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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. It's crazily addictive, isn't it? I've seen it compared a lot to World of Warcraft and, though I've not played WoW, Fantasy Life does seem to be a constant juggling of fighting, crafting and gathering. Anyway, I've become a Legend in Mercenary! I thought Miner would be the easiest, but somehow the challenges for the former became more achievable. Going for Paladin next (just two challenges to go), then Miner. Out of the four vocations I've tried, I think Blacksmith will be the hardest to achieve Legend, as a) it's difficult to get the materials, and b) the rhythm game is not so easy that you can craft high-quality items every time.
  2. How I've enjoyed my 3DS the most as a travelling device, is a combination of downloadable games + whatever cartridge I'm playing at the time. One holiday I really enjoyed Heroes of Ruin (simple, relaxing and quite easy) but it's just a coincidence that's what I had at the time. Mostly, though, I've enjoyed fiddling about with the NES 3D Classics, the Sega 3D Classics and Zen Pinball.
  3. All these versions of Double Dragon and Final Fight, and never the proper ones (GBA of both would be good too)! My teenage self needs some indulging!
  4. I don't think any SNES games need a full remake, personally, as the hardware was generally capable of realising the vision for each game. 16-bit games can, however, be "boosted" nicely by a good emulator. It's why I always wanted SNES 3D Classics - not for the 3D; just to have a "deluxe" version. To me, NES 3D classics feel better to play than genuine NES games, and Sega's 3D Classics are just as good, arguably better. I've not looked into it too closely, but apparently they are running on the "Gigadrive" rather than the Megadrive.
  5. No, no, I'm truly hooked! What I mean is that there is no actual gameplay to the main story/quest, but you still need to go through it to access new areas. Now personally, I wanted to make it all available as soon as possible (hence me rushing through it, rather than playing it the right way like yourself). The way I played Fantasy Life, I didn't get much reward from it until I'd put in many, many hours. It's just unusual for me to misunderstand a game like this, that's all. Current progress: Paladin - Hero Miner - Hero Blacksmith - Hero Mercenary - Master Miner was the easiest and most enjoyable, and I'm closest to becoming a "Legend" in that Life (just need more Luck for the rare finds). Blacksmith, I actually find quite hard. Need a better hammer, but also need many of the materials. At least I can fight the Napdragon comfortably now, and get the Dragon Scales.
  6. I just think Jenna Coleman probably wants to leave, so the writers have made the theme of this series "Let's turn Clara off the Doctor". Almost every episode has something to assist this: Episode 1 - Lets Clara believe he's abandoned her Episode 2 - Doesn't give a stuff about the soldier killed by the Dalek antibody. Actually uses him as an experiment. Then, when it seems they are doomed, he basically says "Who cares? I brought you here. So what?" Episode 3 - Tells Robin Hood he's not a hero, even though Clara thinks he is Episode 6 - Dislikes Danny. Can't even be bothered to remember he's a maths teacher. Episode 7 - Takes Clara and a schoolgirl to the Moon, then forces them to make a decision without any help It's good writing. I'm just saying that the character of Clara is not overreacting - the writers are definitely making the Doctor more of an asshole this season. He's callous, not cruel. The Doctor has always put his companions at risk, but usually gives them as much information as he can. Remember Matt Smith's first episode, where he told that alien "This planet is protected"? he should have added: "Unless you're threatened by the Moon and don't know what to do. Then you can get stuffed."
  7. Yes, but I never buy DLC anyway. The only expansion packs I've ever bought were for a game I truly loved - RollerCoaster Tycoon - and even after the first two I realised what a cynical money-making exercise this concept is. When I've done all the Legend challenges in Fantasy Life, I'm sure I'll have had enough. I did, but I wanted to understand the game ASAP. Now I've seen the credits, what I would say to people is this: It's not that the main game is easy, more that there isn't a main game. If you want to enjoy Fantasy Life, it's better to understand that it isn't a case of "main game + post-game", like most RPGs. It's that the entire worthwhile portion of the game is balancing the jobs (like you are now). Seems I was about the only one who didn't "get" this.
  8. Current progress: Paladin - Hero Miner - Hero Blacksmith - Master Mercenary - Master The Mercenary has been fun to play around with, although it has its drawbacks. Whilst powerful, the claymore attacks are sluggish and you feel you've sacrificed a lot of control. The special moves are also surprisingly hard to pull off, with some good timing needed. I don't really miss having a shield, but the Paladin is much faster and tighter, and more suited to me.
  9. Except that he was responsible for Clara being in that position. Without him taking Clara on jaunts in the Tardis, she would never have been on the Moon, let alone at that point in time. Also, he could at least have given her some advice. The Doctor must have had some idea whether the creature was dangerous or not - instead he just left her to it.
  10. Wow. I can't believe how good tonight's episode was - to me, maybe even the best ever. The tone was perfect, like a really, really top tier sci-fi film, and the story made you think big. Was very funny too, in parts, but only when appropriate.
  11. 34 hours at the moment, and that's Hero, Master, Master. It's the type of game that, if you get into it, you'll probably want to develop all the classes.
  12. Beaten the Napdragon! I hit level 40, so thought I'd take it on. The battle was fairly comfortable, but no pushover - just right. I'm sure there are harder though! Oh, and I had an NPC with me too. I love how you can get one to follow you about - actually becomes a lot more fun with some back-up. The A.I. is pretty good, too, as they tend to fall back (depending on type) whilst I can get inbetween and protect them from the monsters.
  13. Truly hooked now... Paladin - Hero Miner - Master Blacksmith - Expert Some of the ore is really tough to mine, as its "stamina" recovers faster than my own. Beginning to think I should have focused on Strength + Focus rather than Strength + Vitality. Also been trying to find the enemies @RedShell said I'd like.
  14. Yeah, but personally I do like to be a Miner when I go mining - build up the abilities. One of the things that's surprised me is how you can have several weapons/tools "equipped" at once. For example, you may have a long sword as a Paladin, yet stand next to some ore and you can take your pickaxe out with the touch of a button. Another thing is that a Miner can use a long sword. Whilst I can't use the Paladin-specific weapons/armour, I'm currently using Gold Sword and Gold Armour, which do the job very well. I can't really feel any drop in fighting ability from when I was a Paladin. I've been getting into Blacksmithing too, which I'm enjoying more than I expected. My rhythm is poor, but I can cope with the crafting at the moment. I'm at the stage where you can add elements to swords - now it's becoming my type of game!
  15. I'm getting into it a lot more now. The more jobs you do, the more you see how they complement each other. For instance, as a Paladin, I accessed all the lands and caves. As a Miner, I can go into them with the strength I built up, which makes it easier to fight off the enemies and get the ore. As a Blacksmith, I can use the ore (and other materials) to forge tools, armour and weapons. It's incredibly addictive when you delve into it like this.
  16. I think it's about 17 hours, but not sure. The thing is, it is actually quite good in its own way, but not as an RPG. I've switched to Miner now, and am really enjoying it, using all the strength I built up as a Paladin.
  17. Well, I've "completed" Fantasy Life in that I've set the credits running. No final boss - no bosses at all, in fact. Most of the chapters consisted of following arrows and sequences like this: 1. So-and-so joined your party. (Two battles later...) So-and-so left your party. 2. Go here. 3. Go there. 4. What's-her-face joined your party. (Lengthy text explanation) What's-her-face left your party. Such a strange game. Think it probably comes into its own when you master the classes and post-game challenges. I won't be buying the DLC though.
  18. Been playing this a bit more, and it seems like Master, Hero and Legend are the three significant ranks for each job (yes, they've moved the goalposts again - I achieved Hero, but there's one beyond that!)
  19. Got my Paladin up to Master, but they've moved the goalposts and added 'Hero' for me to aim for! I've also maxed-out Strength at 50 points, so if anyone is interested, that seems to be the maximum for each stat. I'm not all that high-level either (about 25), so maybe you can max more than one of them.
  20. Yeah. I was mistakenly thinking @Animal was talking about a girl from work not wanting to videochat (sorry Animal), but now I know they have never met at all, it does sound a bit strange.
  21. Some early impressions on Fantasy Life... I'll be honest, when I turn on a game and immediately see the option for 'Payable Content', it rubs me the wrong way. As far as I'm concerned, I paid for it when I bought the cartridge. On a happier note, I got into the game easily enough. Although I said I would start as a Miner, the allure of sword and shield was too great, and so I chose Paladin. I am now an Expert Paladin, although knowing how fast @Hero\-of\-Time is, I'm sure he's Mastered one of them by now! The game seems more like an RPG than a life sim - although perhaps that is because I am playing as one of the fighting classes - and I could see anyone with a strong aversion to the former being put off. That said, it is really not too much like either, lacking the pace, tactics and immersion of an RPG; and the amazing atmosphere and customisation of Animal Crossing. The best RPGs really take time to immerse you in their world, taking it slow if necessary, and whilst I am enjoying Fantasy Life, it seems too manic to be a classic in that regard. Some of the locations, to be fair, have a lot of heart and soul put into them, such as the Mediterranean-style port. However, it could be said that the simple graphics keep it from ever being too atmospheric. For example, there is a bit where you go into a lighthouse and are told how impressive the view is - as a player, however, you can't even see the view! What really strikes me about Fantasy Life is that - for good and bad - it is every inch the modern game. Rather than being inspired by classic RPGs, it is more like the mobile phone/tablet games that kids seem to get hooked on nowadays. The 'story' involves following arrows to progress every point, which is welcome, as the story can be somewhat wordy, but ultimately makes it very easy to dismiss. It somewhat reminds me of the (rather enjoyable) action-RPG Heroes of Ruin, which is to say fun-but-shallow. More than that, the game seems to be about constant achievements, quests and rewards. There are three categories of quest, which in turn net you Life points (to master your profession), Bliss points (for the Animal Crossing type frivolities) and Dosh (money). It does seem that it's designed to keep giving you rewards, to keep the addiction going. For me, this does make it feel less like a classic game (as I used to understand them) and more like doing a jigsaw. All that may sound like I'm not enjoying Fantasy Life, but it's actually not the case. I'm hooked! It is incredibly, utterly addictive. I'm at the stage where I have been set enough quests that, once completed, I will be a Master Paladin. Once this is achieved, I think I will take time out to explore Mining and Woodcutting, and then maybe Blacksmithing and Carpentry. I've put all my skill points into strength so far, so may have to stick to Paladin/Mercenary rather than Hunter or Magician as my fighting class. Speaking of which there are some cool special moves in Fantasy Life. The best moves I've unlocked as a Paladin actually require the shield to be unequipped, so I'm leaning towards being a Mercenary (who can equip double-handed great swords). I don't know how much I like Fantasy Life; I don't know if it's going to be a classic, but I do know it's going to have my attention for a long time!
  22. Probably a miner. I'm the sort of RPG gamer who is obsessed with having the best equipment, so I'll prioritise getting the best materials.
  23. Genuinely a great review, and one which has restored my interest in the game.
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