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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I thought it had the makings of a truly excellent episode, but unfortunately ran out of steam a bit too early. All the plot turns were great, it's just that I thought there would be more plot than there actually was. What bugged me the most was that, from a certain point onwards, it was just the Doctor waiting and waiting for hundreds of years. Still, some lovely "knowing" humour in it. Some of the lines were absolute gems.
  2. Decided to have a bit of a Sega Night yesterday when I came in from work and played my 3D Classics a bit more. Streets of Rage I picked up my playthrough from about halfway through and progressed all the way to the end. Although it was indeed hard to remember the technique for the Blaze clones, most of the game felt like putting on an old, familiar pair of slippers. In fact, apart from the fact I wasn't playing on a TV screen with someone else (I used to love playing this with friends), I actually liked it more than I remembered. Back in 1991 I thought it felt a bit sluggish and low-tech compared to, say, Final Fight, but the 3D Classics version is so slick, it's a dream to play. Highlight of the game was, as ever, Round 7 with its amazing music: Sonic the Hedgehog With this, I picked up from two-thirds of the way through. I honestly can't tell you how much I like Sonic the Hedgehog, or how good a game I think it is. It sounds like an exaggeration, but the game is simply a part of me. Although I can no longer remember every nook & cranny, the game still felt familiar enough to get through quite easily. I only got three Chaos Emeralds though, so I'm definitely not as used to it as I was! Like Streets of Rage, it's lovely to have such a slick version (certainly the best version I've owned). Space Harrier Of the four games I bought, this was the least wise purchase. Although I did used to like Space Harrier, I feel it's impossible to master and just designed to take your coins! Still, it's quite a blast and, using the level select, I've now played through the whole thing. Super Hang-On It's hard to explain how I feel about racing games of this era. Unlike beat-'em-ups, I always got the feeling that I'd never be able to become good at them. I've always wanted to master OutRun or Super Hang-On, but there's something about the way the road scales at you that I find difficult. Still, in a way, this is why I bought it. The time limits are very tight (but can be made easier via the options) and the music in particular makes me feel like I'm back in a holiday camp in the '80s. Super Hang-On is the most thrilling of the games I downloaded and might even be the best racing game available for the 3DS (I like it more than the others I've tried, anyway). So, really enjoyed playing them. With Virtual Console type emulation, my instinct is to always want coin-ops (as I used to want them so much as a kid, for the superior graphics). However, with Sega's 3D Classics, I possibly enjoyed the Megadrive games more as they are perhaps more thoughtfully designed for slightly longer play sessions. I probably won't buy any more for now, but am very eager for Round 2.
  3. The way I remember Streets of Rage, you really had to play as Adam or Blaze to complete it. Of course, I'm sure it's possible as Axel, but doesn't he have quite a poor flying kick? In a similar way, I could only play Golden Axe as Gilius or Tyrus. Wanted to use Ax Battler, but could never use his dash attack very effectively.
  4. You're right about the Wii, GameCube and N64, but I honestly think the SNES (and Megadrive) era was different. The PlayStation introduced the idea that some games/consoles were "cool" and others weren't. Before then, the only people who played games were the ones who were genuinely into gaming. Anyway, A Link Between Worlds is a fantastic game and well deserves this award. One of the things I like most about it is that it proves Nintendo can still make a cracking Zelda (10/10 in my opinion). This award also shows that GameSpot is a very fair-minded site and if they've ever said less-than-complimentary things about other Zelda games, there was a good reason for it rather than them "trying to be controversial". When Nintendo makes a great Zelda, they'll acknowledge it.
  5. That's the problem - I completely failed at the demo and have rarely felt more confused with a game. I think I could learn the timing, but am more confused about special moves - when to use which one, etc, and that's assuming I could remember the button presses. That said, I have devoted so much of my play time this year to Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Etrian Odyssey IV (plus a bit of Zelda), I just need to find time to learn Project X Zone's system. (Bravely Default sits alongside it on my shelf now, also unopened, although not for the same reason.)
  6. I picked it up at launch but it's still sitting on my shelf, unopened. I'm still trying to decide whether I would actually get to grips with the gameplay. Well done indeed though, RedShell!
  7. 2D Metroid for 3DS. Silky-smooth 60fps visuals and all the best beams, missiles and suits from the series so far. It'd be tight like Fusion and Zero Mission, but be epic enough to surpass Super Metroid as well.
  8. Downwards through the lava or upwards through the ice? For the former, you just have to jump off slightly before the platform you want to land on is due to pass below you. For the latter, it's mainly a case of being patient and seeing which other ice blocks appear for you to join. Both scenarios are examples of where I really do think it's easier to play in 3D. (Unless you mean the Ice Palace itself, which is about getting all the areas to eventually link up.)
  9. Such an appealing idea, isn't it? A turbo-charged Megadrive. I picked up Sonic as well today. As it has been fully reconstructed, it is of course the 60Hz version, although I hadn't thought of that. Looking at the list, three of the games are the arcade versions: Space Harrier* Super Hang-On* Galaxy Force II* Sonic the Hedgehog Altered Beast Ecco the Dolphin Shinobi III Streets of Rage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3DS_3D_Classics#3D_Classics My personal rule is that I'm going to buy all the ones that are based on the coin-ops (bit of a mystery why Altered Beast isn't), plus good Megadrive exclusives like Sonic the Hedgehog. I think my wish list for future releases is: OutRun* Afterburner* Super Monaco GP* Golden Axe* Streets of Rage 2 *Coin-op versions
  10. I felt the Ice Palace was meant to be last, just because it's so difficult to get to. Actually, that's the one real difficulty spike in this game. You could try to explore that area way too early and get defeated by the fire-breathing lions.
  11. When I first got my 3DS I couldn't wait for a new Zelda to be revealed. Just going by Pilotwings Resort, I imagined the sort of 3D worlds I'd be able to explore. Then A Link Between Worlds was announced and, to my surprise, I wasn't very excited. Not only did I have doubts about the visual style, I also feared the "Become a Painting" mechanic was going a bit too far. So blasé was I about this game, I forgot to buy it on release and only picked it up one week later. Not long into playing it, though, I realised something: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is staggeringly good. The first thing I noticed was the amazing presentation and music. Some of the best tunes from the franchise, remixed just enough to be an improvement and recorded at an all-time high quality. Best soundtrack of the series, surely? The second thing I noticed was the flawless control. Link zips about at 60fps in eight directions with the Circle Pad. In the 2D games, at least, Link has never been better to control and the Zelda series has never felt so fluid. The pacing, too, is amazing. Dungeons are never too long and the puzzles, whilst challenging, never had me stuck long enough to become frustrated. Combat is just as satisfying, with all the bosses showing a great understanding of what has worked well in the series before. The level of challenge, I found, was just right. You had to be careful and attentive, but there wasn't anything too frustrating or unfair. For the entire game, I never got bored and always had a sense of thrill. Nintendo has listened. It's as though they heard every criticism of the Zelda series and fixed all the ones that they thought were valid. A Link Between Worlds is so non-linear (or at least it seems), it's crazy. You never know where or when you're going to get an upgrade for which weapon or item. It also feels like you're choosing the dungeon order. Whether you really are, I don't know, but Nintendo has successfully reinstated that sense of exploration. As much as I enjoyed Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, at times they were so unlike the 2D Zelda formula, I wondered if Nintendo had forgotten how to do it. Thankfully, A Link Between Worlds feels entirely like a 2D Zelda. It sits right up alongside Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past as the cream of this category and, in all honesty, I think I like it even more than those two. If I have one nitpick it's that I think some of the puzzles, and even the main dungeons, could be difficult to understand if not seen in 3D - something that seems a raw deal for those who are playing on 2DS (or just can't see 3D). Overall though, A Link Between Worlds is a stunning game that (to me) never really puts a foot wrong. The fantastic gameplay and spine-tingling, epic story have reminded me of why I love Zelda so much. By far the best game in the series since Wind Waker. 10/10
  12. Don't know, dazzybee, I'm just listening to the music at the moment. To be honest, I reckon Super Hang-On would be the better of the two if you're not taking nostalgia into account, but I find it impossible to separate the enjoyment of these titles from Sega's amazing sprite-scaling.
  13. I've just spent £9 on nostalgia (Space Harrier and Super Hang-On). I'm not saying they're not good games; it's just that I bought them for the feel rather than the gameplay. My childhood was in the '80s so what I want from this range is for Sega to be able to recreate the holiday camp reception areas in those days: the warm, glowing atmosphere, the carpet I spilt a bit of Pineapple Tango on, the noises from the coin-ops and the smell of hotdogs and onions. To be honest, I think I'd buy any coin-ops Sega released. I second the calls for OutRun, and would like to suggest Super Monaco GP as well. It's a game I'm very nostalgic about, despite not being sure if I've actually played it.
  14. Does it really though? I know several gay people who have fathered children, then embraced their "real" self afterwards. I don't think the desire to breed (or not) is linked to your sexual orientation. It's just something that's important to some people, whatever their sexual preference. Anyway, I agree with you @Animal. It's not like you're saying "Don't talk about it". I actually think it's fantastic that being gay is not a big deal any more. I'm from the '70s, so I've been through the '80s where gay pop stars were seen as a bit strange (although I suppose some of them were, regardless of their sexuality!), through the more accepting '90s, then the thoroughly accepting '00s and onwards. I actually think the "cause" had a big help when Graham Norton started his Channel 4 chat show. When that started, a lot of people thought it was just for gay people, but through sheer hard work and talent, he's made it the main chat show on TV. What I don't like is the idea of a "closet", because it implies gay people have some sort of secret they need to get out. Well, they don't. I never make assumptions about anyone - never assume they're heterosexual, homosexual or sexual at all. So yeah, it's good that it's no longer a big deal. In the meantime, good on ya Tom Daley and others like you.
  15. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for me. "Merry? I'm merrier than Bing F***ing Crosby!"
  16. That's one of my favourites too, along with Jingle Bell Rock by Hall & Oates. To me, it just gets everything right for a Christmas song:
  17. So, December... Bugs Dung Beetle (last one!) - 5pm-8am, on snowballs Fish Oarfish - Ocean, all day, huge Pond smelt - River, all day, small Sea butterfly - Ocean, all day, tiny Stringfish - River, 4pm-9am, huge http://acwiki3ds.wikispaces.com/
  18. Silly? ...OK, you've convinced me. This one? Yes, I think the massive rectangles that flash up on screen really help you appreciate her body. Not true with me. Chest does not equal genitals. I think it would be fine if it was an artistic nude photograph every day with both genders in it. I thought you'd understand this one, Fierce Link, as a fitness fan. In weight training, you keep your core firm in every single exercise.
  19. That'd be great, especially if you added on a few centuries. Right, but why is this about "need"? What is actually negative about them? Society wears underwear for valid reasons (hygiene) - I'm not a naturist and don't understand that, personally, but at the same time, body parts are not rude. How much more is there to the body than that though? Mainly buttocks and torso. The two main types are Back, Neck and Shoulders (self explanatory) and Full Body. Anyway, I've asked about this and apparently female therapists are taught not to massage the abdomen of male clients, which is incredibly sexist. But OK, maybe no one agrees with me; here are a couple of other examples: A few years ago on Britain's Got Talent you could have pole dancers, exotic dancers etc. Now there's none of that. Also, increasing calls to ban Page 3. If we tell women their chests are rude/something to be ashamed of, no wonder so many of them have body issues. Women should be able to go topless just as much as men (I'm not being lecherous - this is a truly sexist situation). Instead, we arrest them for it and tell them their chests are something to be ashamed of. It just struck me that it's amazing you can see absolutely anything online nowadays and we still have so many inhibitions.
  20. This is a bit of a rambling post, but I had a massage the other day. It was enjoyable, yet disappointing. Let me just say I'm not naïve and knew it wouldn't include the groin or nipples (though I honestly don't know why that would be such a bad area to rub over). The masseuse did my glutes, but only from above and only about halfway down. Same goes for the pecs. She did my quads, but not all the way to the groin. Worst of all, I was wrapped up the whole time and my torso/abdomen was not done at all. Now, I do realise it was not a "massage parlour", but I never knew a standard massage would be so inhibited (I asked and paid for a "Full Body Massage"!) I've asked about this on specialist forums and apparently this is the standard way now. What a shame. Apparently some people are "ashamed of their bodies". Well, don't go for a massage then! It's someone rubbing your body! Another example is swimwear. When I was young, we all wore normal swimming trunks (now known by the brand name "Speedo"). This style is by far the most comfortable and best for swimming, and yet now they are called "budgie smugglers" and seen as a bad thing. All this has made me think... Nowadays hardcore pornography is so easily available (please don't go into details about this), has it made us perverts in private and prudes in public? Has it made women think all men are perverts? Has it made the sexes dislike each other? Please don't misunderstand me: I am neutral about pornography. I neither dislike it nor regularly use it; it just struck me that we can see so much now, yet are prudish in public. When I was young it was limited to top shelf magazines - "naughty but nice", in my opinion. Or perhaps it's nothing to do with pornography at all (I am certainly not against normal porn). Is this some other cultural change? Or is it something I'm just imagining?
  21. I agree, that's why we have to be alert to when our culture is changing. We have to be swift in deciding whether we are going to accept that change or not. It's like if you go into a restaurant now and order chicken. Chances are you're eating Halal meat, whether you like it or not. If society accepts that, OK, but we must be aware that this is happening. You cannot take in other cultures en masse without it causing changes for everyone. In answer to your question, I believe the separation and Islamification of the (British) Asian community began in the '90s. By this I mean Muslims adopting cultural changes like face veils, rather than simply the Muslim background they always had. Before then there was less separation between them, so I'd definitely say "this" is something that's happening this generation and we're entitled to say it's no yet "our" culture. Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy Adil Ray's sitcom, Citizen Khan - it's shown me there is far less difference between cultures than I thought. But at the same time we must allow ourselves to see when something's gone too far and decide whether we accept it.
  22. Can't believe what I just read! This has to stop. We have to set our own rules in this country, based on our values and what we think is right - no exceptions for any religion. Now people will probably say face veils aren't actually stipulated by any religion (and I believe that's true), but it shouldn't matter if they are or aren't. We shouldn't fly in the face of common sense and our values, even if it does offend certain religions. Basically, ban face veils in any situation where the general public wouldn't be able to wear one. In a similar way, they should actually prosecute anyone who has carried out or helped genital mutilation on anyone (male or female). It's apparently cultural rather than religious - well, I don't care which it is. It's wrong and we should crack down on it.
  23. I've caught all the November bugs/fish/sea creatures, so can confirm they are all possible now. I must apologise about the Blowfish as I initially said it was available "all day" (which is what AC Wiki said), but I now believe it's 9pm-4am (I caught mine at approx. 11.30pm).
  24. Well, tried last night and all I could catch was a football fish and a mole cricket. Looking at the times, I'm surprised I could catch a football fish so soon into November, as I thought I'd have to wait until 4pm tonight. No blowfish though... I had a bit of luck with the mole cricket. It's not too hard to locate when you're wearing headphones, but I had four tools on me, so I was lucky the bug net was next on the list after the shovel. Was very frustrated with the tuna though, and even wonder if my game was glitched. I've caught loads of marlin/napoleon fish, and even lots of tuna in the "Tuna Kahuna" game, and I'm sure I saw lots of tuna last night but every one turned out to be a sea bass... EDIT - caught the tuna now.
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