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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Imagine if they made an orange box but with TS4, Smash Bros, and No More Heroes... That would be unbeatable.
  2. There seems to be a Boo stage, is that an old one? Im a bit concerned whether the source that confirmed Boo as playable just mistook it for the stage. Hope not. Everyone loves that guy.
  3. wow did you see the battle stages? the balloon battle will be awesome; huge ramps, stunts, massive space. this will be rather fun in think. online battles=yum. wario mines looks tasty as well. DK ice stage ?! Toy stage and mud? seems to be quite a lot of stuff inspired by crash team racing if you ask me
  4. wow. thing is i wasn't expecting it to be bad, they could have at least made her fall over. what was the reason behind this?
  5. Revelations!
  6. I was just thinking, could snake use that as a tactical move in subspace to avoid camera detection or something?
  7. what is this forum bad or something?
  8. off topic, quality avatar shino, did you make it yourself wtf is up with the PAL cutscene? ive never seen someone eat a grenade and still retain their head. thing is this game is hardly goresome compared with resi 4, its a cartoon for christs sake. resi 4 should be censored if this is.
  9. snaking is very easy and you dont have to hurt ur thumb. its not like players of tekken complain about difficult combos
  10. Do you mean in terms of graphics? TS has always had that cartoony cheeky look and its quality. and yes at the start i thought ts2 was crap story mode, but then after co-op play i loved it. tokyo and aztec ruins (with stone golemn and boulders) were quality. i agree with FP multiplayer tho
  11. Things will be different now that Boo is in the game.He will rule since he was quality in DD They should keep special moves but ditch double item box & dual kart. I think it is highly likely for special items/boosts/power ups too this time because it seems to happen in every mario multiplayer game.
  12. I think the strongest looking newbie for me is metaknight, and for some reason snake looks lightweight. Sonic is cool too. However, fox looks awesome in this game, I don't know why. Samus also looks great, but why the zero-suit? what's the appeal, i think it looks crap
  13. Silly me Blender im sorry, such a fool :s I mean c'mon, someone dissing Timesplitters... sheesh
  14. I played Halo 3 co-op on hard or veteran whatever, and was expecting it to be refreshing but I found it again to be too generic. The levels are empty somehow, missing life. The weapons are pretty good but It got very repetitive. Im sure online is fun, but TS is way better in practically every department
  15. adrian - can you give me a run down on any new stickers/assist trophies youve seen pls?
  16. Thing is i could probably find the first rabbids cheaper so im still not sure. as for mar par i bought 5 on cube and single player was laughable but multi was fun. however ive heard the minis hav little depth
  17. I think i'll hold out for pro evo if i get a football game but yeah, i did consider it.
  18. Fair point because I'd rather have simultaneous controller use. HoT maybe rabbids is better then if both players can hold controllers. Although reading IGN's review made me think that there wasnt any simultaneous stuff
  19. Thing is I dont know if I could handle seeing the poor graphics on that. My friends would crack up too. I've just thought. Does heroes 2 support co-op? Good example of what i mean though, one says warioware, the other says rabbids...
  20. I've recently bought a pair of controllers from Gamestation for 40 quid, which was pretty damn good, thing is I don't have much in the way of multiplayer games and seeing as there are vastly conflicting opinions on which one's to buy I'd like to get your expert opinions. Looking online I cant decipher what the better one to go for is (excluding strikers charged: Warioware Raving Rabbids Monkey Ball Umbrella Chronicles As you can probably see it doesn't really matter what genre the game is, all I want to know is which is the best 2 player option. I can hold out a couple more weeks so should I wait? (is Bwii multiplayer?) Cheers for any help.
  21. This guy is right. Awesome game, even if some of the time the AI is complete arse. Story is great, special powers great, fun shooting moments.
  22. I rented this game for a week and hated it. And there was so much positive feedback! I just didnt find it that interesting/exciting. Poor me
  23. Is there a video for all (or lots) items being tested?
  24. I didnt think they made any other TS games for PC, and i thought they were console-only developers. Might be wrong. I think Wii would suit this down to the ground anyway.
  25. No, as someone has said, the logic 3 GC controller is great. Plus super mario world is 1 of only 4 VC games I have and i used a GC pad for it
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