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Posts posted by sumo73

  1. There's only been two so-so Monkey Ball games so far - DS Touch and Roll and Monkey Ball Adventures.


    Super Monkey Ball BB was fine. Yes the multiplayer wasn't so great and they almost completely killed Monkey target off but Sega at least tried to make as many games for the new Wii remote at the time (it was an early Wii title) even though the technology didn't always match with the game. Something that Wii motion plus has solved now.


    Looking forward to this new title coming out...

  2. I've only just got Wii Sports Resort and I'm so glad that it has a left handed option in it. I'll stand alone in this but it just shows that with a bit of effort other companies can do the same with Wii motion plus and include this option as well. Sadly most don't.

  3. I don't see how Nintendo releasing this game is going to hurt it's image at all. I think it might improve it in some quarters to be honest.


    Isn't the Wii big enough for it to have Wii music and Project Zero/Fatal Frame to be published? Thank god that Sega aren't as small minded about bringing over some games that Nintendo would never bring out.


    If it doesn't then Nintendo should be honest enough and explain why they are not going to release it. What makes the Japanese market so special that their games can't be enjoyed by others.


    I realise that this game isn't going to be as popular but considering that the game has already been produced I don't see it costing so much to bring the title over to Europe, N. America and elsewhere. Nintendo could just keep the original speach and put sub titles over it. However I've heard that the Japanese release had some bugs in it so if it does get released it needs to be fixed first.

  4. I think Red Steel has a large wall to climb to please everyone but I hope they give the main character some lines in this game this time round.


    If I wanted to play as 'Slient Bob' or 'Gordon Freeman' I would have told Ubisoft straight away.

  5. I think you're probably right. Code Veronica isn't that old, not really old enough to benefit from a visual remake.


    When Resident Evil (remake) and Zero first came out people were taken back by Capcom just rushing RE2, RE3 and RECV straight onto the gamecube without adding anything to them.


    I think the graphics in RECV have aged maybe not as much as RE2 so if this game was re-released again then graphics amongst other things would need to be improved. The game came out on the Sega Dreamcast back in 2000 because Capcom felt the PSone wasn't powerful enough to handle it. When the PS2 came out Capcom ported this over but added a few more FMV bits and mild graphical additions. Shame 'Wesker's Report' wasn't added to the Gamecube version.


    Has anyone ever played 'Resident Evil: Survivor 2 Code: Veronica' on the PS2 before? (it never came out in North America however). It's a light gun game set in RECV. I could see this type of game coming out on the Wii but I just hope they improve it.

  6. Sequel? I don't think they can because the sequel would be 'House of the Dead (1) which has already come out years ago. Maybe they might release that with updated graphics and Wii mote guestures.


    I haven't played this game yet but have just ordered it to ease the pain of me messing up my Japanese exam, failing by 0.5%. Also I wasn't so keen on Dead Rising for the Wii so I'm looking forward to playing this..

  7. Despite many people warning me not to buy Red Steel for the Wii, it was actually the first Wii game that I saw which made me interested in buying the console in the first place. It's not so bad but the controls, so so graphics in places, the plot...need an update.


    I'm hoping that Red Steel 2 will be an improvement over the first one. With or without Wii motion plus this game has to be good.


    Ubisoft don't have a lot of respect from me because soon after the Wii came out they just released some half baked games and didn't put any quality in them.


    As a left handed player, Ubisoft seem to have completely forgotten us and games like RS, RR don't work so well because often any Wii guestures are the opposite for us. So a left handed mode please!

  8. It seems that since games won't sell on the console despite the console selling considerably, they're going to money hat their way out. With the added bonus that they keep Wii games at a PS2 level.



    My worry is that the team behind the PSP version will port it over the Wii and just add some Wii remote stuff to it and leave it like that.


    You'll get to see some video (PSP quality) with some guy doing some Wii waggle movement on youtube and everyone will think it's great. I think some people are starting to get bored of this. It was fresh and fun 2 years ago but now....

  9. I've played these games on the PS2 before as that's where the series started off. They were part of the 'Simple Series' a group of fairly cheap games that were published by D3 in Japan often with limited money, time and resources attached to produce them. The PS2 games were a bit of a button bash, hack and slash but enjoyable considering they were budget games.


    Since D3 have been sold to Namco Bandai, I think the company is moving in a different direction.


    The price of the Xbox 360 and Wii games are full price now unlike the PS2 games before and I'm going to wait for the price to fall before getting them.

  10. I got this at the weekend, I'm a big zombie fan so I've been looking forward to it. It's similarlties to RE4 are obvious in how it plays, and this is probably it's saving grace as the control system makes it fairly easy to get into it.


    The game shines when you're surrounded, then it gets quite tense as you battle your way out of a crowd, and also you do end up in a crowd which I was really worried about, I assume you'd get a few zombies at a time, but you can get quite a bit more than that to add the pressure.


    I'm uninterested in the graphics, sure there's better games, but there's worse games too on the Wii. Hell if I wanted graphics, I wouldn't have bought a Wii anyway. But given the large levels, it's ok on the visuals.


    It's definitely a bit thin for the long-term outlook though unless the gameplay gets some new elements later on (only played it for about an hour and a half.


    Interesting thread though...


    best wishes



    The Nintendo Show Podcast




    The control scheme may be its saving grace to some degree but who on earth decided to use two buttons to open a door or to pick something up (Z +A)? I know that the Wii control scheme is limited but it's very odd and confusing at first.


    The big problem for me is that this game could and should have been better. Have a look at RE4 on the PS2 and that is superior to this. There are no excuses for removing the camera option either. Frank wears a camera with him throughout the game and it's not as if the Wii pointer couldn't have been used for taking pictures. Even in Bully for the Wii you could take pictures.


    The few additions to the game such as the parrots and poodles are nice apart from the fact that they seem to appear all over the place. How many white poodles have you seen when you go shopping? Capcom could have changed the colour of them occasionally as well to have black and grey dogs as well. Anything to stop the repetition of the game. Also I'm not a big fan of the red tape and invisible wall features in this game as well. In RE4 you could jump over barriers but Franks can't in many places. I guess the fall from the helicopter messed his legs up a bit!


    We could all say that the Wii isn't as impressive as the Xbox 360 or PS3 but so many corners were cut out of this game, I wonder if Capcom really knew what the Wii could do.


    Later on this year Monster Hunter 3 is coming out and people will wonder what happened back in February when Capcom dropped the ball a little with this game.


    Despite all of this I do enjoy the game (killing zombies is still fun) but you have to forget about the graphics, the lowered difficultly setting and focus on the game (as streamlined as it is).


    For all those who still want RE5 on the Wii it's all possible as long as the team behind Dead Rising CTYD don't come anywhere near it!



    Sorry long post...

  11. I pre-ordered this from Amazon UK and now wonder why didn't I pre-order HOD Overkill instead?


    Capcom are more than capable of producing better titles than this but this game is just average. They managed to really push the Gamecube last generation with RE4 but this game feels like it should have come out a few months later as they could have fixed some of the errors.


    Why is there no anti Anti-aliasing in this game? Frank West runs around the game like the fall from the helicopter messed up this legs and he now runs with a limp. It's a shame.

  12. I never played the 360 version but wanted to but I have just pre-ordered this game (£25) regardless of the previews I've read telling me it's not as good as the 360 version or this feature...has been cut out.


    I've heard that 'Dead Space' will be coming out sometime for the Wii so I expect the same type of stuff that I've read already regarding 'Dead Rising'. "Oh this game was so much better on the 360 or PS3. Look what they have cut out, don't the graphics look so 480p....."

  13. In a recession people will go out less and spend a bit more time indoors to watch DVD's or play video games. Yes, the video game industry is getting hit but I don't think as much as say the building trade or other similar industries.


    It's a shame that GAME (which owns Gamestation) is really the only major player in the UK. I can't speak about the rest of the Europe because I've only seen a few video game shops in France, Belgium and Poland before.


    A recession will tend to stamp out weaker competition such as the independants who by and large have at least a better understanding of video games and share more of a passion for them. Well that's my experience anyway.


    I still buy most of my games online where I believe I can get them cheaper than on the high street.

  14. I love this game, it's one of the most polished on the Wii. Great graphics, great settings and presentation. I loved all the unlockables and the grading system which just kept me coming back until I unlocked everything and had all S ranks.


    What's more as a RE fan I loved the way it tied in so many of the games as well as giving you an insight into what happened behind the scenes. Highly recommended.



    Well I'm also a Resident Evil fan but it didn't really provide me with any new things that I didn't already know.


    I'd put this game behind Resident Evil(remake) and Resident Evil 4. This game managed to impress me and disappoint me at the sametime. The last area of REUC set in Russia is a good example where although the levels are new, nearly all of the characters models pop up from earlier levels. This just shows laziness from the design team. Also if there's too many zombies on the screen and you start to fire at them the game slows down slightly and sometimes the graphics are glitchy.


    To it's credit the game is more fleshed out that your typical light gun game and provides enough scope for you to go back and play levels again but with some more thought from the programmers this game could and should have been so much more.

  15. Forget stores, buy online.


    Agreed:) . Both Game and Gamestation (same company) do offer games cheaper if they are second hand but you can get some great offers online as long as you don't mind waiting a while to get them via the post.


    I've ordered many games from Amazon from their used section often a lot cheaper than Game.

  16. Peter Molyneux shouldn’t be completely dismissed by what he is saying. He is still respected for the games he has been a part of (Syndicate, Magic Carpet, Black & White and the Fable games). Not really casual games however.


    This is also the same man who’s Lionhead Studios were bought by Microsoft and also said that he felt gamers wouldn’t like the Wii’s control scheme when it came out.


    If Peter feels that he can heal the casual v hardcore video gaming rift with Fable 2 for the Xbox 360 then good luck to him. I heard it’s a great game by the way.


    I would really like him to produce a game to show Nintendo how he thinks it should be done and release it on the Wii but I guess Microsoft wouldn’t allow him

  17. This game seems to have disappeared of the radar since it's Japanese release. I've played the previous 3 games on the PS2 and was really happy to know that this game was going to come out. (I hope they fix the bugs that the Japanese release had before then)


    Since Nintendo have a hand in this game and are keen to show it's 'Hardcore' fans games, it would be really silly of them not to release this game outside Japan.


    'play.com' are saying at the moment that the game will come out by the end of November 2008. That's next month!

  18. But really. Can you expect developers to make games that used the bongo drums any more than you could expect them to make games that use the GH controllers?


    Motion plus can work for a lot more types of games.


    I quite agree that the Bongo Drums and Wii Motion Plus are very different. : peace: The amount of games that can be developed with Motion Plus is of course a lot more.


    The point I wanted to make is that in the past Nintendo releases something and then doesn't always support it or allow others to use it. For example, the code needed to activate the rumble on the DS was quite small but Nintendo didn't give it to other developers for a while. Nintendo took a while to allow small developers to develop WiiWare games. Sometimes I just wish Nintendo could act a bit faster.


    I'm glad to hear that a non Nintendo game like the Conduit is going to be using Motion Plus. It's a healthy sign.:yay:

  19. I'm happy with the Wii and it's controls for most games.


    As a left handed player often games don't think about the 10-15% of players who may need to have controls changed. I'm not happy about that. I was happy that Nintendo put in a left handed mode for 'Wii Sports' and thought that other companies who follow suit but most haven't. I don't think being left handed is much of a problem on the 360 or PS3.


    I'm sure that for most people their view is just swap the Wii controls around but it's not as easy as that.


    In regards to Wii Motion Plus I can't offer any real opinion until I've used it. I just hope Nintendo can use this on more than just a few games (unlike the Gamecube Bongo drums) and that 3rd party companies will be interested in using it as well.


    When Sony released the 'Eye Toy' for the PS2 lots of companies went out to develope games for it but as I said before with the bongo drums only a few games came out.


    What I would really like to see are games which come out that can be played with or without the Motion Plus. Of course if you have Motion Plus you will get a better gaming experience.

  20. I'd like to know what the prices are going to be for these games. I have a large collection of cube games (150+) so for me it's not I'm so interested in these games.


    I can however see the interest in these games especially to people who never played these games before and may find it difficult to track down the games in their cube format or people who really don't like playing with the cube controller.


    I'd like to see however - Zelda WW (include the missing content - 2 dungeons)

  21. >Anyone else here got the full chebang? Yeap, I have all Resident Evil games across GBC, PS1, PS2, Cube, DS and Wii.


    PS- Play Resident Evil 2 and then Resident Evil 3.


    PPS- The port of Resident Evil 2 for the Gamecube was the 'Dual Shock version of the PSone version of the game' which featured the 'Rookie mode'. The best versions graphic-wise of RE2 I believe are the Sega Dreamcast and PC versions. Also the N64 verison is quite good but it did depend on the number of enemies on the screen.

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