a new boyfriend now.


    Although I'm in a long term relationship, I don't want to get married and this is for a variety of reasons and although I don't have any children I think I would feel sad if I didn't have any in the future. My girlfriend already has children from her a previous relationship and doesn't want anymore.


    Marriage isn't for everyone and we shouldn't push or expect people into thinking that marriage will lead to children or that marriage=successful life. Also in general people are getting married later on in life and that means the chances of having children decreases. Look towards your grandparents era and they in general got married (before living together) and had children earlier than people today. Finally, there are many successful people (straight or gay) who are not married or living with someone who don't have children and this doesn't mean they are selfish or a failure in life.


    In today's world more and more people live together, have or don't have children or become a mother or father to someone else's child and never get married, in fact marriage doesn't even enter their head. Perhaps we can't see the massive changes that have happened over the last few decades. I think also we need to take a serious look as to why many marriages fail. People have this notion of a fairy tale marriage or having children will improve their lives and it can if people work at it and I mean really work at it together. People need to see beyond the glossy magazines and the fairy tale and face truths about marriage, having children and the life commitment to both. It's hard work.


    All I can do for now is be the best uncle I can to my brother and sister's children and that's what I intend to do. Perhaps in another 10 years time I might feel differently about children/marriage, perhaps it will be too late to do anything then but then again perhaps not.

  4. I wonder if this game will ever see light of day on any system.

    Too Human started off on the PS1>GameCube>Xbox360>Destroy all remaining unsold games and that taints this game directly/indirectly. Could this game be another 'sadness', no surely not.



    Interesting to learn about this game but I might give it a miss. Don't like that this is a digital download only either. If I remember rightly Nintendo still own rights to the sanity meter (as others have mentioned) so they need to deal with them if they want to it be more like ED.

  5. I ee this as a viewtiful joe style surprise. Something different. I don't understand why everyone is dismissing it straight away!


    It might not be Western enough for some people so they will avoid it without playing it and seeing what's it like to begin with. I'm going to get this regardless.

  6. There will be EA titles coming out for the Wii U just not the ones that need the frostbite engine. The engine could be modified and hopefully EA will see the wisdom of doing this.


    I'd be interested to know how much development time and money is needed to produce a Wii U game and how much this will compare to the Xbox 720/PS4.


    During the Wii era, EA produced a separate division just to concentrate on making Wii games. They were quicker and cheaper to produce. From a business point of view, I hope for their sake they can get a good return on develop costs from the PS4/720 and I think at the start they won't.

  7. EA need to sort out their damage control pronto however Nintendo need to see what EA will bring to the console in the future and have some kind of dialogue with them.


    Perhaps the company is busy developing games for the PS4/Xbox 720 right now and expect masses of people buying them as soon as they come out. No, console users grow with time and the Wii U has only been out for less than a year. A price cut would help however.


    Blame EA as much as you want but others too are to blame.

  8. I've seen a lot of things happen in the video game industry from when I got my Commodore 16 onwards until the present day but I'm not so keen on the big push for online (and then switching that service off), dlc (can't complete the whole game without it) and purging/punishing people who buy second hand video games. I can only see this increasing in the future.


    In the far future, I see us just buying a video games box (with the words Sony, Nintendo...on it) that will allow us to buy games that we can only play online. We won't own anything, just the box and the controller because everything else will be cloud based.

  9. I enjoyed Killer 7 too although the story makes a bit more sense the second time you play it.


    Interested to see how 'Killer is dead' will play out when it gets released. This isn't a sequel but it does have Suda 51 behind it.

  10. I've already said what I wanted to say about Margaret Thatcher already so I don't need to say much more here. I remain neutral towards her and also to Tony Blair who was also someone who could have fitted into Dannyboy-the-Dane's earlier comments especially with the mess that we are still dealing with in the Middle East.


    We may blame her for things but I don't remember successive prime ministers/governments after her reversing her decisions which they could have done. I realise however that this is easier said than done. She was last in power back in 1990 and we need however difficult it is for some to move on.


    Someone recently said “…it is a mistake to allow her death to poison our minds”, so with that in mind let the funeral happen and by Thursday/Friday this week we will be talking and thinking about others things. Life is short and we should make the most of it while we can.

  11. Are people in South Korea upset because they never got the Forecast Channel on the Wii to begin with and are now upset because Nintendo intend to shut that channel down in June so they vent their anger at a previous weather presenter because it makes them feels better. Maybe :hmm:


    This story is embarrassing for Nintendo and I hope that they find out who wrote the message on twitter soon.

  12. I think it's a bit early to shut some of these services down personally but when you consider that some of them have been running for years I guess Nintendo just wants to focus on the Wii U and 3DS.


    After June there isn't any way of removing some of the channels either which I think Nintendo should address but they won't because they are focused on other things. Sad really.


    When Mario Kart and other Wii online games stop running then that will be a sad day. Everything is temporary.


    Wii Connect 24 games list-


  13. Unlike most people here I lived through all the Thatcher years so I don't need Wikipedia or YouTube to remind me about her. Even if you were born after the Thatcher years and live in the UK now then you all are living in the effects (both positive and negative) of her years in power.


    I remember her from taking away my milk when I was at Infant's school all the way up to the Poll tax riots. She is proof however that with hard work many things can be achieved and for 11 years the top two positions in the UK were run by women. Even today in parliament and elsewhere, women are still under represented but I hope that Thatcher did in some way show people that you could make it in a very male dominated arena.


    I wasn't a fan of her privatising many things in the UK and I still believe that the government whoever they are should be in control of basic utilities and services. I also believe that the trade unions that did stranglehold the country at times in the 70s were cut down too severely by her.


    Despite this her government along with Taoiseach Garret FitzGerald signed the Anglo Irish agreement back in 1985 which was a pre cursor, although a long way off to the Good Friday agreement so I thank her for that.


    It was sad to see her quality of life deteriorate in later life and despite her views and mine being quite different at times all I can say is R.I.P.

  14. It's a day late because I was celebrating it yesterday but Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh! Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day everyone!


    I enjoy celebrating St. Patrick's Day because it's part of my culture (I'm half N.Irish) but it's got too commericalised over the last few years. Just like most things now the meaning of the day has become lost but having said that without Guinness hijacking the event it wouldn't have got the global recognition that it has now. I just heard today from a Japanese friend in Japan who celebrated it yesterday for example.


    Next month is St. George's Day which is always a low key event and will always be dwarfed by the 17th March. Although Bombardier Beer and other English beers can step it up a bit.

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