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Everything posted by Ganepark32

  1. Finish The Movie Quote

    Correct, although it's actually "play by play until we're finished" but I'll allow it
  2. Post Your Purchases

    A carton of Tropicana's new Pineapple and Guava fruit juice. I'd stick up a picture but can't find one. But it's nice.
  3. Finish The Movie Quote

    Time for a new one: "Inch by inch...
  4. Finish The Movie Quote

    ^ Now.... fight like apes?
  5. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    ^ No. I didn't even get the credits on completion. After the bit with the Arbiter I got the congratulation message that appears and it went back to the menu. Oh well. As I said, it's not a big deal. Was just curious.
  6. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I know it's strange to be asking this now but it's been bugging me for awhile now. Anyways, earlier in the year I finally beat Halo 3 on legendary. Now I had already seen the legendary ending on Youtube and it's not really a big deal but is anyone able to tell me why, after playing the campaign from start to finish on legendary, I didn't get the ending? All I got was up to the bit where Arbiter and co fly off home. Just curious. Not a big deal at all.
  7. Resident Evil 5

    ^ never. No matter how hard developers work to make it look photorealistic there'll always be things like that because all curves are made up of straight lines. So unless developers come up with a way to make true curves and circles then it'll always be like that.
  8. How was your day?

    @ Rez - Dude you've been drinking. And you seem in an upset-ish mood. Want an ear to bend?
  9. Resident Evil 5

    @ Dante - The trailer I watched was the one where the jeeps come roaring into the African village and the villagers go all dawn of the dead and kill the soldiers. The one where Wesker is dodging punches/bullets from Chris. Didn't look all that great some of the textures in that trailer.
  10. Reggie says: Hardcore Gamers are "Insatiable"

    Wow this escalated pretty quickly. Are people still moaning about the lack of 'core' games on the Wii? some people are just so bloody hard to please.
  11. Never Mind The Buzzcocks Nothing really special about it until I saw that none other than Stephen Fry was on it. Legendary! He should just be one of the team captains permanently. And Bill Oddie should come back on. That was brill when he was on. He just wouldn't stop fucking talking. But last night's episode was good.
  12. How was your day?

    @ bluey - Get hold of the person and slap them senseless. That normally sorts it out.
  13. How was your day?

    Had a good day today. Biomolecular Mechanisms was boring though. Lecturer stood and talked about diffusion and fluids for an hour. So interesting The girls sitting next to me looked bored as hell. English was great though. An hour tutorial where we were put in groups of 4 and told to discuss a particular part of Twelfth Night. I managed to school a few people in the heated discussion afterwards.
  14. Resident Evil 5

    Just watched the new trailer from TGS and I have to say I'm not overly impressed. The textures look muddy in the environments and on the africans clothes. Also not really liking the idea of having it as a two person campaign as the bits where you have to provide cover for the other person will just get annoying. It was annoying in 4 where you had to give cover fire for ashley and ok she didn't have a gun this'll probably play out similarly. I'll still be getting it when it's released it's just that it isn't exactly living up to what I expected.
  15. How was your day?

    The word bipolar was mentioned a bit up. It's a terrible disorder. If anyone has read 'An Unquiet Mind' you'll understand. And if you haven't read it, then go out and buy it because it's such a powerful and thought provoking read. Anyway my day was meh. Sat and watched more of the OC and some South Park before heading out for two lectures from 3pm onwards. Tested out my student debit card to make sure that a) the pin number I had remembered was the right one and b) just to make sure it was all working. Withdrew £20 to check and it worked fine although there was a long wait on the card coming out. Was starting to think it had chewed my card on the first try. And I'm still on the hunt for a box to send my 360 away in. All the boxes I have at home are either far too small or far too big. Have checked loads of Argos' for boxes but none had any in stock. Stationary Box and WH Smiths had nothing either. Starting to annoy me as I really want to start playing GH3 and Rock Band again and plus most of the games I will be getting for xmas will be on the 360.
  16. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    Yeh that's what I originally thought but for some reason I think there is something bigger going on with it. But like I said, I'm probably reading too much into it.
  17. Crisp =]

    ^ If they did that they'd only sell them in Scotland because of the secret ingredient which they can't talk about which pisses off the food boards. That's why America doesn't sell the stuff.
  18. Crisp =]

    ^ Kettle Chips do a mango chutney flavoured crisp if I remember correctly. Haven't had them in awhile so I can't remember what they taste like.
  19. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    Probably reading into it far too much but does anyone else see any significance in Mr Bennett's name, Noah? For some reason I feel as though it's pointing to something but for the life of me I can't think what it is.
  20. Crisp =]

    I entered the Walkers thing as well and I've only entered one idea and that was Chicken Piri Piri. I love it and it would actually make for a great flavour of crisps as there are different kinds (spicy, sweet and sour, sticky) so I thought it'd be a good idea. Won't get anywhere near the £50k or even the £10k for coming one of 5 runners up but hey ho.
  21. Reggie says: Hardcore Gamers are "Insatiable"

    I'm not saying they shouldn't make another one but really F Zero GX is as close to perfect as they'll get. I'm sure it'll be one of the games re-released on the Wii and it'd be cool for some new tracks and stuff but I pretty happy with GX. I don't really care if they don't make another one for years because GX is just so good. And Super Mario Galaxy is far from perfect but that's a different story and argument not for here. It is still a very good game though so don't start getting all pissy and angry at what I said.
  22. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

    ^ lol. I don't know who to laugh at more: the guy doing the gay robot/vogue on the left or the guy at the back who's decided to merely shuffle left and right or else make a right prat of himself like the guys in front.
  23. Halo 3 ODST: Fall 2009

    I read that it'll be out in Spring 2009 elsewhere on the interweb. edit: just saw the trailer just now and it does indeed say fall 2009. Seems the first website I read about this on was completely wrong.
  24. Reggie says: Hardcore Gamers are "Insatiable"

    I don't understand why people are moaning about there not being a new F Zero game. F Zero GX is THE definitive futuristic racing game. The track design is brilliant, the music is great, it's got good controls and presents a healthy challenge. I think that adding online to it would ruin it. You'd either be playing online with 4 others or waiting for ages to get a full 30 grid. And the lag would be huge, worse than Smash Bros.
  25. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    Just finished watching episode 2 on BBC2 and all I can say is what a complete mind fuck. So confused. Oh well, guess that's what makes it so entertaining.