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Everything posted by Fandango

  1. Wow. Still in shock over that damn goal, can't believe it. Chelsea are so lucky its unbelievable, no-way they deserved that goal. I can see what Riise was trying to do, doesn't trust his right foot so tries to header it back (or maybe over the goalposts? Not sure) but it ends up as an O.G. We should have finished the game up long ago but unfortunately all our chances went amiss, might have been down to Torres not playing well also. Not sure can we get a result at Stamford Bridge, Liverpool are crap at chasing games. EDIT: Also meant to say I thought Babel played quite well particularly in the second half and Kuyt was as industrious as ever, and Ballack played quite well for Chelsea in the second half also (for once!).
  2. Just after trying to play Halo 3 there, for some reason it won't let me play online. Game loads fine and all, can navigate through menus and stuff but every time I try to join a game in matchmaking, the countdown goes to zero and stays there for some reason. Can still play maps offline, and I can still play the first three levels in single-player so I'm not sure whats wrong
  3. Good games last night guys, they were quite funny. We into the final now I guess?
  4. Damn it, sorry guys I only killed Ellmiester because Dyson said we should, and he turned out good. I can't blame ye for wanting to veto me, don't think I'll use my power anymore though as I don't want to do any more damage. Vote: MadDog, for obvious reasons and also because the last time I tried to target him another good guy got killed instead for some reason, bit suspicious.
  5. Double up with another person and stick with him, shooting the same target. Simple, but it works so well. And remember its not about the kills but the k/d ratio, so even if you're not playing good just try hide away and get some cheap kills or something.
  6. Tomorrow anytime good for you?
  7. Woops, sorry about that Jonnas, I totally forgot about editing posts
  8. Home Away Away Green Liverpool's new kit, loving the look of the Away jersey. Thank god they finally got rid of those collars too.
  9. Woah, clam down guys, wrote the wrong name
  10. Day has been going on for too long. Vote: Dyson
  11. Maps are definitely worth getting if you play Halo regularly, the three of them are better then most of the other maps to be honest. Avalanche is fantastic for BTB, probably my favorite map just cause its so much fun. Ghost Town is amazing also, great for medium sized Slayer, while Blackout is pretty much the exact same as Lockout really, except its bigger and looks much better. Oh, and its so much better then Guardian even if it is one of my favorite maps.
  12. Those figures are insane, wouldn't put it past Wii-Fit to do better though.
  13. Looks really nice, can't wait to see the game in motion. Hopefully this can start a trend with developers, even if they don't want to put effort in and make an engine for the Wii they can use this.
  14. Damn, so basically we have no idea who the killer is with alot of accusations floating around. I reckon we should just target one person who's been accused, and if he turns out good then we can target the accuser. Could be risky but we got anything else?
  15. Played a few rounds of the new maps today, can't say I enjoyed them too much really. Could've been because I constantly got paired up with bad teammates (and got Team King 3 times in a row, no-one vetoed >_<), though I suppose it was quite confusing as I kept getting lost on the maps. Ghost-Town is beautiful though, really great artistic design on that level. Don't care too much for Blackout as I played way too much of Lockout and I'm sick of it. Avalanche seems bad-ass, seriously love vehicle designed maps and if anyone needs an expert warhog driver, hook me up
  16. Not really sure what to think of this as I haven't been following it but I loved the original ToS so much and from what I'm seeing it looks like this is complete cash-in? Screens don't like great, but I won't judge the game on them as Wii screens can be weird like that and it might look much better in motion!
  17. Alright, just skimmed over everything though I'll have a proper read in a few, just wanted to say that was me in the red last night. I targeted MadDog, had nothing against him but I had to pick someone and He wasn't participating so I thought I might aswell, but for some reason I killed Jamba (Sorry!) Pretty sure that means the guest on the show was MadDog I think.
  18. I've been trying to get up to 45 through team slayer for ages now, its so frustrating as I've just been doing it with random people who can bring you down no matter how good you do. Downloading the new map packs now, from what I hear they're supposed to be excellent
  19. Vote: Mr-Paul Nothing else to go on.
  20. Don't suppose anyone can remember who else was silenced that night? Might be something to follow up on as it seems no-one has anything else. Unless the people that never seem to post here have some information?
  21. It could be Tom and Jerry?
  22. I'm pretty sure you'll stay up anyway, the last few games have really helped points wise. The only thing I'm worrying about right now is the transfer period in the summer. Lets face it, bar 2/3 players Keane hasn't exactly bought well and I hope he uses his money wisely :/ Sunderland could definitely be a top 10 team with a few decent purchases I'd say.
  23. Nice numbers from the PSP, kinda expected though due to MH2's juggernaut status in Japan. Can;t wait till MH3 comes out for the Wii to see how it sells, should be interesting to say the least.
  24. Damn this is confusing. So from what I understand, Maase died at a castle last night trying to protect Jamba? Do we have any possible suspects yet, or are we just going on guesses?
  25. Match was canceled and I'll probably be playing for the rest of the night, so good? Need to get some practice in
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