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Posts posted by sumo73

  1. Turn on cartoon network and you'll see 1 or more nintendo ads every break, which speaks volumes about their target audience, but they are certainly advertising it.


    Thanks for telling me as I didn't know. That channel gets according to BARB in June 2015 got 0.24% of the market viewing share in the UK. It's not a channel that everyone can get in the UK but I'm sure Nintendo did their market research. :blank:


    (source - http://www.barb.co.uk/whats-new/monthly-viewing-summary)

  2. Having not read the article they're referring in GT Time, if Shigsy sais something like 'It's a shame the Wii U will never live up to its potential', that's no one's failing but theirs... it's not third parties, or the publics, or tablet etc... Nintendo never supported it with any games that demonstrated the hardwares potential, and they were so slow to bring games to the system.


    Referring to GT Time again, yes we can all hope 'Nintendo are developing their big franchises for NX now'... but with the lack of these at the Wii U's launch, and the recent story about them not having started on a big Metroid game at any point, I honestly wouldn't bank on anything.



    I watched the GT Time video, read the fortune article (http://fortune.com/2015/06/23/shigeru-miyamoto-wii-u/) and I agree with you. The blame for the current mess with the Wii U is Nintendo's fault.


    They make stuff and then completely flop at telling people what the system can do and the biggest mess is they are really bad at advertising/marketing. Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned but they need to focus on TV and press advertising. I really can't remember the last time I saw a Nintendo TV advert. Just focusing on getting the Nintendo faithful to buy the system and talk about it is really not enough.


    Nintendo can bang on about NX but they need the Wii U (and 3DS) to carry on for at least another year or so. Tell/show people what the system can do, drop the Wii U console price and stop going on about NX until this time next year at least otherwise the Wii U is Nintendo's Dreamcast.


    I'm not expecting much from Nintendo if they just carry on as they are and to be honest I'm just waiting for an obituary video about the console from Adam Koralik in about a years time.

  3. I came to start playing on Nintendo systems back in 2003 having played previous for many years on PC, 8 and 16 bit computer systems so I don't have that rose tinted view of Nintendo that some have.


    During the sixth gen I got a GameCube and then bought a PS2, during the seventh gen I first bought a Wii and then bought a PS3. I will do the same this gen.


    I remember watching a presentation from Nintendo a few years back with the coin sound from Mario and them saying something about nostalgia but that meant nothing to me. The sound of my tape recorder loading a ZX Spectrum game and sounding like its having a fit does however. A few years ago I bought myself an old Gameboy and played Super Mario Land which was a lot of fun so I get this feeling now.


    Nintendo still make good games but couldn't land in water if they fell out of a boat sometimes. I don't have a Wii U but have already bought a few games for it and it will be the next system that I intend to buy. They have however failed to really get 3rd parties involved which is hurting the system. 3DS is still doing ok however.


    I don't think there is anything wrong with playing games on another systems but what I do have a problem with is Nintendo failing to deal with the Wii U situation right now. Their views seems to be 'we've learnt from our mistakes and will get things right with the NX'. Personally, I think they need to give the Wii U one final big push rather than giving up and hoping that their next system will sort everything out. Hope solves everything. From what I can see from NX I'm not impressed with it at all.


    A company which still makes good games but can't shift their systems well reminds of an old ad from my gaming past 'To be this good takes AGES', and look what happened to them.

  4. Clean aesthetic, stylized robot killing and gaining points. Much faster pace, which I'm betting had PN03 received the amount of development it deserved it probably would have been faster.


    If you have a 360 or PS3 give it a looksie, it's 5 years old and has been bargain binned for almost all 5 years.



    Great answer! The only thing I can add to that is the beta version of P.N.03 had Vanessa shooting with a gun plus some cover mechanics in it. Even Shinji Mikami said "There are a lot of things in Vanquish that I would have loved to do in P.N.03 but couldn't due to time or technical constraints".

  5. Ah, the Capcom 5, such heady, optimistic days. Now it just reminds me that I'm still waiting for Viewtiful Joe 3. *Sob*


    Ever played Viewtiful Joe DS? (nearest to VJ3 I think)


    Considering the game is meant to be short, I started P.N.03 this morning and hope to make my way through it entirely over the next few days :smile:


    It hasn't been great so far but I'll carry on with it before I make any final judgement on it :heh:


    It's not a bad game but you can tell that with a bit more time it could have been better. Capcom wanted a quicker return on their investment so the game was rushed in places. Anyway, consider 'Vanquish' as the spiritual successor to P.N.03.

  6. The infamous Capcom Five, I remember them well. There used to be some video footage of the event from Capcom telling everyone about these games with the GameCube logo in the background but I can't find it at the moment.




    I've got and played all the those games on the cube (not Dead Phoenix of course!) plus still own and played RE4 and Viewtiful Joe on the PS2 for the extras.


    Capcom + exclusive (timed?) + poor sales + underrated + poor communication = Mess


    The legacy of what happened is interesting too, Team Viewtiful went on to become Clover Studios who then either reverted back to Capcom or went on to form Platinum Games. Platinum Games went on to produce what I call the 'Platinum Four' in a similar vein to the Capcom Five (Bayonetta, Madworld, Vanquish and The Wonderful 101) only done better. Games like No More Heroes, Killer is dead, The Evil Within can also trace their roots back too.


    Nintendo's relationship with Capcom was damaged during the sixth generation and when the Wii came out a few so called exclusive games eventually came out on other systems too. Revelations came on the 3DS and then everywhere else but Revelations 2 won't appear on any Nintendo machine.


    The Capcom Five was an ambitious project started by Capcom and it would be easy to blame the failings of it solely on the company. However you would be mistaken if you thought that these five games would have saved the GameCube or that Nintendo were blameless in any of what happened back then.


    I just wonder if history is repeating with Capcom or did they learn from their past actions? Dead Rising 3 was supposed to be an exclusive which later on appeared on the PC and now with Street Fighter V being a PS4/PC exclusive does it make any sense? Not releasing SFV on other platforms doesn't make sense but then again I'm sure Capcom will release a Super/Arcade/Ultimate edition in the future as a multi-plat.


    Personally, I think the company is happy with its DLC practices, sequels, downloadable only options, poor Wii U support and 'timed' exclusive deals. I'm sure someone there is looking at either the Viewtiful Joe main series or Killer 7 or any of it's back catalogue and thinking about HDing it at some point for the fans (...shareholders)

  7. I've not been watching a lot of British telly recently but did watch this today (I recorded it a few days ago) and it was ok. Not that original but I'd like to see how this develops.


    On a side note it's good to see something half decent come out of Channel 4 especially with all the rubbish they have churning out recently.

  8. Bought a couple of books to learn Japanese, but I haven't gotten very far. Surprised at how much I have learned though since I'm able to pick up more than I used to.




    Was think of doing this with either Animal Crossing or Youkai Watch, does it help?


    I think it's more useful for practising what you have learnt rather than using video games as a main study aid.


    If you're interested there's someone on YouTube under the name 'NihongoGamer' that you might want to check out.

  9. Self learning Japanese at the moment because I can't afford to have any paid lessons right now. Currently, playing the first cube version of Animal Crossing in Japanese as it helps with my reading skills.


    Self learning most things requires time, motivation and practice. (...persistence helps too!)

  10. So something weird's been happening with my eyes for the last few months where I'm having trouble moving them from side to side. I can't read properly, and have no idea what to do with myself all day. Doctors are literally the least knowledgeable people on the planet when it's not something you can figure out from sticking someone with a needle.


    Have you been referred to Moorfields yet?

  11. This is good result but I hope that long afterwards things like hate crime against people who are different in whatever way decreases because this is still a very real problem. Hate crimes against gay and lesbians have increased in Northern Ireland year on year since 2006 and in the Republic of Ireland there are no figures about this because they don't collect this data on hate crime so no one knows the figures.


    The vote results are a move forward for Ireland but let's remember other places around the world where marriage equality or even being accepted as gay is a far, far distant dream.

  12. If the UK wins then it will have to host the thing next year. I don't think it can with this governments plan to cut £12 billion from welfare but let's hope the UK doesn't come last place. (i.e. Jemini)


    (can't link it for some reason) - Electro Velvet - Still in Love With You - Potato Waffles Mashup

  13. I normally don't watch the semi finals but do watch the finals on TV. Half the time I just tune in to hear what Graham Norton thinks about all the contestants.


    It's a silly contest now and to be honest no one really wants to win especially when you think about the cost of hosting the thing now. In austerity times I think the UK is quite safe with Electro Velvet's entry.


    Can't believe this song got sixth place in 2006 -


  14. Blade, hope this is ok but I've tried to answer your views below. My views are not in bold. Sorry about the length of this post.


    The Tories made solid arguments and put forward their ideas in a better way to a public that they were to be trusted with the economy. That they were job and wealth creators.


    The Tories made some arguments (is a zero hours contract a job? is a self employed job under NEA that pays less than JSA a job?) but had a fairly negative campaign. Vote Labour, get SNP. Vote Lib Dem....

    They blamed Labour for what was in reality a world economic recession. The collapse of the Lehman Brothers and bankers playing around with our money like it was funny money can't be linked really to any political party here can it? Also remember that in 2013 under this government the UK lost its AAA rating, the first time ever since 1978. During the Coalition the government borrowed more than Labour did in 13 years. Many people believed the Tories stories of Labour having no money left in the safe (which turned out to be a joke from Liam Byrne) and that only they could be trusted with the economy. Did quantitative easing during the coalition really help the people that it was supposed to help?


    The economy was the number 1 issue in this election in England and Labour failed to fully articulate how they too could be job creators too whilst not increasing the deficit.


    I agree people voted mainly on the economy in England. However I suggest you have a read at the Conservative Manifesto and read beyond just improving the economy. Yes we will get an IN/OUT referendum about Europe but we won't a referendum about fox hunting, changes to the Human Rights rules, strike actions or giving GCHQ more powers to read into what we are doing online....


    The Tories put their message across that Labour will return us all to the dark days with their out of control public spending. The middle England electorate obviously know that things are improving and decided on actual polling day to stick to the incumbent.


    People forget that Tony Blair one three elections on the trot. This was with a Labour party that understood the middle ground. The 2015 General Election it was a traditional Labour Party against a traditional Conservative Party with a traditional result.


    The political situation back in 1997 is quite different to now in 2015 and during New Labour's reign about five million Labour votes were lost. I'm old enough to remember just barely James Callaghan and the Labour leaders that followed and trust me the Labour party under Ed Milliband was not traditional Labour. It was a party that had I believe moved away towards the left a little, away from a slightly toxic 'New Labour' and that dam war mess under Blair.


    It was obvious that the Lib Dems would be wiped out. They got into bed with Cameron and his cronies along with trebling tuition fees when they promised not to even increase them and the electorate punished them for it. In the majority of cases the Lib Dem vote went to the Tories to lock out Labour.


    I think now with a Conservative government in the months to come will we really see what the Lib Dems did in the past to curb some of the Tories plans but they didn't make that case during the elections very well. I understood at the time their view to form a coalition for the interests of the country and I supported that at the very beginning but not at all in the end.


    Their leader (Nick Clegg) was confident that they would be in coalition again and said they would 'bring a brain to Labour or a heart to the Conservatives'. Arrogance of that sentence and that the Lib Dems would be power again in some way and the fact that they had lost who they really were (selling off the Royal Mail was a joke) are to blame in part for their defeat.


    In Scotland, well it was a complete whitewash. How anyone can be surprised by this is anyones guess.


    You earlier talked about a tradition party and traditional result...but you fail to mention the power of the media in all of this. In 2020, have a look at what the Sun newspaper is supporting and that will give you a clue as to who might get in next time. During the 2015 elections The Sun newspaper supported the Conservatives and were anti SNP/Labour/Greens... but north of the boarder in the Scottish Sun they supported the SNP and were anti everybody else. I'm not really sure what the media in general thinks about UKIP but I'm sure during the election quite a few journalists were searching online twitter accounts...and publishing things from random UKIP supporters that might not have been the parties official line on certain things for example.


    In Scotland people were fed up with cuts and with foodbanks and voted for a party that would support them regardless of how they voted in the referendum last year. From what I know in Northern Ireland people too are fed up with Tory cuts will push against this government in order to get a better deal for the people there. I guess my view is the same for Wales as well.


    The Labour Party has treated Scotland as a branch office. They are also too "English", want to renew trident and appear to be no longer the party to end austerity.


    The point about the branch office was already made last year by Johann Lamont a previous Scottish Labour leader but the point is still relevant. From what I've read Labour would have looked into trident but that's it whereas the Lib Dems at least had a message about downgrading trident and of course clearer still message from the SNP and Greens about scrapping it. Labour took a massive hit in Scotland and now the country is pretty much a one party state. Are the so called Unionist parties in Scotland happy that they all got one seat each?


    Lastly yes the voting system is a mess. I voted for the Alternative vote (a poor appeasement to the Lib Dems) when it came up a few years ago but not many people did. We have the voting system that people decided to vote for.



    Here's another view-

  15. It seems that people in this school get ahead by being shit to everyone else. Maybe that's a tack that I should take.


    No please don't. You have morals whereas the other teacher/parent clearly doesn't.

  16. As one of the much older members here I've realised long ago that I won't grow up completely. For example, I was disappointed that I wasn't able to download the Streetpass theme and special Mii during Streetpass week recently.


    The big problem with getting older is that we will compare ourselves especially with others of our age and then think that we are still child like or not enjoying life to it's fullest because we don't have this or that or still play video games over 30 or in my case older.


    Being married or in a long term relationship, having children... does not by default make you a better person. There are plenty of failed or destructive marriages/relationships out there and plenty of parents who can't even look after themselves let alone raise children properly. I'm sorry to say this.


    As long as we don't hurt other people or ourselves in the process then I don't see anything wrong with trying to enjoy life while we can in whatever way we can and that includes playing video games.


    However, the most important thing to remember is that our time on this planet is limited and that we have a responsibility (regardless of whether you are a parent or not) to the next generation of people out there.

  17. While it's great that there's new stuff on Streetpass/Spotpass (I don't live in London anymore so less hits) this is what I still dislike -


    No Map for -Mexico, Austria, Belgium, Denmark (Kingdom of), Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden

    (there are others but I've not met them yet)



    Nintendo stop ignoring these countries and add some maps ASAP!

  18. Despite what I've already said on the matter I don't hate amiibo's and will probably buy 'a few' in the future. Nintendo have in my view stumbled, (thanks in part to Activision/Disney) onto an idea which will help generate some interest in their games and with collecting these figures and for the company themselves to make money. Also perhaps shift a few more 3DS and Wii U's along the way.


    What I dislike about amiibo's are the varying cost price (I'm not even talking about the rare ones) and the availability (or lack) of them perhaps forcing people to seek them out at an inflated price via resellers.


    Also I don't want to see people feeling cut out from others or pressurised into buying more of them. I truly hope Nintendo sorts things out soon.

  19. I can see where you're both coming from and I agree that it's only great when it is value for money. How much they're worth is a matter of opinion.


    The point I was trying to make was more that there is less and less need for fysical games. Consumers are getting used to downloading and shelfspace is expensive, I say it's bound to happen very soon now.

    But yeah, the NFC/Toys to Life part could just as easily be a hype, we'll have to wait and see. Will consumers still be as passionate for these now we have 4 companies competing and maybe even more in the near future? I really don't know if it'll last.


    I think that if Nintendo want the amiibo concept to work out, they should keep some things in mind:

    1. Be careful not to alienate gamers who don't want to collect toys, give them an alternative way to unlock the content.

    2. Take care of more than enough stock.



    I completely get your earlier point about this but the day when I'm stuck in front of some streaming only Nintendo box surrounded by plastic toys is the day I stop gaming.


    Also I agree with you that Nintendo should avoid alienating gamers by giving them other ways to unlock content and that they need to have more stock.


    I just had a look at the official online Nintendo store here in the UK regarding amiibo's and it looks a bit embarrassing with over 60% being currently out of stock.

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