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Everything posted by Advima

  1. ...good argument.
  2. I didn't notice I was brushing my teeth at the time. When I came back downstairs my girlfriend asked me if I felt the house move. I naturally insinuated she'd just been farting and went about my business... NOW, if it was me and I was trying to convince someone a terrace house rocked length ways NO ONE WOULD COME TO MY AID! Yet, in a completely unfair fashion, four of my housemates came to my door asking if we felt an earthquake! I would have been there all night trying to convince her but she gets 4 people to back up her story *bitter* Anyways wish my toothbrush didn't vibrate, I might have felt it!!
  3. I know Jamba, Smudge and now Bluey : peace:
  4. She isn't dressed as pikachu, that is her skin. Milk and a custard cream...no sugar and no favourite cup. But leave the teabag in for a minute, me likes it strong :P
  5. "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. " Sir Winston Churchill Gotta love him.
  6. What about santa?
  7. I keep hearing that religion is belief but that atheism is NOT belief. Maybe I'm deviating from the topic slightly but as this thread moves so fast I was just unlucky enough to not be here at the right time. I think, really, that they are both belief. Religion believes that their religion is true and Atheism believes that they are not true. Agnostics don't believe that they are true or not true, which is, I believe, in short, to keep it simple, to not beat around the bush and drag this shit out too long...that agnostics are really the smarter of the true. Atheist: "Can you prove that it is true?" Christian: "Can you prove it is not true?" Agnostic: "....EXACTLY!!.....fools" *does a dance* Atheism (true atheism) is certainty there isn't a god (0) and religious (truely religious) is certainty there is one (100)...agnostic is the grey area...don't try and steal our grey area!! We earned this section with logic!
  8. aaaaanyhoo When I am 60 I'll be having sex with my eye's closed, because as beautiful as my lovely girlfriend is now...stick 40 years on her and she's just an old woman...don't get me wrong, for an old woman she'd be hot! but still, I'd be doinking a granny *looks over shoulder* I feel obliged to tell you my girlfriend is asleep right now and looks so beautiful and innocent....now I feel bad! FINE! I'll keep my eyes open! But I won't be feeling her breasts...I'll put my crooked back out
  9. Definately. It wasn't till I left home and came to uni that I truly grew up. The experience is work the price of admission (or in this case...maintenance loans). The freedom and responsibilities helped me grow as a person and is preparing me for the future a lot more than if I lived at home. I strongly reccomend it, if not for the first year, then for the second or third.
  10. I was raised in a Christian family and went to Church every Sunday. My Mother "Informed" me about God and as a child, I found that idea very comforting. She wasn't the FIRE AND BRIMSTONE "kiss the cross and say your hail Mary's" kind of Mother, she just told be what she believed in and, of course, I believed her. Then I reached an age where I decided to rethink my beliefs and certain things led me to becoming an Agnostic. I heard "God works in mysterious ways" way too many times. I'm agnostic because I just don't know what happens once I die (I know it's shocking, I thought I knew everything too ). I mean, how can I? I haven't died yet o.0 It seems just as strange to me that people can say they are Athiest as people saying they are religious, both are equally blindly believing in opposite ends of a coin that might (or might not <--see, agnostic ^^) even exist. I am definately not against religion. It is, or at least started off as, people trying to answer the meaning of life and the mystery of death. Death is a scary thing and I completely understand people chasing solace in these idea's. When I heard that there was a magical place full of hapiness for after I die, I was rather pleased. I didn't quite see why everyone was so upset when Granddad died....he'd gone to heaven hadn't he...that's a good thing isn't it? I have a Christian family, a Muslim friend and...apparently a polythestic friend (shall have to discuss this further with you Jambo...so you can tell me what the hell it is ) so I respect religion and religious people (obviously there are some I don't respect, but that's more the person and how he interprets and embodies his religion). The thing is I think I'm better off not being religious...because I would probably be a panicky fundamentalist. Going back to what Jambo was saying about not respecting that he didn't believe in the things that they do, I might be the same...if I loved you. Here is my tasty metaphor: ME: Hey Bill. Bill: Hey.....ME. ME: How's it going? Bill: Oh you know, got aids. ME: Aah...sucks. Bill: Yeah does a bit. ME: Woah there's a shark in the pool!! (we're next to a pool btw...that's kind of important) ME: Woah shit! We should warn them!! Bill: Hey hey ME, shush yaself. Don't impose your views on these guys, they have chosen to be in the pool. ME: BUT...they're going to DIE!!! I need to warn them!! AAAGH!! EVERYBODY, GET OUT OF THE POOL" Guy in Pool: Stop imposing your beliefs on us. ME: But you're going to die!! Guy in Pool: Get off my hair, you'll tear my scalp. ME: I'm just trying to save you. END SCENE See if I believed in Christianity (for example) and I believed that if you DIDN'T believe in what I believe in then you are going to hell...well I would be devastated. If someone I loved was going to hell I would despair. I would have to convince them....their (after)Life depends on it! I can't have someone I love burning in the fires of hell for the rest of eternity!! I've got to save them! QUICK, tie her legs to the chair and I'll put the gag on; "do you take the lord your God to be your saviour? PLEASE DO, I LOVE YOU!! I want to spend the rest of eternity on a cloud with you in heaven, sipping champagne and eating strawberries dipped in chocolate listening to Josh Rouse serenading us live on the adjacent cloud! I don't want to have to visit you in hell behind a glass barrier after been sniffed down for drugs by cerberus, coming up with ways I can somehow get the nail file, which is up my arse, into your pocket so you can file through whatever cage you are kept in to escape to heaven! I mean I could tatoo Hell's floor plans onto my shoulders and get thrown in with you, but you've seen the problems that has caused for Michael Scofield! So I think it's best that I remain agnostic and just try to be a good person. I mean no god would throw me in hell right? Seems a bit drastic, I mean she said she was ready...how was I supposed to know she was an ape?
  11. I passed almost, if not over, a year ago and have only driven a couple of times since then. Can't afford the damn insurance. I'll be more of a liability to the insurers when they finally decide I am old enough to not be a liability -.-
  12. I was so completely nervous when taking my driving test it was unreal. The pressure I had to apply to the clutch was making my leg shake because of the nerves...and let's just say that driving under the influence of this degree of nervousness is just as responsible as driving after having six shots of jack to suppress it. Anyhoo I scared the furry balls off my driving instructor and got 2 (read it! 2!) majors. Cut in front of someone leaving a duel-carriageway (I panicked) and went right in the left hand lane on a roundabout (I could have sworn that this was a strange roundabout with special lane rules on it :P I wasn't aware that nerves turned me into a complete fool). Anyways, the guy told me I failed....I booked another one. Fortunately this time I got a kindly old man that had been an examiner for a while. The young ones tend to be very by the book: "A FAIL IS A FAIL" type of fire and brimstone "the bible is literal" I cast you into the fires of mount doom and YOU SHALL NOT PASS!! ...kind of examiners. But the older ones care if you're a good driver, and have seen enough to distinguish what is nerves and what is bad driving. Anyhoo on this test he asked me to pull in and I bailed (my clutch foot was still shaking) and I hit the curb with my front wheel (OMG MAJOR ZOMG)... After that I thought I had failed, so my nerves had gone and I just wanted to finish the damn test. I drove perfectly (as I would do when not getting examined) for the rest of the test and the beautiful bald behemoth of a man passed me like the driving minx I am.... Anyhoo there is my long and sensual story of my driving test, hope it wasn't too long....maybe I should have drawn pictures :P
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