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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Damn, I also watched him on SMart and thought he was too talented to have the kids T.V presenter role. Im fairly upset actually, and he is more than a celebrity, to those he entertained and taught, I think it's fine to bring up this story.
  2. I don't really think there's a weak stage in the game to be honest bar maybe... Umm. Yeah, there aren't really any. All I would say is that they could have a bit more variety with the Zelda and Metroid stages, but other than that, top shout. Can anyone else not be bothered to learn PokeT moves? 3 chars in one is quite a lot to think about and its probably best to stick to one, even if it means less predictability. And the people i play with seem to despise the pictochat stage, which is one I like. Which side of the fence are you guys on?
  3. Platty, i notice you usually get the final say in this topic, any tips?
  4. What?! If I say this and Mario Kart could've been better then so what? I don't look for flaws, in fact, there's a lot of bad games I love which get bad reviews. One or two points suggested for improvements isn't a bad thing, Im just saying it could/should have been better. Can't have an opposing view here...
  5. I know it's great fun, but it ends quickly, it isn't too difficult and I felt they could have added a bit more. I think the gravity could've been used to greater effect, more gravity puzzles instead of just walking around a sphere. Its great, but could have been improved for me.
  6. Its worth buying above most Wii games but I think its a tad over-rated.
  7. Thankyou to the MU. Scrounged a win. I want to marry Hargreaves.
  8. Number of people you beat. Not races won.
  9. No prob. For the secret elements and really cool moments, I prefer sunshine. It was more fun, imo more challenging, and more enjoyable. Galazy was great, but Sunshine moreso. Nothing about galaxy seemed that epic, basically hop between a couple of small planets, occasionly reach a bigger one, but find out you only spend 30 seconds there. Would have preferred more purple coin missions, which is a bad sign. 64>>>Sunshine>Galaxy
  10. Flameboy, what has become of you?
  11. I don't think Mario Galaxy was that hard, even the harder missions were relatively easy compared to some in 64, and even sunshine. To answer the above question in more detail:
  12. Its the number of people I think, as someone mentioned. But don't feel as though you're ignorant. Jk
  13. This goes into detail about any Freeloader issues, and will probably show you why you are going wrong. http://www.troubleshoot.freeloader.incapable.net
  14. I have Brawl which is more than enough for me to play right now. Once I get a good online connection it's gonna be sweet. Maase don't kill it Anyway, I spotted this for 23.99 here which has really got me thinking about buying it. The old reliable gamestation, is it because they're closing down or being taken over? http://www.gamestation.co.uk/wii/mkwii
  15. So I'm renowned for being unreliable in my sources? Damn if it weren't for the meddling kids.
  16. You'll have clicked the link anyhow, am I right?
  17. How do you do the thing where you write a comment for the link like you click Here and it sends you there? practicing... Here figured out.
  18. Because everybody here is very dedicated and really cool.
  19. Not as Hilarious as the European release date. September!!! http://www.smashbros.com/index I am glad I imported.
  20. So why don't you buy this instead of MK? Is it cause you prefer MK?
  21. Maiky is blatantly controlling it from behind the camera with his GC pad Nice one son!
  22. Intense Boss Battles completion. probably a better one somewhere. no heart containers. They make it look simple.
  23. ^ what happened to your other copy?
  24. Ok that guy deserved to go, but then so did Kevin! I laughed when Sir Alan said 'I'll fire the whole bloody lot of you, I don't care'. 'Erm... You can't Alan but we forgive the age.' Futile attempts at making him seem pissed off, but when you're watching for the first time it can be quite convincing. What makes the apprentice so appealing is that usually there's one scornful person that pisses you off entirely, but you also have a secret favourite. My problem is Jenny, she is such a bitch it's unbelievable. The way she demeans others and picks on that one person, it riles you up! Thing is she'll probably last a while just to keep things boiling. Its nice seeing people ripped into on the 'you're fired' programme. They pick out some good clips and extra footage. Laughed when I saw the small clip of next weeks show, when Raef puts a mug print on upside-down. Classic. Last series(?) when Simon won, you couldn't have scripted that trampolining moment!
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