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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Yeah but couldn't you put on the poster something like "Anyone masturbating in the shower subjects themselves to DNA tests"?
  2. What kind of sick site is this?
  3. It's ok it just annoys me due to someone at school (won't bore you with the story).
  4. I wasn't denying that it was wrong I was denying that it was racism.
  5. For some reason that just reminded me of: "There are two types of people in this world, People who are intollerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch." On topic: There's always Quagmire's: "If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together>" And if theres two of them: "I don't wanna cum between ya.... Or do I?"
  6. Wrong it is not racist. Just because he is insulting people from a different race it doesn't mean he is being racist. If he was discriminating then it would be racism but he is not therefore it is not racism. People like you resort to calling someone racist when they clearly are not just to make them feel bad about what they said.
  7. I wish hermione would grab my wang.
  8. Oh god take me! Fresh Prince of Bel Air. *hand them your phone* Im not sure if my phone is working. Could you just ring your number please? (also works getting them to ring your number) Man: Did it hurt? Woman: Did what hurt? Man: When you fell from heaven
  9. If you replace 12345678 with the codes you get This may be wrong. It may be the things you have to type into the url. Don't know about the password.
  10. NO! We must break the chain. We must not follow the ways of idiocy.
  11. We disagree at the start but we have a debate to try and prove the other wrong and/or convinve them to your way of thinking.
  12. But then the whole debate would be virtually pointless.
  13. I disagree. While there may have been a riot there and then it would discourage some muslims for future protests and attackings. I believe it would discourage more than it would encourage.
  14. Not a really a joke but it had me in tears. Most of you will have already seen it though. http://bash.org/?111338
  15. In the long run I believe it would have been better to take action.
  16. Yes but not taking any action just makes the muslims feel as though they are better than the law and will not be stopped.
  17. I personally find it disgusting that the police let the muslims protest with those disgusting signs and the muslims dressed as terrosists didn't even get challenged yet the two who were handing out the cartoons got arrested.
  18. Yes but the bombings can be easily prevented. And before anyone asks "how?" by stopping those violent protests for one.
  19. I doubt it. Circles have no end.
  20. I believe that he was just an idiot who got confused. I think he meant 9/11.
  21. Do it man. You will be treated like a king if/when you return.
  22. Not true. The "E"s on the freedom of speech got to hell sign is rounded whereas the behead sign has square "E"s. Also the "D"s are different. And on the freedom sign the letters are all the same size but on the behead sign the first letter is considerably larger than the others. Platty is this the nice lady police officer you kept smiling at?
  23. I realised as soon as the first page loaded up. It's not even that funny. I wonder how many links there are? Could someone with broadband please find out.
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